The New Vanko PT4


Pepper left the mansion with her emotions all over the place. Thinking about her time with Ivan and the ruined romantic moment with Tony, her heart is in a mess as she starts to cry as she drives her car down the long driveway.

"Call Siri."

[Whoop calling Siri.]

"Pepper is everything alright, we're almost to the address you gave us." Spoke Siri.

"Tony is being an asshole right now, come to my place instead." Pepper tried to hide that she's been crying.

"Okay what's wrong Pepper? I can tell you've been crying." Replied Siri.

"I-i kissed Tony." Replied Pepper a mix of emotions sounded in her voice.

Siri felt a flash of rage upon hearing what Pepper said. In her eyes this wasn't any different than Pepper cheating on her Daddy, hurting her Daddy and nobody gets to hurt her Daddy but Pepper was also her best friend.

So she pushed down those feelings of betrayal to try and help her friend. Through her problems and to ensure Daddy was the one who won in the end.

"Why did you kiss Tony give me the deets Sistah? I have something to tell you too." Spoke Siri.

"Ohh my God, Siri I'm so happy for you." Replied Pepper at finding out Siri had her greatest desire fulfilled.

"Hehehe, thanks Pepper, you don't find it weird that I." Siri was cut off before she could finish asking her question.

"Please, Tony would fuck Jarvis if ever given the opportunity and he's straight, I'm honestly surprised Ivan even resisted at all, Ara Ara." Laughed Pepper, her feelings over Tony and their kiss out of her system.


Tony felt like shit after he'd seen tears starting in Pepper's eyes as she ran from the mansion.

He also felt bad about doubting Ivan, because what reason would Ivan have to lie about things?

He looked at things and saw that Ivan owned enough stock to have a seat on the board and a vote and knew that chances were he was right.

About the veto and Stane being involved in his kidnapping but Stane was like family to him he couldn't believe Stane would want him gone like that.

But then alarms started blaring.

[Sir I'm being hacked]

Various files were being uploaded to his private server in his home and a note was attached to the files.

[Here's your birthday and X-mas presents from the past 38 years little bro. Ps you owe Ms.Potts an apology. ]

"Hahahahahaha, I got hacked by my older brother. This is the first time I've ever gotten hacked by anyone. Of course it'd be my older brother that could hack me and bypass Jarvis." Tony laughed happily.

"Jarvis, begin a reverse hack and send him a picture of my ass." Said Tony happily finding someone of the same intelligence as him.

[Right away sir, … Sir I am unable to reverse the hack.]

"Hahahahahaha, finally a challenge." Tony laughed, sounding slightly insane.


Felicia didn't know what to think and feel anymore her sister was paralyzed from the waist down her mother cried and clung to her sobbing how happy she is that she's okay.

When they reunited at the same hospital Laurel and Lydia were taken to they even ended up sharing a room together.

She felt like Siri was responsible for this but the girl ignored her after booting her from the armor and flying away.

Her feelings towards Ivan were a mess he'd saved her mother, avenged her but also caused her sister to become a paraplegic.

He also was the direct cause of her becoming a murderer. Something that bothered her just as badly as the memories of what was done to her and seeing that look of brokenness on her mother's face and in her eyes through the live stream Siri had let them watch.

All three women found themselves hugging and crying together Laurel had just found out she was showing positive for pregnancy.

But the doctor also warned her with the shock of her injuries and the stress on her body that the body would most likely terminate the pregnancy naturally.

And that if it didn't she recommends abortion since it's hard enough to adjust to pregnancy when you're healthy and fully capable.

Felicia felt that she really needed Ivan to be here and not just for her but Laurel too, but she couldn't reach him.

Siri wasn't answering her either so she started fearing the worst had happened.

That's when Natasha walked into the hospital room, her hips swaying seductively.

"How are you feeling Felicia, Laurel?c asked Natasha.

"Have you heard from Ivan?"Asked Felicia hurriedly.

"Not directly, Siri contacted me and told me Ivan was busy trying to find a way to fix Laurel's legs and that he'd be busy for a while but still wanted to show he was there for you guys in spirit." Replied Natasha, feeling a bit of uncertainty but not letting it show in her voice.

Felicia felt relieved that Ivan was safe but also angry that he didn't just contact her himself or take a minute or two to call and check in.

"Fel can you give Nat and I a few minutes alone? Please." Asked Laurel, her voice sounding broken.

"Su-sure sis." Felicia walked out of the room, her head down and shoulders slightly slumped.

"What would you like to talk about?." Asked Natasha only for Laurel to break out into a sobbing mess.

Natasha sat on the bed while Laurel hugged her sobbing into her side. Natasha rubbed her back gently.

"I'm or I was pregnant, I was going to be a mom, bu-but the doctors recommend terminating the pregnancy since my body's already under a lot of stress from what happened." Sobbed out Laurel.

