Poverty makes you Shameless

Leena POV

My father had a small lollipop factory in the town, and he also taught me how to make jelly lollipops at home. That's why after coming to the city, I also started selling handmade lollipops online. Once my uncle's partner was caught during delivery. My uncle's name also came up during the police investigation. For this the parcel was given to me. While making the lollipop, I left the middle part of it empty and after making the lollipop, I injected drugs into it. The police is not able to arrest me because I run an online lollipop shop. And I deliver lollipops.I get 4th part of the money I get from delivery and I have to give the rest to my uncle. I does not use this money and sends it to my mother. And I save the remaining money to buy my own house. When I need money or a job, I talk to my friend Tusar. I don't like asking for money from him but poverty makes you selfish and shameless. Tushar is very rich. He has many buildings in the city. But the most important thing is that we both are childhood friends. We have grown up together. Earlier, Tushar also lived in the town and all three of us used to go to school together.

You might be thinking, all three?

Tushar was not my friend earlier. My father's partner who cheated on my father. We all lived in a colony. His son used to come to our house. We used to go to school together. Later Tushar came to live in our colony. Later all three of us would go to school together. While coming from school, we would go to see the river flowing in the town.

I remember his name well.

His name is Samarth.