Chapter 89: Strange Natives

Qixia never expected that he would walk along the road for a whole day, until the sun fell into the horizon, he did not see the edge of the city.

The walking speed of normal people can reach five kilometers per hour, but Qixia calculated that with their own physical state, the traveling speed is only about three kilometers per hour.

Today he has walked for more than seven hours, about twenty kilometers.

Now I just feel dizzy, my legs are constantly shaking, and I can continue to walk forward, almost relying on the inertia of my legs.

"I just hope I die later..."

Walk for more than ten minutes, Qixia really some can not walk, he found a shabby building went in, it will be night, if in the outdoor will encounter those strange "bugs", although do not know what the bugs are dangerous, but he still choose to avoid these unnecessary troubles in advance.

Qi Xia used Officer Li's lighter to light a fire, and then took out the map of the "paradise mouth", turned it over, and dipped his finger in his own blood to record the previous journey.

The city was much bigger than he had imagined.

I thought that walking along the road, at least will come to a place like the wild, but I did not expect the buildings around me gradually tall, as if they are moving from the suburbs to the city center.

"The average city is rarely more than fifty kilometers in diameter..." Qi Xia, drawing pictures with his own blood, thought of something, "Theoretically before tomorrow afternoon will reach the edge of the city, then everything will be clear."

Thinking of this, he approached the fire and lay down in a reasonably comfortable position, the blood on his body was all dried up and smelled of rust.

Last night Ringo treated his wound with a torch. The bleeding stopped, but the pain and itching of the burns made it difficult for him to sleep.

After dawn, Qixia dragged the body that had been nearly scrapped to climb up.

The night's rest had not restored any of his strength, and he was now completely exhausted.

There is no water, no food and no medicine.

Qixia even some envy Han Yi Mo, can die so simply.

He took some fairly clean pieces of paper from the room, tore them into pieces and swallowed.

If I don't have anything in my belly, I'm afraid I'll never see the edge of the city.

Facing the rising sun, Qixia set out again.

He is far away from the original square, where you can't hear the "bell" and rarely see the "zodiac".

But as he went deeper and deeper, the number of indigenous people in the city gradually increased.

It was like a real city, except that most of the people on the streets were just walking around aimlessly without expression, aggression or interaction with others.

For a moment, Chia felt like a dead man walking down the street.

There is no difference in their movements, expressions, expressions or even the speed of their walking.

How ironic is that?

Have these people been stabbed and then purposefully headed to the edge of the city?

As the sun rose higher and higher, Qixia felt that she was not in the right state.

He touched his forehead and neck, which seemed to be starting to burn.

It seems that burning the wound is still too risky, even if it can temporarily stop the bleeding, it can not prevent infection and fever.

Qixia feel the more they go eyelid heavier, the whole person may fall to the ground at any time, this time if the fall down, afraid is no longer able to stand up.

After nearly half an hour, Qixia slowly stopped on the side of the road.

He can't take another step.

At this time, he put his hand on the side of the road in an old taxi, gasping for breath.

"What a pity..." Qixia looked at the road in the distance, obviously there is a long way to go, but it is a pity that he will fall here, it seems that in the last moment of life, he still can not see the final secret here.

Qixia holding the old taxi, chagrin bowed his head, just want to sit down, but suddenly found someone in the car.

It didn't look like a corpse, it looked like a woman blinking her eyes.

"Indigenous people"?"

Qixia looked at the stiff ground, then at the soft seat in the car, and gave a wry smile.

If he's gonna die here, he should at least choose a soft spot.

Think of here, Qixia magic opened the door, directly sat on the co-pilot.

It smells good. It's a girl's car.

Good news or not, Chia was able to get rid of the stench that permeated the city at the last minute.

"I never thought a car seat could be so comfortable..." Qixia muttered, "Now you can die at ease."

"Where to, please?" The woman beside me asked lightly.

"Where to?" Qixia smiled wryly and shook her head. "Where else can I go now?"

He patted his thigh with his hand and slowly recited the lyrics: "Drive, drive to the edge of the city, roll down the Windows, trade speed for fun..."

"The edge of the city?" The woman thought for a moment. "I don't know where that is. Please show me the way."

With that, the woman pressed the price monitor in the car and turned the key.

As Qixia expected, the car came from the old sound, did not start.

The woman did not give up, twisting the key several times in a row, and finally after twisting the key five times, the whole car trembled.

Qixia a leng, turned around to look at the woman unbelievable, she looks like "indigenous people", at least her face ruddy, body shape is also very well proportioned, is it a "lover"?

A "lover" with his own car...

"Put on your seat belt and let's go." The woman reaches out to hang a stop to start, loose clutch to throttle.

Qixia is a little confused to touch the seat belt, only to find that there is only one elastic rope, above the metal buckle has rusted.

He had no time to think about this, and could only try to accost the woman: "You... Are you A taxi driver?"

"Guest, you are very joking." The woman shook her head, then shifted from second to third gear, "Am I not a driver or a car thief?"

See the woman in front of the smooth communication, answer flow, and even make a little joke, Qixia is not understand.

A woman with such a normal spirit is obviously not "indigenous", so she should be a "participant", but why would a "participant" drive a taxi?

"Haven't you noticed... Is this place very abnormal?" Qixia pointed to the scene outside the window, trying to figure out the position of the plain-looking woman in front of her.

"Is it? After listening to the woman looked out of the window, faintly said, "is some abnormal, cloudy day."

Qixia helpless sigh, it seems that the woman in front of her is still "indigenous", but she seems to have just turned into "indigenous", the current thinking is still relatively clear.

"What's your name?" Qixia asked again.

The woman did not speak, pointing to the position in front of Qixia, where the woman's qualification certificate was hung, with the woman's photo and name.

She has a very nice name, called Xu Runnian.