Natasha felt a dark jealousy in her heart knowing she'd never be able to have children of her own, a choice taken from her at the ripe age of nine.

"I'm sorry Laurel, but you have to concentrate on healing and adjusting to your new way of life, I think you should follow your doctor's recommendations." Replied Natasha mournfully.


Arriving at Pepper's house it was a decently large three story brick home with a garage as the ground floor.

Parking my aircraft above the house I landed on the ground invisible like the ship turning my fingers into lock picks opening the door to Pepper's home.

Using my nanites to disable the alarm as I walked into the kitchen inspecting the contents of the fridge and pantry.

Pepper stopped at the mall to grab some sexy lingerie to wear for Ivan. She wanted something new, not something she bought secretly for Tony to see her in in her fantasies.

A good sized part of her wasn't sure why she was doing this but another part of her wanted to hurt Tony.

For hurting her for confusing her feelings she knew it wasn't fair to Ivan, herself or Tony.

She set her phone on the bench while Siri gave her opinions on what Ivan would like the best.

By the time Pepper was done she looked like a naughty substitute teacher even buying a set of glasses to tie the look together.

While underneath her breezy skirt she was wearing crotchless lingerie with nylon stockings, under her button up top she was wearing lingerie that made her breasts pop while leaving her nipples exposed.

All her lingerie was angel white with intricate floral patterns making her look like a complete work of art.

While stopping at the jewelry area buying a beautiful emerald and silver set of Jewelry complete with a little tiara charging everything to Tony's card final check out price coming out to over a million dollars.

[Mr.Stark, I have detected a large purchase at Ms.Potts's favorite mall store, Sir the charges are one million fifty thousand dollars and seventy three cents, would you like me to approve the purchase.]

Tony sighed loudly he knew he'd really messed up now the only time Pepper spends his money on things for herself was her birthday and holidays unless he emotionally hurts her badly.

So swallowing the bill to heal the damage in their relationship. He knew she knew such a small amount of money was Tony's pocket money but still it was therapeutic to her so he never revoked her purchasing power.

"Jarvis can you get me pictures of what she purchased or was trying on." Asked Tony his little perv side kicking in.

[Sorry sir I seem to be unable to access Ms.Potts's phone or the mall security system I'am being blocked.]

"Huh, someone can actually stop Jarvis, hmm Jarvis it's time for an upgrade." Replied Tony absent-mindedly.

'I wonder if someone's watching me or Pepper. I better finish this armor sooner so I can protect Pepper and my brother.' Tony thought to himself.

Tony completely forgot about the warning of the board meeting in New York to decide the direction of his company's future.


I was making garlic shrimp scampi when I heard the sound of Pepper pulling into the driveway.

Making some nanite tentacles sprout from my back using them to set the table for dinner.

As I poured some white wine, Italian seasoned bread crumbs and some freshly grated parmesan cheese into the melted simmering butter garlic and herbs simmering in the pan.

While letting the mixture for the scampi cook down I started boiling water for the angel hair pasta.

Grabbing a pasta strainer from the cupboard and two bags of medium sized shrimp, pulling the peels off of 83 shrimp and rinsing them off in cold water.

Putting the shrimp back in the fridge to keep them chilled while the pasta finished cooking stirred the Scampi sauce.

"Wow, that smells amazing. But we need to have a serious conversation about how you let yourself into my home and well made yourself at home." Pepper expressed as she crossed her arms underneath her breasts pretending to be angry and defensive.

"Hnn,"I replied back in acknowledgement with a nod.

"You know you're really good at cooking. It's kind of a surprise, Tony can't cook to save his life. So Ivan there's something I've been keeping from you that I shouldn't have been. I took some of your hair and." Pepper started to explain she had a DNA test done.

"Da, Siri told me on the flight here, about the DNA test and that Tony Stark and I are half-siblings. Is there something else important you wanted to discuss Pepper? If not, I'm trying to find a way to give the women closely connected with me super abilities that have minimized negative side effects." I asked, feeling slightly irritated at wasting my time coming to Malibu when I could be putting the finishing touches on a serum that would give Laurel regeneration a 10x times better than Jamew Howlett's along with the benefits of the super soldier serum.

[Thanks to Extremis, Lizard Serum, Nanites, the Hulk formula, also I don't want to give Nanites to anyone that's not a forever girl there, just way too powerful.]

Pepper sat down at her own kitchen table feeling like she made a mistake calling Ivan here since even though he didn't outwardly show it he seemed to be exceedingly irritated to be here with her.

Something that hurt quite a bit deeper than what happened between her and Tony until she heard that he was trying to develop a way to give her superpowers.

A part of her wanted to explode on him and vent her feelings about retarded genius assholes but she couldn't if what he said was true and a possibility then she'd find being called here for information she already knew downright enraging when she could be spending this time on her research and testing.

