Chapter 101: The Disaster

Qiaojia strength after listening to immediately withdraw his hand.

But the tiny bit of force he puts on the rope when he touches it is enough to tip the weird balance.

From a hole on one side came the sound of a loud chain, trembling with the rope.

Qixia immediately picked up a table from the ground and shouted: "Han Yimo, come behind me!!"

Han Yi ink quickly ran to hide behind Qixia after listening, he grabbed Qixia clothes, looks very nervous.

"Murphy's Law... ?"

Qixia holding the table constantly moving away from the hole side, Han Yi Mo is also constantly moving behind him.

According to theory, Qixia and hole is not vertical relationship, the harpoon shot inside can never fly to them, more likely to hurt Han Yi ink behind him, but Qixia is inexplicable feeling uneasy.

Standing next to the hole Qiaojia strength see Qixia performance is very puzzled, he looked at the rope, and looked at Qixia, confused open asked: "deceives, what do you do?"

"Joe's house, stay away from there, there is a harpoon, careful of injury!" Qixia answered seriously.

Just as he spoke, there was a sudden loud noise in the hole, and two harpoons burst out at the same time.

The first is an intruder who accidentally shot into the hole, while the second is clearly the long-established self.


It all happened in one second.

The first harpoon shot out of the hole and flew off to the side, sinking feebly into the ground.

But the second harpoon, with full strength, flew sharply away from Qixia on the other side.

See the harpoon flight track is not their own direction, Qixia just feel some peace of mind, but suddenly saw that the harpoon accurately shot in the room still standing clock.

This clock was an important tool for everyone to know the time for a long time before, but it did not expect to become a springboard for the hell's emissaries at this time.

There was an explosion of metal on metal, and numerous sparks flew.

I don't know what the clock was made of, but it was still standing after being hit hard by the harpoon, but the harpoon changed direction because of the impact.

It is like a snake that suddenly found its prey, suddenly turned its head, and rushed to Qixia and Han Yimo.

Harpoon body position put very low, almost the whole flight, Qixia immediately push back Han Yi ink, he took the table to meet up.

The way the harpoon is flying now, it's bound to hit the table before it hits Han.

Just as the harpoon and the table were within touching distance, the flying harpoon hit the ground and the rebound sent it soaring.

This incredible track let it fly directly over Qixia, the next second and hit the roof, again after changing the direction of the Han Yimo behind Qixia without hesitation.

In the eyes of all, the harpoon is like a lightning bolt bent forward, bypassing all obstacles and flying to the target.

As Han Yimo said, he will be hit by the harpoon.

All the action tracks of this harpoon in front of us are so strange, and its target is Han Yimo from beginning to end.

Qixia knows that it is impossible to move the table between the electric fire stone to block the harpoon, and the expression has been a little desperate.

Now no one can save Han Yimo, even if there is a one in ten million chance, it is Han Yimo can escape by himself.

But looking at his nervous and trembling appearance, it is estimated that even a step is difficult to move, this time he will still die.

When the harpoon is less than five centimeters away from Han Yimo, Qiao Jiajin standing next to the hole suddenly reached out and grabbed the rope sprayed out of the hole, and then suddenly pulled back.

The rope pulls on the harpoon, the whole body.

The speed of his shot was so fast that the fast-moving harpoon was thrown off balance like a flower blown by the wind.

The harpoon also finally stopped moving forward, in mid-air unwilling to shake a few times, and then fell to the ground.

What happened in this second was so thrilling that everyone stopped breathing.

After a while, Han Yimo sat down on the ground, his clothes were all wet with sweat.

Qiao Jiajin looked at the rope in his hand and said, "Is this with the harpoon to bungee di?" Scurrying around the house like a motherfucker."

Qixia put down the table, and came to Han Yimo in shock, helped him up, and asked: "How are you?"

"I'm fine... It's really okay now... You saved my life, thank you so much..."

Qixia held Han Yimo's hand and found that he was no longer shaking.

"So that's it..."

He nodded silently, and now he had probably guessed what was called a "disaster."

"And then... Are you still afraid?" Qixia asked.

"A little... But not particularly afraid." Han Yimo squeezed out a wry smile and said, "Knowing that you are in the next game, I feel more at ease..."

Hear this sentence, Qixia feel Han Yimo saved is really a correct decision.

Although the full power of the "disaster" is not yet known, it appears that he can predict the danger that is coming.

If with those zodiac duel with Han Yi Mo, Qixia should be able to judge the danger of the game through his fear, if it is more smooth, Qixia can know whether you can bet your life with each other.

Of course, all this is just a good assumption, the top priority is to lead Han Yi Mo to live.

From this moment on, it was no longer necessary for him to save those who were not important.

The following "death from heaven" and "yes and no", even if only a few people can pass it does not matter.

"Officer Lee." "What did you say about the harpoon?"

"Oh..." Officer Li reacted, and then quickly cooperated, "There are words on this harpoon, you have a look!"

Qixia pretended to look at the harpoon and said: "So, then I understand, everyone, this time the question maker has become a" human sheep ", but "human sheep" can lie..."

He told them exactly what he had concluded, and then went straight to the hole in the middle of the room

He knew the ground would cave in in a few minutes, and that was when the hole in the ceiling would fall out of the rope, saving their lives.

Qixia say their own inference, the intention is just to save some of them.

I didn't expect everyone to believe his words.

When Qixia stood to hole

At this time Xiao Ran showed a face of admiration expression, almost unconditional believe Qixia said.

Perhaps because Qixia several times of performance all called perfect, let Xiao Ran produced love.

"Brother Qi, I don't know why, but I trust you!" Xiao Ran flattery said.

"Ah." Qixia sneered, "Then I really thank you."