Third World: The Fake Young Master.

Xiuying sighed and moved his sunglasses to his head as he decided to read a book but when someone touched him he thought it's just an accident, but he was being touched five times, making him feel annoyed but calmly looking behind.

"Hello Xiuying." Cheng qing said with a smile on his face, Xiuying was shocked and his sunglasses slid down to his nose, hiding his peach eyes.

"Why are you wearing your sunglasses? don't want to see us?." Wu Ji asked and snorted.

Xiuying immediately fixed his sunglasses and smiled."Cheng Qing! Wu Ji! Why are you here? I thought you're still not sure?."

"How can that be?, When we heard from your parents that you're going back to Beijing we immediately bought a ticket!." Cheng Qing said and laughed.

Xiuying looked on his left and saw his mama Shen smiling at him and giving him a wink before she leaned on the chair and closed her eyes.

"You! This is really unexpected ahh." Xiuying said and rubbed his nose.

Wu Ji smiled and shook his head."Well what should we do when the plane lands?."

Xiuying's eyes went wide."You guys wanted to help me?."

Cheng qing and Wu Ji nodded their heads."Of course silly we are your friends." Xiuying smiled and went wide when he heard it.

"When the plane lands to Beijing there will be reporters waiting for me once that i stepped outside i will going to remove my sunglasses they will going to see my tired and red eyes, if you guys wanted to join just support me" Xiuying said and winked on them, The three of them raised their hands for high five and laughed quietly.


Xiuying fixed his shoulder bag and put down his sunglasses. His eyes started to swell and his tears were slowly falling down to his cheeks as he moved his feets to walk down the stairs.

Xiuying foster parents are following him behind with his friends, the four of them went to where their suitcase is and waited for theirs and pulled it.

When they reached the entrance a lot of voices could be heard outside. He smirked on his heart but kept a teary face.

As they went outside a lot of camera flashes and questions could be heard."Young Master Xiao, is it true that you went to Chongqing to save your foster parents?."

"Young Master Xiao, is it true that you spend your time searching for your foster parents without taking a rest?."

"Young master Xiao, can you please remove your sunglasses?"

Xiuying obeyed and removed the sunglasses that hid his eyes and a lot of gasped can be heard around them.

"Yes it's true I saved my foster parents the time that I found them, I... I didn't get enough sleep but I didn't neglect my studies." Xiuying said as his cheeks got more wet.

"What do you feel about your little brother who kidnapped your foster parents?."

"I only wanted to know the reason why he kidnapped my foster parents and even abused them... Even If their child didn't hurt them or make them cry." Xiuying said and sighed he wiped his wet cheeks before he opened his lips to speak again.''Little brother did i do something bad to you? Do you hate me because Mother Shihan and Father Zihao take me back?... Im really confused and hurt, i thought you treat my as your older brother as i treat you like my little brother..." Xiuying said as he sobs his foster parents went closer to him and hugged him.

"Please give us a way, Xiuying needs to rest." Father Ying said politely the reporters slowly move, He and Mother Shen with his friends protected him from the flash of the cameras.

When they reached the parking lot they heard a woman worried voice running towards him."Ying'er!, are you okay?."

Xiuying lifted his face and nodded his head and smiled at them tiredly."I'm okay mom, sorry for cutting my contact with you both, I just don't want to make you both worry."

Mother Shihan hugged him and coaxed him not to cry."It's fine Ying'er , Its fine, Let's go to the car first."

Mother Shihan invited his foster parents to the car and his friends."Mom, is little Yuxing still living in the house?I don't want him to see my foster parents."

Mother Shihan shook her head and gently patted her son's head."No he's living with Zihan." Xiuying sighed in relief when he heard that and nodded his head.

"Sorry mom." Xiuying weakly said and held his mother's hand on his right and on his left he was holding his foster mother's hand.

"It's alright, Our Ying'er are strong. I believe that he fixed the problem without getting hurt. Tomorrow I will call your brother and talk to him don't worry I will call the police, I will not let him get out of the trouble he caused." Father Zihao said while driving carefully and beside him where Father Ying sat.

"Im sorry, Im really sorry if i just didn't come back this will never going to happen." Xiuying said and started to cry again making his blood parents sigh in sadness.

"Ying'er don't blame yourself, it's not your fault, it's your little brother's fault for being greedy and bad." Mother Shihan said.

Cheng qing and Wu Ji almost want to praise their friend for his great acting, Xiuying deserves an award!.


Xiuying opened his eyes and looked outside he saw that it was almost midnight he supported his own body to stand and change his clothes in white tee and black fitted pants, he wore his white rubber shoes and used a perfume to his body.

He went downstairs and saw his two parents talking."Mama, Papa, mom, dad, I'm going outside. I will surprise someone and I might not uh go back later."

His two parents nodded their heads and told him to becareful on the road. He gave them goodnight kisses before he went outside and went to his black sports car.

He doesn't want to use this but this is the only available leaving him no choice.

He pressed the car and gave a nice feeling to his heart. When it moved fast he sighed constantly and smiled.


When he reached the location of his lover it was a hotel once again.

[Ying'er your little brother were inside of young master wang room please move faster]

Xiuying sneered in his heart and started to run and walked, he greeted the lady at the counter and asked for a key before he went to the elevator he pressed the number where the room is and waited for the elevator to open.

Xiuying almost wanted to laugh when he saw the scene where Wang Shuai pushed Yuxing on the ground."I told you to never ever let me see your ugly face what the fuck, are you deaf or just an idiot, does your husband know that his wife are a wh-re?."

Yuxing stands again with a determination on his face."Are you scared that Zihan will know about this? That's why you're rejecting me, Or it's because you still believe that Xiuying will come back."

"Shut up, don't ever mention his name on your uncleaned mouth." Wang Shuai sneered and sent glares to the guy.

"Wake up Shuai he will never come back, He chose to leave you because he doesn't love you!" Yuxing shouted, Xiuying couldn't help but to laugh, making the two look towards him.

"Eh? continue continue, i want to see how you act stupid Yuxing."Xiuying said and leaned on the wall inside of the room.

"Xiuying?! Why are you here?." Yuxing asked as he gritted his teeth.

"Uh cause I heard that a snake has been crawling and trying to bite my lover, Is Zihan can't make you happy that you even want to take my man away from me? why? is his d*ck are small so that it can't make your eyes roll and shout in too much pleasure?." Xiuying mockingly asked making Yuxing on edge he throttled towards Xiuying stretched his hand to grab him but Xiuying raised his feet fast and kicked him on his leg before he could grab him.

"Please don't touch me with your unclean hands and btw did you see the news?You can hide yourself now if you're scared." Xiuying said and stood on firmly with a smirk on his face.

"What news?." Yuxing asked with his face showing his pain.

"You're quite famous now Yuxing, You are going to thank me later little bro." Xiuying said and called the guard outside to pull his little brother away from this room.

He can hear the ignorant shouting from his little brother outside as the hotel door closes.

"Now let's talk about business Mr. Wang." Xiuying said and slowly walked closer to Wang Shuai as he lifted the hem of his white tee to remove it."Shall we?."