"I'm sorry for wasting your time Ivan Tony and your familial connection to each other was why I wanted to meet in person." Replied Pepper while internally she continued that statement.

"I also wanted to say how I love Tony and kissed him but I also have feelings for you and am so lost and confused right now I need you to just fuck the conflicting and confused out of me." She spoke internally.

Pepper started drinking the wine I had poured using my hentai appendages I mean tentacles.

Putting the finishing touches on dinner, carrying it over and serving us both a plate as I sat down across from Pepper at her dining table giving us an almost date-like feel to dinner.

Pepper elegantly swirled some pastas while spearing a piece of shrimp at the same time taking a Lady like bite of her meal.

When a very unlady-like moan left her throat.

"Mmmmmm, this is show gwood I-Va-an." Pepper moaned in a sing-song voice as she started demolishing her plate any bit of elegance she was parroting before throwing it to the waste side.

I found myself blinking rapidly at Pepper's vicarious inhaling of the food feeling slightly disturbed by it. Not that she was eating the food and enjoying it but by the way she had years in her eyes like she was consuming the best meal of her life and it was causing her physical pain.

"Pepper is everything alright?." I asked, in concern for her safety and well being.

Making Pepper nearly choke at my sudden question she picked up her refilled wine glass and chugged it like a college kid shotgunning a cheap beer.

"I kissed my boss today." Pepper's eyes are filled with guilt as she tells me about kissing Tony.

A part of me was angry like seriously kissing him while after we've been screwing for almost a month, but really Pepper was never and end all be all for me she was merely a means to an end.

Though I could admit in the time we've spent together I've developed feelings for her and wanted her to be happy.

Getting up from the table walking behind Pepper resting my hands on her shoulders having a firm but still gentle grasp I leaned down kissing the side of her head at her temple.

"I think it's best I leave so you can work through your feelings Pepper, I know there's a lot of history between you and Tony Stark and a lot of feelings on both sides.

Even though I want to be jealous, angry and possessive over you that's not healthy for either of us and we both knew walking into this that it was just a physical thing.

But I have to be honest with you. I've developed feelings for you, their new and still in their infantile state and developing.

So if you don't reach out to me I'll know you've moved beyond your developing feelings for me. Even if you do, I'd like to be your friend." I said as I kissed the other side of her head before patting her shoulder and leaving silently.

I felt heavy as I flew away from Pepper's towards new york.


"Dad, why did you leave?." Asked Siri.

"(Sigh) Pepper and Tony are both incredibly complicated people, I like Pepper, but right now I think she needs space more than me to influence her decisions." I replied.

'The truth is I'm pissed off and might end up hurting her in a way I'd regret later on and or I'd permanently ruin any future relationship we might have.'

"Siri, I think you should just call me by name now on, the dad thing and stuff was fine before the other night but it ugh." I was looking for the right words but failed to do so.

"Hehehe, okay Dear." Replied Siri.

"What are you a granny or something?." I joked back.

"Asshole, I don't want to call you Ivan, it doesn't feel right knowing what I know about you." Responded Siri.

"Dear is fine dearest." I joked back in response.

"Eww, you're so cheese." Teased back Siri.

"The cheeziest." I joked back.

"Have you decided how you're going to cure Laurel of her ailment?." Asked Siri with a bit of caution in her voice.

"Hmm, I was thinking of repairing the damage using Nanites and then using the star serum on her to give her the healing factor. That way if I mess up the body will have the tools it needs to correct itself." I replied back a bit out of it.

"Do you plan on giving her the X-Star serum that will grant her other superhuman abilities other than the healing factor?" Asked Siri.

"Hmm, no we haven't run enough projections on the Nanite/Hulk/Star serum, plus it'd need a catalyst/bonding agent like vita-rays or gamma and I'm not comfortable with nuking Laurel without knowing the end results." I replied while considering doing to her what Siri did to me but the Nanites were just too powerful and I wanted to keep them for myself and whoever I knew I'd end up with ik the future since for now I just have a physical relationship with the women around me.

'Nat is an emotional connection.' An errant thought crossed my mind.

'Honestly the only person I'd truly trust enough to give nanite technology freely too is Siri.

Natasha is a spy and assassin and at some point I'm sure she'll betray me, stab me in the back or cuckold me like she does to every partner she has in the comics.

I suddenly feel very weary about a serious relationship with any woman from Marvel's many universes.' I sighed tiredly at just how daunting my new reality is.

Synthesizing the standard Star serum I started thinking about how we would hide/cover up Laurel's miraculous recovery since hospitals still keep paper records.

Arriving at Laurel's apartment building entering Laurel's apartment in the same way I entered Pepper's house I found my belongings on a table near the front door.

Grabbing the keys to the GTR making my way outside through the fire exit, getting inside the car peeling out on my way to the hospital.

