Chapter 76: Smart in the Moment

You are clever, old dog." Ah Mu's face fell momentarily.

"Of course... I'm smart when it counts." Old Lu showed an ugly smile.

"I wish your teammates could see your face." Amu took out five "Tao" from his arms and scattered them on the ground like feeding pigeons.

Lao Lu quickly lie on the ground will "road" one by one picked up, and then put into the pocket.

"Hey, hey... My teammates will understand." Lao Lu clapped the dust on his hands, "I have long reminded them that" I am very smart at the key moment ", they themselves did not expect that I would defect, I can not do ah."

With a smile on his face, he handed the locked box together with the golden key to Lao Lu.

"Then the rest is up to you."


The "recipient" room on the other side.

Qixia is sitting in a chair with her eyes closed.

"The Prisoner's Dilemma?" He muttered, "No, it's the law of the bucket..."

"The weakest member of the team will determine the overall strength of the team..." Qixia's fingers slightly tap the desktop, the heart is timing, "but in the end which" board "belongs to our bucket?"

"The 'spies' on both sides should have met the' sender '." He kept his eyes closed and tried to simulate in his mind as best he could what it would have been like to meet them.

"About ten minutes have passed, but our spy has not sent the letter. This shows that Ringo's lobbying has failed. After all, there is no reason for a woman in love to kill her lover."

"As for the other side..."

Qixia opened her eyes and reached out to play with the silver key on the table.

"Old Lu Da probability has defected."

His face gradually cooled down and he said, "From now on, the other side will have the help of two spies at the same time, and things are developing in the worst direction."

"The good news is that the bucket rule has officially expired and there are no more weaknesses in our team." Qixia slowly showed a sneer, "Next is the" mig-25 effect."

At this time, a word suddenly came from the door: "When the former Soviet Union built the mig-25 fighter, it was clear that all the accessories were not as good as the United States, but it could become a world-class fighter by improving its comprehensive performance." That's the "mig-25 effect," right?"

Qixia turned to look, "spy" Jiang Ruoxue is standing outside the door, looking at him expressionlessly.

In her hand she held a box, which was locked.

"Do you think the 'mig-25 effect' is correct?" Jiang Ruoxue asked.

"I'm not so sure." Qixia also deadpan said, "I'm not sure if the" parts "that belong to me now will work, but when you show up, all my doubts disappear."

"I showed up and you had an Epiphany? Then you are a once-in-a-century genius." Jiang Ruoxue sarcastically put the box on the table in front of Qixia,"

Qixia looked at the box carefully. The golden lock locked it firmly.

He tried it with the silver key he had at hand, but it couldn't open at all.

He picked up the box again, gently shook it, and sure enough, heard the "rustling" sound.

There is a letter.

"What's your name?" Qixia asked.

"The river is like snow."

"Jiang Ruoxue, did you shatter the key just now?" Qixia asked.

"Do you think one of your teammates will give me the key?" Jiang Ruoxue arms around, as if watching a good play, "Like you think that smart people, no key can not open the box?"

"I'm glad she didn't give you the key." Qixia raised her mouth and said to Jiang Ruoxue, "Did you hear that just now?"

"Hear that? Hear what?"

"Footsteps." Qixia said, "The sound insulation of this old hotel is not very good. You must have heard footsteps before you moved?"

"So what?" Jiang Ruoxue curled her mouth, "The whole building can move only me and the old man, there are footsteps is not surprising."

"But why did he leave earlier than you?" Qixia with a knock on the table, slightly deep looking at Jiang Ruoxue, "Our" spies "why will the first time set out?"

"You..." Jiang Ruoxue look one startled, as if thought of something.

"What do you think your chances of surviving this game are?" Qixia constantly knocking on the table, trying to use language to break each other's psychological line of defense, "If your team with our" spies "cooperation, you still have a chance of success?"

"I get it." Jiang Ruoxue's eyes gradually cold down, "you can't open the box, so the target turned to me?" Is that too childish?"

Qixia nodded and said, "Have you seen through all this?"

"Don't try to bewitch me." Jiang Ruoxue took a step back. "I can never believe you."

Qixia stopped talking and instead looked at her fingers tapping on the table.

"It's almost time..." His face turned cold and he muttered, "Let me verify that the 'parts' work..."

Not waiting for Jiang Ruoxue to understand the meaning of this sentence, another corridor suddenly came out of the noisy shouts.

It sounded like someone was fighting.

It's just too far away to hear the details.

"Very good. It's" fine parts." Instead of tapping the table with her fingers, Qi Xia slowly stood up and said, "Miss Jiang, if you had just agreed to cooperate with us, the outcome would have been completely different, but now there is no chance, you are just a spare part."

"Oh, that's very interesting." Jiang Ruoxue shook his head helplessly, "Then I want to see how you can get the letter."

Qixia didn't even try to pick the lock.

Instead, he picked up his silver lock and locked it on the box.

The box has two locks at the same time.

"Have you lost your mind?" Jiang Ruoxue asked, "With another lock, does it mean that" negative and negative make positive "?"

"Am I insane? It's a real possibility." Qi Xia picked up the box and gave it to Jiang Ruoxue, "Excuse me, help me send back the sender."

"What? " Jiang Ruoxue a leng.

Send this two-lock box back to the "sender"?

"So that's it..." She was suddenly shocked and directly understood Qixia's strategy, "You, you wait a minute..."

Qixia did not wait for each other to finish, directly pushed her out of the room, and then locked the door.

Jiang Ruoxue stepped into the corridor, the countdown on the wall lit up, three minutes.

She now holds the box with a mixed face.

If I had known that the other party was such a person, I should have pretended to agree to it...

Coming to the corridor, the sound of the other corridor also became clear.

Jiang Ruoxue came back to God, slowly lie on the wall to listen to.

In a moment, her expression became serious.

Ah Mu sounded very angry. He kept Shouting, "You old dog ruined the key?"