Chapter 70 New Teammates

If the role is opposite, Zhang Chenze knows that he will never cut off his hand for the sake of each other's life.

But Officer Lee did it.

His initial idea was very simple: He could dislocate his hand and easily get out of the handcuffs.

But he made a mistake.

Qi Xia remembered Officer Li from the "harpoon" under the rescue of Han Yimo, the situation is still very urgent, but he did not make mistakes.

Maybe this time he really is a little flustered.

He accidentally hit the handcuffs with the stick when he struck his hand.

That's how handcuffs work. If you force them from the outside, they just get tighter and tighter.

He knew that even if he broke all the bones in his hand, he would not be able to pull them out.

Seeing that the water in the fish tank had not passed Zhang's neck, Officer Li made a quick decision and gave up the plan to break his hand, but turned to his forearm.

This time he exerted more force than before, so much so that he fainted several times.

Lawyer Zhang can only tilt his head back, constantly looking for air on the water.

Just as she was about to lose consciousness, the man appeared.

He turned off the water valve and smashed the fish tank with a stick.

Then he unwrapped the wire from Zhang's body with his only left hand.

In such a short time of one or two minutes, Officer Li's right hand was already bleeding frantically.

Zhang Chenze quickly broke a piece of wire and tied it tightly to his arm.

That's how they got out of that hellhole.

Lawyer Zhang looked at Officer Li's body with a sad look on his face and began, "Just as he said... He's a cop, so he can't just stand by."

"No..." Qixia shook her head slowly, "Maybe he is just making up for the mistakes he has made."

"Mistakes made?" They looked at Qixia without understanding, "What do you mean?"

Qixia wanted to say something, but still put the words back, Li police officer just told the things should not want too many people to know, since he is dead, let the secret with him buried.

Ringo took off her coat and put it on Zhang.

"Lawyer Zhang, you are all wet, beware of catching a cold."

One side of the old Lu felt a little redundant, he was at a loss for a long time, only to hold the mouth of the aluminum pot over, to the lawyer Zhang said: "Ah, little girl, I'm sorry for your loss, do you eat something?"

Lawyer Zhang took a moment and asked, "Who is this?"

"I'm Lu... You can call me Lao Lu." Lao Lu smiled, "People are iron rice is steel, a meal does not eat hungry panic."

"He's someone we knew when we were playing the game." Ngo Lin's explanation: "Lawyer Zhang, you must be hungry? Qixia came to you specially with this pot of meat."


Lawyer Zhang is indeed a little hungry.

She had not eaten for two whole days since she arrived here.

She quickly took over the pot, grabbed the inside has been cold through the fat, big mouth to eat up.

Looking at her soaking wet, dishevelled and gobbling, no one would have guessed that she was once a swaggering lawyer.

After eating a few pieces of meat, Lawyer Zhang mumbled, "Qixia, thank you..."

Qixia did not speak.

After all, this pot of meat is for Officer Li, and now that Officer Li is dead, there is nothing wrong with giving Lawyer Zhang.

At least she seems more reliable than Xiao Ran and Dr. Zhao.

"Qixia, I had some opinions about you." Zhang continued, "But you not only brought us food, but also brought Officer Li cigarettes. You were very careful."

She pointed to the cigarette that Officer Li was holding and said, "It took him a long time to find two moldy cigarettes..."

After listening to this, Qi Xia thought for a moment, stepped forward and took the cigarette from Officer Li's mouth.

Qi Xia has never seen this brand of cigarettes, on the end of the cigarette written four words "cordyceps", put in front of the nose to smell, there is a strong milk smell and Chinese herbal aroma.

"Yes, it's the smoke I brought." Qi Xia said with a complicated look, "It's a pity that Officer Li died before he had time to smoke."

Ringo felt puzzled. She and Qixia almost never left each other, but she never remembered that he had found cigarettes.

Qi Xia picked up the metal lighter from Officer Li's hand: "This lighter is also brought by me to give to Officer Li, now it seems that I can only use it myself."

The crowd naturally did not object, but some doubts Ringo.

Qixia walked aside, picked up the lighter and cigarette constantly scrutinized.

He always felt that there was something unspeakable strange about this matter, could it all be related to the bell?

Thinking of this, he picked up the old cigarette box from the ground and carefully examined it, and did not find any organ.

'What's the matter? Ngo Ngo approached and asked softly. "What's wrong?"

Qixia frowned, unable to answer.

What would he tell Ringo?

Officer Lee took a cigarette out of a cigarette case.

Or did Officer Lee pull a lighter out of his pocket?

These are not surprising things said will not make people feel strange, but let Qixia feel confused.

"Perhaps I was mistaken." Qixia put the cigarettes and lighters into the cigarette case and turned around and said, "How is Lawyer Zhang?"

"The mood has stabilized, what do we do?"

Qixia nodded and said, "Our purpose has always been one, hasn't it?"

Then he slowly walked to Lawyer Zhang and said: "Lawyer Zhang, I have something to say straight... Can I ask you to borrow a Tao?"

"Borrow... A Tao?" Lawyer Zhang frowned, a little puzzled.

"That's right." Qixia nodded, "Honestly, our" way "was burned by someone, and now one is gone."

After hearing this, Lawyer Zhang slowly lowered his head and seemed to be thinking about something.

"Qixia... I can give you all the Tao." Lawyer Zhang looked up and said with a serious look, "Let's team up."

Qixia pressed her lips and said, "It's not that I don't want to team up with you... It just seemed dangerous to stay near me..."

He told Zhang Chenze succinctly about Qiao's family strength and sweet encounter, and then said: "I am now being targeted, they will kill people around me to stop me."

"Qiao Jia Jin and Tian Tian died, are you affected?" Lawyer Zhang asked.


"You won't be affected at all." "That means killing someone close to you to threaten you is not an option," Zhang said.

"In theory."

"Then I'm safe." Lawyer Zhang slowly stood up, "We make an agreement, my" way "are given to you, I will also help you in the next time, but in exchange, you have to help me escape."