Chapter 51 Xiaoxiao

Several people ate a small portion of the bear meat, and then drank the broth.

I have to say, the broth tastes better than the bear meat.

Or maybe it was because everyone was so thirsty that everything tasted sweet.

"Leave the rest of the bear meat here." Qixia flexed her muscles and said to the crowd, "If we have time to come back in the evening, we can have another meal."

Xiao Xiao suddenly opened his mouth: "I want to eat another bowl."

Then she took her own bowl and picked out some bear meat.

"Suit yourself." Qixia slowly stood up and looked at the sky. It should be afternoon now.

"We have to hurry." Qi Xia said, "The four of us have only won 95" Tao ", according to the progress is far from enough, today's goal is 360."

"That's right." Qiao Jiajin also stood up, "Let's go."

Tian Tian and Ringo pack things, patted the dust on the body, two people turned around to look, Xiao Xiao still did not stand up, she just like nothing to continue to eat the meat in the bowl.

"Xiaoxiao sister, won't you go?" Sweet asked.

Xiaoxiao threw a large piece of fatty meat into his mouth, and licked his fingers, but there was no answer.

"Don't pay any attention to her." Qixia know this woman's purpose is not simple, everyone early to part ways, "let's go."

Qiaojia strength nodded, turned to Qixia walk.

At that moment, a great bell rang in the distance.


The crowd looked puzzled.

Qixia was just about to say something, but suddenly saw a "wall" flying in front of his eyes.


Did not wait for Qixia reaction, he hit the wall heavily.

It was several seconds before he realized what he was seeing.

It turned out that it was not a "flying wall", but fell facedown on the floor.

He had never felt this strange sensation before, as if all his senses were confused.

Qixia difficult turn around, found QiaoJiajin, Ringo, sweet three people are also stretched on the ground, they closed their eyes, as if lost consciousness.

"What is this..."

Qixia felt that the situation was very strange, so he shook his head unbelievably, he wanted to extend his left hand, but extended his right hand.

He tried to get up, but fell to the ground.

It feels like being drunk, but the mind is surprisingly clear.

Xiaoxiao stared at his bowl, eating the leftover meat, like nothing to see.

"You... What did you do?" Qixia stared at Xiaoxiao, "You poisoned?"

Although the mouth asks so, but Qixia heart still feel some doubts.

These bears eat more meat than anyone else, if it is really poisoned, why is she okay?

"Listen, Qixia, the clock is ringing." Xiaoxiao faintly said.

"The bell is ringing... What does that mean?"

"It means... I want to make you a deal." Xiaoxiao put down her empty bowl and stood up.

"The conditions... ?" Qixia looked at the slightly fat woman in front of him incredulously, he originally thought that the woman was at most a little scheming, but now it seems that she is more terrible than he imagined.

Now that the other side has fully grasped the sovereignty, they have no right to refuse.

"What terms do you want to negotiate? Qixia asked.

"Stop collecting Tao." Xiao Xiao said, "Live here in peace."

"What... ?"

Qixia thought of many possibilities, but did not think of this situation.

The other side is not for the "Tao"?

"You mean to let me live in peace here? " Qixia wanted to get up, but found that his hands and feet did not listen to him, and he could only lie on the ground and say bitterly, "Why the fuck do I want to live here?" "

Xiaoxiao wiped the oil on his hands on his pants, and then went to the side of four people and took down all the "road" around their waists.

Finally, she squatted down beside Qixia and said without expression, "Because you are too strong, you have the chance to collect enough Tao."

"Isn't that just..." Qixia gritted his teeth and said, "I will solve the mystery of this hellhole and get everyone out."

"No, I can't let that happen." Xiaoxiao calmly shook his head, "I do not allow someone to collect success, I want to protect this place, if you continue to persist, I will let you regret."

"So..." Qixia snorted cold, "You look like a normal person, but it turns out you're a crazy person... You want me to live here forever, like the dead? Didn't anyone tell you this place only has ten days to live? This place is going to be destroyed!"

"Is this place going to oblivion?" Xiaoxiao nodded, it seems that the answer is not unexpected, "Then I put it another way, I want you to quietly wait for annihilation in these few days, not to collect" Tao "."

"You... Madman..." Qixia said slowly, "If I don't do it, what will happen to you?" Kill me?"


"You won't."

"Oh? Why?"

"Because you have a chance to kill me right now." Qixia said, "You could have killed me directly, but you want to" negotiate "with me, why is this?"

Xiao Xiao frowned after hearing this, turned to take away the pot and threw all the "tao" into the fire.

"Hello!!" Qixia let out a loud drink, "What is wrong with you? "

With the crackling of the fire, Qixia and others with their lives to spell "Tao" all turned into ashes.

Xiao Xiao also turned back at the moment and said to Qi Xia with a sad face, "I don't kill you, because I hope you can join us some day in the future."

Qixia feels unable to communicate with this woman called Xiaoxiao: "Do you not understand?" There are only ten days left here! After ten days everything will be gone, what do you mean "join you one day"?"

Then he paused and asked, "Who are you?"

"Qixia." Xiao Xiao said, "In ten days you will all understand, this place, these people..."

She pointed to the three men lying on the ground and said to Qixia: "They are not important, they are not worthy of death." But you're different. You're going to live here."

"Don't talk nonsense." Qixia said, "How can you know if they are important to me?"

"I..." Xiao Xiao slightly froze for a moment, and seemed to think of something and said to Qi Xia, "I can prove to you that their death is not worthy."

"What, what are you going to do?"

Saying that, Xiao Xiao then took off his coat, revealing a sports vest inside.

At this time, Qixia found that the woman in front of where is what "slightly fat", her muscle content is even far more than Qiao Jiajin, her abdominal muscles are well-defined, and her arms are like stone pillars.

At that time, seeing this woman was large and broad-shouldered, it was natural to think that she was obese.

Although her face is thin, no one can imagine that under that wide T-shirt will be a strong muscle.