Wandering Ghost.

[Host! Are you okay? what do you feel?]

Wei Qi closed his eyes tight when a bright light shone in his eyes when he opened his eyes immediately as he gained his consciousness.

"What happened?." He asked as he put his fingers on his temple to soothe out the pain on his head.

[I experienced some troubles with my system and it was forcefully shut down, Host can you remember everything?]

Wei Qi then tried to search his mind and sorted out everything he can remember."I seemed to remember my name and the reason why I am here but some of my fragrant memories were missing, I... I seemed to also forget someone special to my heart."

The system was shocked when it heard what his host said he didn't expect that it was going to affect his host. [Host... You–]

The system wanted to apologize and explain more but Wei Qi didn't let him to explain more"It's fine i'm sure i will remember it."

The system can only be quiet for some time if only he wasn't being called by him."Yuan what is the memory of this original owner?."

When he opened his eyes he saw a dirty hand under his bed almost grabbing his foot if only he didn't move his foot away.

[Host I can't see the memories of the original owner since my system is not functioning well although I can now go online.]

He frowned when he heard it as he was pulling his soft blanket unto his neck."Do you have their basic information then?"

[Yes host I have it, I will give it to you.]

A little information came to his mind. The original owner's name is Xiao Dan. He was a star or an actor but he wasn't that popular. Not all of the people know his name but he was still happy that he can act.

But unfortunately as he was happy to act and earned a little money, fake information mentioning his name made his small popularity ruined, he can't act anymore due to someone scheming. He just wants to do what he loves but it looks like someone was stopping him.

He can also see ghosts."Yuan how about the cards?."

[Host i have 3 available cards left in here]

Three cards fall to his bed. One card had a chinese incantation on it, The second card had small lips being drawn in it, The last card was blank.

"What happened to this card?." He can't help but ask when he saw it and there's even no name being written there.

[Host that card can increase your strength and endurance, The card with Chinese incantation can help you to kill the ghost, The second card can increased your sweet talk that will make people support you.]

Wei Qi nodded his head as he stared at the three cards on his hand."This three seems useful."

[I know right! and you can now use these three card hosts.]

He was taken a back and raised his eyebrows when he hears it but there's a happiness in his heart."Alright then

use these three." and he put down the three cards on his lap.

The cards move high that only reached his chest and it slowly move closer to his chest, He felt the familiar pain but this time it was more painful than the previous one, His knuckles turned white as he gripped on the blanket tight enduring the pain from his chest but his body seems not be able to cope up with the pain and lost his consciousness.



He opened his eyes when he heard the noisy ringtone from his bedside table. He stretched his arm to take it and accepted the call."Hello?" His voice is hoarse feeling the dryness on his throat. He put his palm around it and gently rubbed it.

"Xiao Dan! Where are you?!" The loud voice came through the other line making him frowned.

"House." He shortly answered and he heard a mad sighed from the other line.

"Did you forget that you're an actor?Wake up and move your ass faster, you still have a lot of work to do."

He wanted to refute the other person but when the call ended he could only scratch his head in annoyance and stand to take a shower.


[Host i will be hibernating for a while so i can bring back everything that i lost, But it doesn't mean that i will not be able to help you] The system said which made Xiao Dan frowned a little as he was sitting on the bus.

"Okay, Just make sure that you'll come

back." He said and sighed deep in his heart.

[Okay host, Talk to you later] The system said and shortly after a while the systematic sounds inside of his head were gone leaving him alone with an empty mind.

As he was looking at the window he felt the empty chair beside him was being occupied and saw the reflection of that person from the window.

Even though this person was wearing a face mask and sunglasses you can feel the heavy aura of this guy and your mind can easily be fooled and think that this guy was handsome.

He just shook his head and turned his phone open and went to weibo just to scroll down, his eyes went wide when he saw the picture clearly that caught his attention.

He immediately stood and looked around. His chest started to pounce heavily and faster when he saw the black smoke around him, He immediately run towards the bus door, raised his slender legs and kicked the bus door.

"What are you doing?" Asked by the middle aged man that looks like an agent or something.

"Kicking the door." He simply answered and kicked the bus door again but it only shook a little means that it only received a small impact from him.

"Are you crazy?" The panicked agent asked as he watched the young guy kicking the door. The bus started to move fast as he was kicking the bus door as if it was stopping him from escaping.

Xiao Dan gritted his teeth and ignored the older guy and kicked the door bus again but it didn't even budge, he was annoyed and was ready to use the card he had when a fast foot kicked the door which made the bus door have a small gap.

He looked at the person who did it and saw that it was the man who was sitting beside him. He frowned but shook his head and helped the guy to kick the bus door, after so many kicks that the bus door had received it finally opened and the bus haste its movement and become more slow.

As he was going to jump the middle aged man stopped him from getting out and started to yell."Are you crazy! Do you want to die?!."

Xiao Dan blinked his eyes in dumbfounded isn't that he doesn't want to die? That's why he was going to jump to escape from death?.''No? That's why I'm going to jump, if you want to be with these dead people then don't make me stay with you, How about you Sir? do you want to die?."

He asked as he faced the other guy who's wearing a black mask who's been quiet for the whole time and opened his mouth."No, Qi Li followed us." he held the young guy's hand and jumped.

The middle aged man named Qi Li was stupefied when he saw his young master jumped from the bus but sighed in relief when he saw that the young master was fine.

"Mister, do you really want to be with those dead people?" Xiao Dan asked as he was following the bus with the man beside him.

Qi Lì was confused and looked inside of the bus he was taken aback when he saw the people's faces from the bus become twisted, their faces had bloods making him feel terrified.

"No! Save –Save me!" He shouted and jumped immediately he was being caught by the young guy who almost stumbled but he was being supported by the man beside him Qi Lì sighed in relief but his body was still shaking from the shock making him kneel on the ground as he was catching his breath.

"How did you know?" Xiao Dan hears the man's voice again; it sounds like he wasn't asking but commanding.

"Saw in the weibo, there was a bus accident from this area it was the same bus." Xiao Dan simply said the middle age man opened his weibo and searched for the accident. His hands were shaky when he saw the picture of the same bus –Screech.

A loud noise from the tire of a vehicle can be heard behind them, the three of them turned around to see it...

The bus where they were riding earlier suddenly turned over as if it lost its control and it went directly to the road wall, –Boom.

Xiao Dan was mesmerized by the large fire from the bus. He looked at it with awe, it was the first time he saw something like this and he couldn't help his heart but to feel moved.

"Are you a master?.", Qi Li asked as he slowly looked towards the young guy who had mesmerized eyes as he was looking at the ruined bus.

Xiao Dan slightly frowned but the mesmerized emotion from his face didn't fade."What master?."

"The one who can make the bad spirit vanished and never to be seen again, like a monk." Qi Lì.

Xiao Dan wanted to refute but the old man didn't let him to do so."Give me your blessings as to escape the bad luck that is coming." Qi Lì said.

Xiao Dan wanted to scratch his head but still raised his two fingers and whispered an incantation before he slapped it to the old guy forehead, Qi Lì thanked him."Him too."

Qi Lì pulled the Quiet man and push him in-front of Xiao Dan who had a flustered ears he raised his fingers before he whispered again and slapped it to the man's forehead."Spirit of luck make this bad luck from this man go away!."

The man slightly frowned but didn't move and let this young man do what Qi Lì asked him. "Do you really believe this?" Xiao Dan whispered that only him and the man can hear.

The man didn't open his mouth but his man was full of words. –No he doesn't believe this at all.