Chapter 46 There are no two tigers on the same mountain

He saw that Qixia did not move, he immediately came forward with a big hip step.

Qixia also did not hesitate to push the two chairs beside him forward again, blocking between himself and Zhang Shan.

The tall Zhang Shan himself was slow, and at this time he was blocked by the two chairs and nearly fell.

"The dragon fights in the wild, and its way is poor."

Qixia a run, step on the chair jumped up, not waiting for Zhang Shan stable body, he directly jumped up, riding to each other.

He knew that Zhang Shan with small glasses, old Lu has an essential difference, absolutely impossible to rely on deterrence let him compromise, so before the other side reacted, riding on his body to punch at each other's cheeks.

Zhang Shan flexed his arms for the first time, protected his chin and side face, and stared at each other's shoulders with his eyes, constantly resisting Qixia's offensive by judging each other's punches.

Qixia's fists rained down on his opponent's arms, which only felt as hard as hitting a wall.

"Boy... You're looking for death!"

Qixia take advantage of each other's speaking gap, the fist from Zhangshan between the two arms down, straight at each other's nose.

But Zhang Shan is like expected, directly with both arms, Qixia fist can not advance half a point. He jammed the joint of Qixia, and grabbed his arm, twisted to the side, Qixia rolled to the side, Zhang Shan also broke free of the bondage.

"I underestimated you..." Zhang Shan slowly stood up and patted the dust on his body, "Were you a killer before you came here?" What kind of fight is that?"

Qixia also looked grim and stood up, gasping for breath.

The attack was a desperate gamble, but the other side was almost completely unaffected.

"Whoa whoa whoa!!" Little glasses ran up to him at this time and said with a worried face, "How did you two fight so well?" Calm down..."

"I can't calm down." Zhang Shan smiled angrily and said, "Today I have to beat this boy into submission."

Wait for Qixia to come up with the next countermeasure, Zhang Shan has flown all the chairs rushed over, his thick arm like a pillar toward Qixia's face waving in the past.

At that moment, Qiao Jiajin reached out and hooked his arm.

"Big Guy, you can't hit him."

Zhang Shan saw that he was blocked, and increased some strength, but found that this thin man with arms was very strong, and he could not move at all.

"Another bird pops up." Zhang Shanleng snorted, "Why can't I hit him?"

"Because he's my brain." Joe's family smiled innocently, "If you break his head, we'll both be stupid."

"Is he your brain?" Zhang Shan felt that the man in front of him was interesting, "Then what are you?"

"Well, me..." Qiao Jiajin let go of Zhang Shan's hand, took off his coat, and revealed his tattoos and muscles, "If you have to say it, I am his" fist."

Zhang Shan raised his eyebrows and said, "It's a little interesting, then I will fight with you this" fist "."

After that, Zhang Shan took up a boxing posture, curling one arm to protect his chin, and swinging the other arm directly toward Qiao's family with the crotch twist.

Joe plunges forward, dodging the punches and immediately gets in front of his opponent, swinging his right hand and throwing an uppercut.

Zhang Shan looked up and flashed in the past, and immediately adjusted his body, put his right hand in front, and opened the body position with Joe's strength.

Just a wrong body of kung fu, two people know each other must be practiced two skills, otherwise it is impossible to have this skill.

Zhang Shan thought for only half a second, then stepped forward again and struck a hard punch with his left hand.

Qiao Jiajin did not dodge this time, but grabbed the other side's entire arm, and then the body jumped into the air and turned around, a foot hooked the other side's neck, and pulled the other side directly to the ground with his own weight.

He grabbed Zhang Shan's arm between his thighs with both hands and kept pulling it back, his feet also looking for the right position, one on the other's neck, the other on the other's chest.

Zhang Shan some unbelievable, but at the moment has also come back to God, this is a common ground technology in mixed martial arts "cross solid", if the other side twisted his arm, then he will undoubtedly lose.

Think of this, he stretched out his right hand, with his left hand tightly held together, the fingers of the two hands interlock, so that Qiao Jia strength temporarily can not straighten his arm.

In any case, he can not think of why a ruffian gangster can use such a standard move, fortunately, he has a little research on fighting technology, although he did not crack the other side of the cross solid, but did not let the other side succeed.

Qiao Jiajin found Zhang Shan left hand can not pull, then put out a foot on the other side of the right arm, rely on the strength of the thigh to let each other's two hands forced separation.

Zhang Shan was already sweating at this time, and his hands were only fingers interlocking after all, and the force was not firm.

Soon, Zhang Shan's two hands parted, his left hand straightened in an instant, and the tremendous pain made him cry.

But he was so big, he quickly turned around and hit him in the stomach with his right hand.

Qiao's right leg, which was pressed against his neck, shrank, blocking the blow with his knee.

Zhang Shan seems to have found a way to live, constantly with the right fist to Joe's strength to fight, Joe's strength can only use the knee constantly resist.

"Cross solid" want to show success, there are two key points, one is to firmly control the other side of the arm, the other is to use the legs to press the other side of the neck and chest.

Qiaojia strength in order to resist each other's attack, can only shrink the leg back, lost the right leg bondage, Zhang Shan can get up.

So he punched his left arm and rolled up, trying to turn the other way and hold down Joe's strength.

Qiao Jia strength to see each other break away, immediately put out his right foot against him.

Zhang Shan can not close, then constantly with both fists toward the Qiao family strength hello past.

Qiaojia strength shrink arms left and right cover, and always use the right leg to keep a distance with each other.

While Zhang Shan did not pay attention, Qiaojia strength lifted up the right leg suddenly fell, violently kicked on the other side of the calf.

Zhang Shan again lost center of gravity, see is about to fall, Qiao Jiajin take advantage of the situation, around the other side, stretched out the right arm strangle Zhang Shan's neck, left hand and right arm buckle to increase strength, a backward jump again to pull two people to the ground, with a move "naked hang" guillotine.

Qiaojia strength is ready to lock each other's neck, but suddenly found that the situation is not quite right.

A closer look, the original Zhang Shan will a hand in front of the neck, the naked strangling trend can not be formed for a while.

Although blocked Qiaojia strong offensive, but Zhang Shan is also not easy, he protected his key, but let his hand is also locked.

Neither of them could break free now, and they were locked together.

"Hey... Big guy..." Qiao Jiajin gritted his teeth and said, "Do you want to admit defeat?" You call me big man, I'll let you go now..."

"Fuck! Even if I die in your hands, I will never concede defeat..." Zhang Shan constantly tense the muscles of the body, want to find a breakthrough, but Qiao's strong posture is very stable, temporarily can not find any flaws.