A moment of deathly silence passed by, the suffocation of it washing over them as the surgeon stood behind Hu Lijing, his head bowing whilst the latter remained crouched on the ground.
Li Xinyuan exhaled softly as he clenched his hands on his sides and took a slight step towards Hu Lijing, the said nine-tailed fox's back seemed so incomparably lonely at the moment.
Watching him, the surgeon could not help but wonder what he would do if he were to lose his lover and then be forced to all but steal the said lover's corpse from the place that had once been his home.
Yeah, he would most likely go mad and do something he would end up regretting immensely.
Placing a tentative hand on the amber-haired man's shoulder, he gave it a light squeeze and went on his knees behind the fox spirit. Pushing himself closer to Hu Lijing, he let out a quiet sigh and spoke.