leena is innocent

Leena went inside the office. After a while we both reached the police officer's office. Leena is sitting on a chair. The police officer hits the table hard and says to Leena in a loud voice. "You really don't know Richie." Leena says looking straight into the officer's eyes. I was told that whenever I am asked about Richie or his friends, I have to say the same thing, sir. You forgot this.

Leena, Sir, did you get the answers? Can I go? I am poor. I need to work. And I don't have any short cut today. She gets up from the chair and turns towards us. Dheeraj says to Leena, did you really do all this or not? If you did, you will regret it a lot. Police officer, you know that if you tell the truth, then probably no action will be taken against you. Leena, I told the truth last time too, you didn't listen. I have a witness, Leena looks at me. And says, ask this man standing near you, he dropped me to my house that night. I said, you come home every night at 3 in the morning and I come at 9, so how do I know where you go? Leena, really, don't you know?

I don't know what work you done that day? Dheeraj, there are many girls in this city who come late at night, maybe you are also one of them.

Leena, you people should be ashamed. Even after what you did to me, you are accusing me. Sir, I don't have enough money to pay my house rent, so how would I have money to buy drugs. Leena says very loudly and tensely, so please don't trouble me. Anyway, I have been paid to keep my mouth shut, if I tell how I know Richie, you know very well what will happen. Dheeraj asks Leena to sit down, if you don't tell the truth, you will be in trouble. Leena, Sir, if telling the truth would have removed the trouble, Richie would not have been in the hospital, but in jail in a rape case. Leena wipes her tears with her hands. Okay, that night after the party, Sami and I and a girl with him, we three came together. Sami dropped me at the apartment building. And he went to drop his friend. I offered tham drinks but they didn't stop. And I went home and slept. I am watching all this happening. I am not able to understand anything. What are these people talking about. But I know that Dheeraj is an expert in suppressing the case by paying money. Leena has both anger and tears in her eyes. Her tears are flowing. Whenever she speaks, her breath becomes heavy. And she starts crying. I am also the reason for this anger and tears. Leena left the police station. The police officer and Dheeraj are talking about what they should do now, Leena is innocent. Then the officer asked me, did you really drop her home. I said yes she is speaking the truth. She was so drunk that she could not even walk, she did not go back there. I said bye to my friend and went from there to Sam. Sam was not at home, I took my phone to call him. What is this, Sam has called me so many times. My phone was on silent for so long.