(M) Thalassotélos — I

WARNING: Latter part of the chapter is as bloody as it is sexual, please read it at your own discretion. Enjoy.

They had been perhaps three centuries and a half years old when it happened. Truthfully, neither of them had been completely ignorant about it.

How could they possibly be ignorant of something as important as it when at their origin? Hu Lijing and Long ZhenHai both were well aware of what they were, not by nurture, but by their nature, by the root of their existence.

No matter how ethereal, both of them, a flame-borne three-tailed divine fox spirit and a water-borne dragon spirit—they were beasts.

They were spirit beasts, yes. But they were still beasts.

And by the commandment of their beastly nature, Hu Lijing and Long ZhenHai were bound to undergo that experience one day or another.

Both of their clans understood that fact, hence, both of them had been individually educated on it by their clans.