what will she think? Saami's p.o.v

I am Sami. I am a corporate lawyer at AZB Law Firm. I have been working for Sam for the last 1 year. I was happy when I got Sam's call. Because for the first time I had to work as a lawyer for this guy. Otherwise he never invites me except to his party. In this one year me became less of a lawyer and more of a Chaddi-buddy. He calls me drunk. And asks to leave the house. My seniors gave me this client deliberately. Whereas I am more capable.

He called me at night. When I reached the hospital, the police had already arrived there. He didn't tell me what happened or what he did. Sam is arguing with the police. I went there. I told the police that I am Sam's lawyer. When everyone knows , the girl who got hurt in the accident ran away. So it felt strange. But when I told the policeman that you cannot take Sam to the police station. Without evidence or victim. If there is no victim then how can the police understand Sam as the culprit. When I saw that girl. Her clothes were torn due to the fall. She is repeatedly hiding the torn part of her jacket with her hand. She is scared. His eyes are looking everywhere, but the police standing in front are not looking into his mind's eyes. That crazy girl said that the accident happened because of her. She is lying. She asked Sam for help. She is sitting in the back of the car. I am sitting on the front seat of the car with Sam. I can see her in the glass. She is trying to turn on her phone. Due to the injury on his face, one of his cheeks is slightly blue. Her hair is covering the bandage on his head injury. She is fixing her hair and clothes again and again. And making sure she doesn't look scared or nervous. But her lips are trembling with fear and pain. Even after leaving the girl near the bicycle, She said thank you. And gave a lollipop to Sam .That girl missed the chance to extort money from a rich man.After a few days when I went to the supermarket I saw that crazy girl again who is staring at a packet of lollipop. She is really weird. She looks dirty. But still looks beautiful. Why am I standing at the counter and staring at her. Suddenly my phone rings. My attention is diverted from this girl.

I went into the lift of my building to go to my floor. Before the lift could stop, a hand suddenly stopped the lift door from closing. She came inside the lift. She had ice cream in her mouth. Her hair was a mess. And what can I say about her clothes? She saw me and quickly took her ice cream in her hand. Ice cream got on her face. When I tried to talk to her, she replied very nicely and pretended that she had done me a favor by lying to the police. She also taunted me. This happened to me for the first time. But I liked it.

The next day Sam invited me to one of his parties like always. I got ready to go and came out of my house. That girl also came out. She checked me out. And said that my shoes are good. What? Did she compliment me? I did not expect this from her. I could not think of anything else at that time and I told her that she was looking ugly. And she got angry and went to her house. ooh no what did I? What will she think? Since when did it matter to me what she will think. Ooh I am just out of my mind right now wooh ....?

I arrived at the party ..