man loves mystery

Leena drank the drink so quickly that some of the alcohol spilled on her clothes. Leena rubbed her chest and exhaled forcefully and said, I am feeling a little lighter now.

Leena cleaned the alcohol that had fallen on her face and clothes and I was watching her doing all this. Leena asked me what happened? Have you never seen a girl drinking alcohol like this? I said no, I have seen. I have never met a girl like you. Leena, a prostitute like me. How do I know? Leena, should you? She gave me snacks. And she started drinking alcohol like water. I asked her, tell me the truth, why did I call you to the police station. Which case were you guys talking about. And how did you get this injury. Leena, ooh so this is the reason. What? Leena, for you to drink alcohol with me here. Because man loves mystery. Let's leave it, let's drink. She chaired her glass and started drinking. I also took drinks. Her eyes have become red but she is still drinking. She has not got intoxicated at all even after taking so many drinks.

After a while she started speaking again. The atmosphere got a little heated. She said, let me tell you a story. A girl shifts from town to a big city. She doesn't know anyone in this big city. Only her classmate who studied with her and a distant relative uncle. Uncle brought her to the big city. The friend arranged for her accommodation and a job. She trusts both of them the most. Because she doesn't have any placement. She has been living in the city for a long time. One day her friend calls her to his house. As we know that the girl is very grateful to that friend, so she went to his house. Her friend is a good person. Both of them met after a long time and they talked. After a while two boys come there. Who are friends of that girl's classmate. The girl told her classmate that I should go home now. But he said that I will introduce you to my friends. One of them is named Richie and the other is Danny.