Chapter 54: Men and Women in Trouble

Two people holding an old aluminum pot, constantly walking through the city.

Qixia never thought that if there were no lights in a city, it would be even darker than the wild.

After only ten minutes of walking, the sky fell silent like dripping ink.

All around the rustling insects echoed each other, making Qixia upset.

"Ngo, are you still here?" Qixia asked.

"I'm still here." "I want you to walk slowly so you won't fall down," Ms. Lin replied.

"It can't go any slower." Qixia looked at the sky, "Now can barely see a little road, we have to hurry to the convenience store as soon as possible, you grab my clothes."

Cystoids nodded and grabbed Qixia's clothes.

The two men, relying on memory, walked for about twenty minutes before finally coming to the square.

The good thing is that the view is open, and the big man can see the outline.

Entering the square and heading east, the two men saw a shop lit by fire.

That should be where the convenience store is.

"A fire was lit..." "How did they find the flame?" asked Ringo.

Then she understood that there was a female shop assistant in the store, and when people met her in public, she was cooking on the fire, and it is estimated that the fire source is also asked her to borrow it.

Two people in the darkness toward the fire, finally arrived at the convenience store.

What made the two people feel strange was that the restaurant opposite the convenience store had stood a minotaur, which had disappeared at the moment.

"Officer Li, Lawyer Zhang, are you there?" Ringo tentative asked a sentence, "Xiao Ran, Doctor Zhao?"

A noise was clearly coming from the room, but there was no answer.

'What's the matter?

Cystoids just want to go in and have a look, but is held back by Qixia.

"Stay back, I'll go first." "He whispered to Ringo.

With the rustling of insects, the two enter the shop.

But when Qixia just stepped into the door, a piece of wood flew at his face.

Fortunately, Qixia had been prepared, immediately flashed backward, and narrowly avoided this fatal blow.

"Ah... " Ngo gave a cry of surprise and quickly supported Qixia. "Are you OK?"

Only then did they see that the man holding the wooden board in the house was not someone else, but Doctor Zhao, who was followed by Xiao Ran.

Ngo! Doctor Zhao looked at Qixia and then at Ringi. "Ah!" he said, smiling. So it's you two... I thought who it was..."

Qixia carefully looked at the two people, the face slightly puzzled.

Dr. Zhao was naked in a white coat, not even shoes, he wrapped the white coat like a trench coat around his body, his face was very unnatural.

Behind him, Xiao Ran's hair was disheveled, his clothes disheveled, and his makeup worn.

They snuggled together like robbed young lovers.

Qixia can see the situation in front of her, but she does not know why this situation occurs.

"Qi, Qi Xia, don't misunderstand me..." Dr. Zhao smiled and said, "Xiao Ran said she seems to be injured, I am helping her to examine."

"What did you explain to him? " Xiao Ran poked Doctor Zhao with his elbow, "Hesitantly, are you still a man?"

Qixia shook her head. "I don't want to worry about you. Where are Officer Li and Lawyer Zhang?"

"Ah..." Dr. Zhao smiled awkwardness again. "They went out to explore the neighborhood during the day and haven't come back yet."

'What? Qixia frowned, "has not come back yet?"

By now it was completely dark, and Officer Lee had said he would investigate the area, so it was unlikely that the two were staying outside.

He hasn't come back yet. Is he dead?

Or is it... These two are lying?

Qixia walked slowly into the room and looked around.

Although the ground was still very dirty, there did not appear to be any fresh blood, let alone any sign of a struggle.

The house lit a weak bonfire, not far away placed Han Yi Mo's body, so that the atmosphere is ambiguous and strange.

Qixia looked back at the two who were guilty and slowly opened his mouth and asked, "Aren't you a team?" They both did not come back after dark, you are not worried, but have the leisure to play here?"

"This is... There's no use worrying." Doctor Zhao said, "It's so dark, we can't go out and look for it, we can only wait until dawn..."

"What do you care? " Xiao Ran shouted angrily, "When is it your turn to worry about the people in our team?"

Qixia did not answer, but walked to the staff room and gently opened the door.

Inside, the shop girl squatted in the corner, facing the wall, mumbling something in her mouth.

Looks like she's been here the whole time.

Qixia will close the door, and look back to doctor Zhao, after all, doctor Zhao can communicate.

"Is Tao still here?" Qixia asked.

"This..." Dr. Zhao's face was obviously a little defensive, "Qixia, what are you doing here?"

"I came to borrow the Tao." Qi Xia said, "I want to borrow the Tao that I put here during the day and return it later."

"By the Way?" Doctor Zhao thought for a moment, then looked at Qixia's more messy, stained with a few traces of blood clothes, "your own" Tao "? What about the punk and the whore?"

"They have names." "Don't bother calling them that."

"Oh..." Doctor Zhao nodded perfunctory.

"What kind of archway to erect..." Xiao Ran wrapped his clothes and also came up, "They are not going to participate in the game and then die?"

Qixia looked heavy and nodded slightly: "Almost."

"Ha! Xiao Ran smiled angrily and said jokingly, "Didn't you swear to collect 3,600 'Tao' to leave here?" Now you've killed your teammates, and you're borrowing our word?"

After hearing this, Qi Xia raised her eyelids, looked at the woman, and said faintly: "Although the situation is true, I advise you to stop."

Dr. Zhao rushed up to mediate at this time: "Forget it, have a good word to say..."

Then he turned and looked at Qixia: "It's not that we don't want to lend it to you, but Officer Li has taken" Dao "away..."

"Taken away?" Chisha paused.

"That's right." Pointing to the restaurant across the door, Dr. Zhao said, "After you left, the two of them went there to participate in the game and seemed to win. Then they went somewhere else."

Qixia followed Doctor Zhao's finger to look, and soon found a doubt: "What is" as if "to win? You're so close, you don't even know if they won?"

"This..." Doctor Zhao frowned and laughed a few times, "Originally Xiao Ran did not let them go out with the" road ", but Officer Li insisted on seeing... They have different ideas, a quarrel, we can not ask, let them go. After all, who wants to die with them..."

"By They go?"

Qixia after listening to the moment staring eyes, he grabbed the collar of the doctor Zhao, the strength is very big.


Xiao Ran looked after a leng, quickly rushed Qixia up: "What are you doing?" "

Qixia a side, then stretch out a foot trip, Xiao Ran immediately fell to the ground, in this filthy ground fell a real "dog eat shit."

Qi Xia took a deep breath and said viciously to Doctor Zhao: "I see in the face of Officer Li to be polite to you, but you fucking go your separate ways? "