Third World: The Fake Young Master.

"Mother, Father I understand that brother Yuxing is not in the right mood, so I'm not mad at him and will not take this matter to my heart." Xuiying said as he smiled sadly at his parents.

Mother Shihan who's sitting beside him holds his hand."My son is really so soft hearted and kind, Xuiying you know what your brother did is wrong."

Xuiying nodded his head ."I know but he's still my brother."

Father Zihao sighed and felt contemplated he doesn't know if he should be happy that his son are so understanding or not because his son can be easily fooled by others."Xuiying being so kind are easily being fooled by others."

Xuiying nodded his head and smiled."I know that father."

Father Zihao just shook his head and sighed."Well don't worry after your brother left, You wouldn't need to endure his attitude towards you."

Xuiying smiled at his own father.''Father and mother I'm really grateful to have you both. At first I was scared that I would never have a chance to talk with you guys like this but now I'm not, I'm really happy."

Mother Shihan wiped his son cheeks and smile."Our Ying'er are so lovable so how can we not love our cute Ying'er."

"Ying'er we will be having a lot of happy memories with us here as we build our relationship." Father Zihao said and patted his son head smiling.

"Ying'er are really so happy, Thank you mother, Father." Xuiying said and smile, no longer crying.

Mother Shihan also smile before she hug his sun and pull away."Ying'er should also take a rest your health matter too."

Xuiying nodded his head and saw his parents as they left his room and said goodnight.

When the two adults left he massaged his forehead and took out his phone to Video call the certain man that he can only trust with his secret matters.


"Hua'er." Xuiying happily greeted as he remove his own clothes when he saw the man's face.

"Ying'er i didn't expect you to have a big courage like this taking your clothes off in-front of me." Wang Shuai said and let out a deep low laugh.

"Oh please don't get me wrong, Hua'er you're still not starting to pursue me." Xuiying said and smirked.

Wang Shuai was amazed and chuckled when he saw the little man smirked."Then don't be shocked tomorrow."

"Alright I wouldn't." Xuiying said and laughed, The two of them talked until the arm of the clock reached 10 o'Clock.


Xiuying opened his eyes and rubbed it before he stood and fixed his bed. He took off the charger of his phone and left it on his table without looking at the messages in his notification.

He went to his bathroom and washed his face clean before he went outside of his room without changing his Nightgown.

When he reached the last level of their stairs he was stunned when he saw the tall familiar figure of the man facing his back.

"Hua'er?" Xuiying confusedly asked making the man turned around and face him with big smiles on his face.

"I told you not to be surprised, aren't i?" Wang Shuai said as he went closer to the petite little guy who's still standing stunned.

Xuiying finally gained his consciousness and immediately hugged the man in-front of him.''Hua'er! I miss you."

The older man chuckled and hugged the little guy's waist to support him."I miss you too."

"Ehem, How about us?" Mother Shihan asked as she saw the two guys hugging.

"Good Morning mother! Father" Xuiying says cheerfully and moves away from the hug but he's holding the man's arm.

"It's really a goodmorning just seeing your smile."Father Zihao teasingly said, making Xuiying rubbed his nose gently in shyness.

"Come here and take a seat, Shuai should also join us for breakfast." Mother Shihan said and smiled.

Xuiying pulled his man with him and he sat beside his mother and he made his man sit beside him."Here don't be shy, hua'er the food tastes good when you have someone eating with you."

Wang Shuai smiled and nodded his head. He moved his hands and started to put fried rice on his little guy plate and sausages, he then took pancakes for himself. A cup of coffee and milk were being placed in-front of them.

"Thank you for the Food." He calmly said and there's a smile in his eyes.

The two adults were happy when they saw how this only Son of Wang treats their own blood son. It's really great if their son chose this guy.

"Hua'er are you not busy?" Xuiying said as he swallowed the rice in his mouth.

"No, I'm not." Wang Shuai said and shrugged his shoulders as he was eating his pancake on his plate like a noble king, which made the other Xiao Member stunned in awe.

[Host warning! The fake young mastermind are in mess] The system notified Xuiying take a glance to yuxing in-front of them and almost sneered, He already had the original fiancee beside him yet he still want to take his man?, Great guy!.

"Mom,Dad are you going to visit the Meng today?." Xuiying asked as he put down the cup from his hand and Yuxing's face changed instantly, His parents nodded their head in sync making Yuxing's face more ugly.

"Yes Visiting the Meng is a must, do you want to come with us?." Mother Shihan asked, Xuiying shook his head.

"Although I want to come, I still need to visit my old school and fix everything there." Xuiying said, Mother Shihan nodded her head in understanding and looked towards Wang Shuai who's looking at his son."Then let Hua'er come with you."

Xuiying looked towards Wang Shuai as if he was asking if it was okay, Wang Shuai can't help but to raised the corner of his lips."Yes, I can since I'm not that busy."

Xuiying happily ate his breakfast as he enjoyed the sneered from his fake brother, he look towards Meng Zihan who's staring at him which make him raised his eyebrow but ignore him, he's not that important anyway, In the future this guy will surely kneeled in-front of him while begging.

Xuiying was staring outside of the window as he was waiting for the guy outside to enter the car he almost rolled his eyes when he saw his fake brother trying to touch his man while giving a gentle smile, Xuiying couldn't take it anymore so he rolled down the window and a fake smile being plastered on his face immediately.

"Hua'er why are you taking so long?." Xuiying asked and pouted his lips when the man turned around and faced him.

Wang Shuai walked towards him with a smile on his face and stretch his hand to pinch the soft cheek of Xuiying."Your mother ask me to wait for her, Is Ying'er eating vinegar?."

Xuiying rolled his eyes and blew a wind to his bangs as he crossed his arms."So what if I am, Does Hua'er don't like me anymore." said unhappily, making the man laugh and rubbing the soft cheeks gently.

"I only like Ying'er, I don't care about others." Wang Shuai said as he tried to coax his little treasure who's eating vinegar.

"Really? Why does Hua'er look happy as brother Yuxing touches you?! remember brother yuxing will marry Zihan and you promised to marry me you are mine." Xuiying said not being coaxed enough, he was really not happy when he saw those unclean hands touching his man.

Wang Shuai was lost for words when he heard it but immediately coaxed his unhappy little guy when he realized that he was drunk by vinegar."Then what does Ying'er want me to do so he will believe in Hua'er?."

Xuiying raised his eyebrow when he hears it and says.''Kiss me." He then pouted his pink lips making the man swallow his saliva and chuckles before he leaned then gave a gentle peck on the little guy's lips.

"Are Ying'er satisfied?." He asked as he moved away and saw a bright smile from the little guy who's nodding its head, Then the both of them heard a cough behind making them look towards it and saw Mother Shihan who had a teasing look in her eyes.

"I didn't expect that the progression here would be so fast." Mother Shihan teasingly said as she gave the small bag to Wang Shuai.

Xuiying rubbed his nose gently in embarrassed but he's smiling.''Mother found him." Mother Shihan smiled as she held onto Father Zihao arms who had a stern look but there was visible happiness in his eyes.

"I'm glad that you found him, We'll take care and be careful on the road, Shuai i will leave our Ying'er safety to your hands." Mother Shihan said.

Xuiying face felt warm and stuck out his tongue.''We are not yet getting married, I will still going back and take care of the both of you." Mother Shihan and Father Zihao laughed when they saw the childish act of their son.

But of-course there's someone who's not happy with the scene he just saw. He was so mad that he wanted to strangle the little guy until he lost his breath.