party invitation

Leena wakes up early in the morning. After getting ready, she takes out money from the bag and keeps it in her bag. It is 6 o'clock in the morning. She comes out of the house. She doesn't know this to anyone. When Lena goes out everyone is staring at her. She tells the watchman , Ask the milkman here to deliver milk to my apartment once a week. Watch man says ok.

From there Leena goes to her uncle's house. After giving them the money she says, I will deliver it near my address only. I won't be able to go very far. She also asks uncle how he got this big apartment at such a cheap price. Uncle, whatever way you got it is good for you.

Leena, yes.

Leena leaves for office. Leena has to prepare a lot of files for a meeting today. She has been given this work to do now. Leena while doing photocopying with photocopy machine. Her hands have also gone into ink. Lena rushes to the washroom to clean her hands. There is ink on her shirt also. She hears some employees talking that today sir will introduce his son to the company. And his son will work in our company from today. Leena comes out after washing her hands. She looks at her desk. And looks at all her colleagues. Till now no one has talked to Leena except about work in the office. Leena sits at her desk. When it is lunch time, Leena goes to the ground floor. And sits on a bench outside the office. Leena has a lollipop in her hand and she is licking it. the wind is blowing . Leena's hair is also waving in the wind. Just then a black colored car enters the office gate. The glass of that car is closed. The car passes in front of Leena. A car comes behind him. Just then some people also came out of the office. A man gets out of the car whose back is towards Leena. Two people also get down from the second car. They all go inside the office. Leena is watching all this. Leena gets a call asking her to come to her desk quickly. Leena leaves from there in a hurry.Leena goes to her desk. And she arranges the file and then a man comes there and takes the file. Leena's office is closed. Leena is going out of the office towards her bicycle. Just then he gets a call. It is strange that Ruhi is calling me. Leena picks up the call. Ruhi tells Leena that today I am throwing a party for my friend, you also come, you are Tushar's friend. Leena says, thank you for inviting me. Ruhi disconnects the phone before Leena can finish speaking.Leena, go home. Leena gets a call from uncle, he says there is no delivery today. Leena is happy to hear this because Ruhi invited her to the party. Leena gets Ruhi's message. Ruhi messaged what is the location and time of the party.