Chapter 39: The Iron Plate

The black bear took another step forward, and the distance from Joe's house was only more than one meter.

This time Qiaojia strength in any case do not dare to move forward, the bear's arm span is very long, and then it entered the scope of its attack, is undoubtedly killed.

So he slowly took a step back.

Seeing this scene, Qixia showed a nervous look.

The rules of confrontation between animals are very simple. If one side withdraws, it is afraid.

If you're afraid, you become prey.

The black bear saw Qiaojia strength took a step back, the momentum of hesitation gradually became violent, and now it has almost convinced that the creature in front of it is not a threat to itself.

After a pause of three seconds, the bear suddenly lunged forward, swinging its thick forearm down like a stone pillar.

Joe's strength is no longer brave, a retraction to avoid the blow, rolling backward on the ground after a circle immediately started to run.

The black bear gave a howl and ran after him on all fours.

Now the black bears have made Joe's family their prey.

"Liar! Hurry up!" Qiao Jiajin shouted while running, "My life can be handed over to you!"

"Don't trust me too much!" Qixia also said nervously, "I don't even know what that iron plate is..."

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Joe's strong scold, "hurry to" pick up "ah!"

Seeing the black bear run away, Qixia immediately ran to the iron plate on the ground.

Logically speaking, all the "games" seen before are not dead, there must be a "life", in this unobstructed room, life will certainly be related to this iron plate.

Running closer to a look, the surface of this iron plate is somewhat mottled, and there are many rusty places.


Qixia reached out and fumbled for a while, only to find that this is a very ordinary round iron plate, there is no organ on it, and there is no text prompt.

"What the hell..." Qixia felt that he had been placed in a place, the iron plate was simply like a garbage everywhere.

After running for about a dozen steps, Joe found that the black bear was close to him. He immediately stopped running and suddenly turned around and roared, "Stupid!!"

The black bear was frightened by the strength of Joe's family, and immediately took a big step back and stood on both feet again.

Qiao Jiajin sneered, pointed his finger at the black bear and said, "Was it a surprise?" You stupid bastard, you think I'm afraid of you? Listen to me..."

The black bear stared at Joe's home, and seemed to be really waiting for him to speak.

And the people present at this moment also some meng, all together to look at QiaoJiajin, I do not know what he is going to say to a black bear.

Can let everyone unexpected is, Qiao Jia strength to see steady black bear, without a moment of hesitation, turned to run.

The black bear knew he was being teased. It roared even more violently and ran after him.

At this time, Qixia in the center of the field has turned over the iron plate, is carefully studying, this iron sheet is very heavy, even there is no handle, want to raise to resist the bear attack can not do.

Not waiting for Qixia want to understand, but suddenly feel the back to eat pain, it seems that there is something hard hit his body.

He was already squatting on the ground, unable to stabilize himself by such a strong impact, and fell to one side.

Only then did I see that it was a middle-aged man in the team who hit me.

The middle-aged man looked at Qixia who was knocked over on the ground, whispered a "sorry", and then stood up the iron plate on the ground, bit his teeth, and slowly pushed it on the ground, and came to the corner in a few steps, and then blocked himself with the iron plate and shivered in the corner.

Qixia frown, heart said bad.

This method has previously thought, as long as you block yourself with an iron plate, and then hide in the corner of the room, the chance of survival will be greatly improved, but only one person will survive, and the game will lose meaning.

Take a "road" to bet your life, and finally win a "road".

If Chia had to choose, he wouldn't have chosen this outcome.

"Liar, not ready yet? " Joe's strength again loudly, "You really don't take me seriously!"

"Wait, wait..." Qixia hesitated and replied, "Give me some more time..."

His mind quickly rotated, know now even if the iron plate back effect is not much, after all, he at least to save himself and Qiao Jia Jin two lives.

But there's only enough space to cover one person.

How is that supposed to work?

Now is the blessing of Qiao Jia strength, the remaining eight participants for the time being safe, but after all, just over a minute past, want to survive in ten minutes, can not all count on Qiao Jia strength one.

At this time, a girl who looked slightly fat ran to the direction of the middle-aged man, and said with a trembling tone: "Can you let me hide in... ? Please... I don't want to die..."

"No, no, no! The middle-aged man shouted from behind the round iron plate, "There is only one person to hide here... You come in here and we both die!"

'It won't! The girl's voice continued to tremble, and her feet also became stilled, "We hide alone, we will certainly not die..."

Two people are talking, and the small glasses of a team of middle-aged men ran over in a panic, he did not ask the middle-aged man's meaning, directly opened the iron plate, squeezed into the corner.

"Hey! Little glasses!" The middle-aged man suddenly panicked, "What are you doing?"

The little glasses gnashed their teeth and replied, "Old Lu, you can't only care about your own life!"

The iron plate that could also be pushed against the wall was wobbly due to the addition of small glasses, after all, the old Lu was obese, and the iron plate could not resist the body shape of the two people.

The slightly fat woman saw this scene, and no longer talk with Lao Lu, opened the other side of the iron plate also drilled into the corner.

The other four stopped running around and moved closer to the iron sheet.

It was their last chance, after all.

"Stupid..." Qixia also slowly close to the crowd, at this time only after a few seconds, the people have been because of the snatch of iron plate and play a group.

"Lao Lu! You can't be selfish! Let the iron plate out and we'll think of something!!"

"Little glasses! You are young, you can run with bears, but I can't!"

"Get up there and grab the iron!"

"Go away! There's no room behind the iron!"

Now they each looked as if they could kill a bear alone, but at this point they would rather seize each other by the neck and hair, and bloody their mouths, than take half a step closer to the bear's position.

The iron plate also seemed to be neglected, lying alone on the ground.

And the other end of the Joe family strength was forced to the corner of the black bear, see no way to go, can only repeat the same trick, once again drink a loud turn around.

This time, although the black bear was also startled, but it was obvious that there was no intention to retreat, and it extended its forearm forward, and was sidestepped by Qiao Jiajin. The hard claws also left deep gashes in the walls.

"Lost! Qiao Jia Jin stared at the black bear in front of him, "You are a little too much..."

Qixia know if you dont do something, Joe home strength will die, and if Joe home strength dies, the rest of the people will be killed one by one.

After all, only Qiao Jiajin dares to deal with the black bear, he is a person not only to resist the attack of the black bear, but also to protect all people from harm, this is not too ridiculous?