Leena is sitting in her room. I know whatever we talked about tonight, Sami will not believe it. He will still misunderstand me because he has all the reasons. But I don't think it is necessary to give him any explanation. He has my bag. I know that he will definitely open it.When I called him for breakfast, he did not hesitate much. It was visible in his eyes that he wanted to tell and know a lot. He sat in front of me, he ate his food. He started helping me wash the plate. He just said, are you okay? Whatever happened after that was beyond my understanding. I had never felt so weak. I just held Sami and started crying. After Sami left, I explained to myself that I am standing where I am today and I have no other option. But whenever I see him, I do not understand why I want to tell him everything. But this can be more painful for him than for me. All the way to the office, all this was going on in my mind. I had just started working at my desk when I was asked to deliver a file to the main office. When I went inside the office, I came to know that the new boss was Sam. Sam was sitting right in front of the door with both his hands on a big brown colored glass table. This is the first time I have come to this main office. There is a man sitting in front of him, his back is towards me.As soon as I went in, Sam looked at me. He was smiling. Good morning sir. I have been asked to give you this file. Sam, ooh so you work here. Yes sir. I put the file on the desk and turned around to see that the man was Sami. He was looking at me as if he was seeing me for the first time. As if his eyes would speak any moment.

Uncle's package delivery work has doubled. He thinks that he is compensating for his losses by making me work more and not paying me for these works. But I never stole his money. I stole drugs. Which he has not understood yet. Many days passed like this but Sami's way of looking at me has still not changed. I come late every day as usual. And I also leave for office early. Everything is going well. Only my neighbor has started behaving a little differently. He stands at the door of his house till late at night. As if he is waiting for me. He does not say anything, he just closes the door of his house after my door is closed. In the office also I have noticed many times that he stares at me. And I am not the only one noticing this, other people are also noticing it and have started talking about it.