Chapter 92: The Crack

Qixia walked out of the lottery center with a check and went straight to the taxi.

"What? So fast, lad."

The driver was standing outside smoking a cigarette. The navy blue car beside him seemed out of place with the local mint-colored cars.

Qixia did not answer, reached out, opened the door and sat down.

"We... Go back now?" The driver asked.

"HMM." Qixia nodded, but this time, to be safe, he chose to sit in the back of the car.

"Come on." The master threw the cigarette butt on the ground and stepped on the cab, "Say young man, you are not ready to play in Jinan?" I've got an old mate here, and if you're not in a hurry..."

"I'm in a hurry." Qixia said, "Just drive."

"Oh..." The master nodded awkwardly.

Qi Xia recalled the last time, he was in Jinan delayed half a day to go to the bank to withdraw money, and finally returned home with a large bag of cash.

The original intention was to give Yu Nian a surprise, but this time, he had to save all these formalized things.

Now he must rush back home in the first time, take more than Ann to escape to the open area.

Think of here, Qixia took out a mobile phone want to give Yu Nian a call, let her pack a few clothes in advance, convenient two people in the next days to live outside.

He opened his address book, found the first contact, the person with the note "A", and dialed directly.

This note is Qixia specially to read Ann wrote, only the letter A can let her phone has been kept in the first place in the address book.

I waited for more than ten seconds, but still no one answered the phone.

"What's going on..." Qixia some doubts, the impression of more than read Ann never leave the mobile phone, but now why not answer the phone?

Qixia hung up the phone and dialed several times, but there was no answer, which inevitably made him some worry.

He looked at the time on his phone. It was four o 'clock in the afternoon.

"Master, if you can get back to Qingdao before 7:30, I'll give you an extra 500 yuan for the bus fare." Qixia looked up and said to the driver.

"Really?" Shifu glanced at Qixia in the rearview mirror and then looked at his watch.

Three and a half hours, 350 kilometers.

Although a little reluctant, but for the old driver is not difficult, as long as the speed of 120 miles on the highway, it is estimated that before 7:30 can just arrive.

The chance to earn two thousand and five hundred yuan in one day is really rare, and the driver obviously couldn't believe it.

"I kid you not." Qixia nodded, "Be safe and drive."

The driver vaguely guessed what, the average person who would choose to take a taxi to another city?

Although the taxi is expensive, the only advantage is that it does not require a real name system to purchase tickets like trains and bullet trains.

That is to say, the man in front of us wants to sneak to Jinan, do not want anyone to find out, so in a comprehensive view, he should really win the lottery.

Only if you win more than one million yuan, you need to go to the provincial lottery center to claim the prize, and the actual prize may be more than one million.

Thinking of this, the driver shook his head helplessly.

I heard that the chance of winning the lottery is even lower than being struck by lightning, it is really more popular than dead people, the man is not old but has such good luck, he has reached middle age but is still doing physical work.

Qixia sat in the back row, looking at the driver's complicated look in the cab with peripheral light, and could not help but raise the corners of his mouth.

Yeah, well, for the average person, a guy who won the lottery is sitting behind him, and who doesn't think about it?

"It is a pity that you have always been a man with a thief's heart and no courage." Qixia heart secret way a voice.

In front of the taxi driver is Qixia in many drivers inside the "carefully selected", when several of their taxi drivers are working at the hotel door, the front of the five rough driver because of jumping the queue, was a lean peer scolded repeatedly begged for forgiveness.

Qixia saw through him at that moment.

Obviously all want to make money, no one is worse than others, but he is so timid.

Such a person cannot "kill people and take money".

I saw that the driver's expression was uncertain for a long time, and finally sighed, and honestly looked ahead and drove.

Qixia also leaned back on the seat, once again dialed more than read Ann's phone, but still no one answered.

In such a quiet environment, Qixia recalled what had happened in the "land of the end".

It was all too real. It didn't feel like a dream at all.

He reached out and touched his left shoulder, there was no sign of injury at this time, but he clearly remembered everything that had happened.

He remembered Han Yi Mo, Qiao Jiajin, sweet, Li police officer, Zhang Shan, old Lu all died there, he clearly died, but returned to the previous life.

So, what if those people go back to their own lives... ?

I'm afraid this is all a weird prank.

As the sky darkened, the lights on the highway guardrail slowly came on.

Although she had only been in that hellhole for three days, Qixia felt that she had not seen a light at night for a long time.

The luminous lights that moved rapidly backward as his eyes kept moving gave him a strange sense of peace.

It looks like the driver really wants to earn that $500, and once he gets on the freeway, he keeps the speed limit the entire time.

He, like everyone else in the world, has always struggled to eat three meals a day.

Qixia secretly determined, even if the final timeout, he will give 500 yuan to the driver.

The master tried to talk to Qixia several times, but gradually realized that the young man was not really talkative, so he had to turn on the radio in the car to try to make the atmosphere less awkward.

"You're listening to 89.7 Traffic Radio."

The slightly magnetic voice slowly comes out, which seems to be the channel that taxi drivers love to listen to.

"It's nineteen o 'clock in Beijing time. Let's take a look at the comments on the Internet platform."

The host obviously froze after saying this sentence, and did not say the next sentence for nearly ten seconds, which is definitely a live accident.

"Ha ha! The driver gloated, "Dude, what the hell is this? Are all the anchors paid for now?"

Qixia frowns slightly, feeling that things are not so simple.

The psychological quality of the live host is very strong, even if most of the messages on the network platform are useless, they will pick out the key information in the first time to broadcast it, but now why have not spoken for more than ten seconds?

"Our side of the network platform message is a little strange ha..." The host said in a strange tone, "The platform has received dozens of messages, saying that there is a strange crack on the" top "of the Qingyin Highway near the Qingdao entrance, we will contact the traffic police as soon as possible to confirm whether the crack comes from the sign or other buildings, please be careful to avoid the passing vehicles."