"I love this car." I said happily as I enjoyed the feeling of driving fast.

"Why not just assimilate it into your Nanites so you can use it wherever you go?" Asked Siri as if I was an idiot.

"Shh, let me have my fun for a bit." I replied back.

"Hey, what would you think about pranking Tony by stealing all his cars?." I asked internally and laughed maniacally.

"Sigh, how is that a prank?" Asked Siri exaggeratedly.

"Mmm, cause he'll enter his garage to find all his cars gone with a note that says thank you for your donation to the museum of automobiles. Muhahahahaha" I told her my idea.

"That's not even a little bit funny." Siri replied.

"(Humph) you just can't understand the genius of it because you're a girl." I replied back.

"Yeaaaaahhhhhh, that's why, not because it's stupid and pointless." Responded Siri.


Pepper was a mixture of angry, happy and confused beyond belief, she was happy that Ivan cares enough about her to give her space and let her deal with her issues.

But she was also angry that he ran out on her before she could even formulate a response other than showing off what's under her clothes.

Confused because she didn't know what she wanted now Tony was Tony but Ivan was challenging, sweet, rough, caring, exciting and more importantly liberating.

Pepper completely threw away her modicum of decorum and began drinking straight from the wine bottle while grabbing another from the rack.

"I was really hoping he'd use those tentacles on me too, Ivan you're such an ass get a girl all worked up just to leave her alone." Complained Pepper outloud.

'I could always go to Tony. I bet he wouldn't resist me like this after all I kind of look like his mother dressed like this.'

'Bad Pepper this is exactly why Ivan did and said exactly what he did and said.'

Walking towards the living room finishing one bottle of wine and starting another before flopping face first onto her couch into the big fluffy pillows.

"RA-AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH" Pepper screamed into the pillows before she started crying to herself.

Lifting the bottle to her lips drinking long pulls. As she was drinking she remembered that moment when she walked into her house and saw a table set for two.

Her heart had started beating rapidly in her chest not out of fear or anger but excitement. When was the last time she had an intimate meal with someone.

Seeing Ivan concentrating on making a meal for her a guilty feeling welled up in her stomach she tried getting rid of it by calling him out on breaking into her home but she didn't really care all that much when Siri can break in anywhere.

She tasted one bite of that amazing meal and her guilt sky rocked to a point she started to feel physical pain at the thought of the budding relationship she had with Ivan crumbling to dust because she let her emotions for that asshole make her do something stupid.

Pepper finished the second wine bottle without even realizing it now she was good and drunk her horniness was striking with a vengeance.

She started rubbing her pussy like she's done so many times before. At first the usual guest star of her masturation fantasies Tony was there as she pulled a dildo out of one of her coffee table drawers.

He was on top of her beads of sweat trailing down his olive colored skin his soft almost feminine hands ran along her body but then.

Her fantasy took a turn larger calloused hands gripped her breasts firmly as her walls were stretched to accommodate his huge cock.

Ivan was on top of her now rutting into her ready to breed her she couldn't even moan properly as she was well and truly fucked senseless.

"III-VVV-AAAAAA-NNN ! ! !" Pepper screamed out as her juices plastered the wall and upholstery of the couch she was left heaving as she realized who she wanted in her life at that moment and it wasn't Tony.



Arriving at the hospital parking the car in the guest lot I found myself growing heavier with every step everything from guilt to self loathing started assaulting my heart and mind.

'I caused this by simply existing, will Laurel even want to see me? Could she stomach the sight of me if she knew that I almost sacrificed my own life to save the woman that paralyzed her?

Would she try to kill me if she knew I had sex with that same woman? Even if it was to have a powerful asset inside both the X-men and Wakandan political system.

Can I even forgive myself for constantly thinking with my dick, I'm such a fucking brain dead scum. I need help. Maybe I should start seeing a therapist, therapist Felicia and her mother should see a therapist to not only help their relationship to help deal with their scars.' I thought to myself.

I stopped at the entrance to the hospital. I was stuck my hand inches away from gripping the door handle.

My hand is shaking slightly.

'I shouldn't be here, I should go, I should just disappear, this is my fault everything's my fault.'

"Da-Dear are you okay your Bio's are erratic and your heart beat is elevated to dangerous levels." Asked Siri through a mental bridge made by the nanites.

And like that I was snapped out of my constant pitfall from my last life: the crushing self doubt, loathing and depression.

"Yes I'm fine now thanks, Siri." I responded back to her mentally.

Sighing loudly entering the hospital my nostrils burning from the harsh sanitizing agents hospitals use.

Walking past the welcome desk I spotted a familiar face. It was none other than Mayabelle Parker or Aunt May (Marisa Tomei). She was dressed in those ugly green nurse scrubs reading papers attached to a metal box like clipboard.

But I continued on my way even though I felt like I should offer my condolences for her recently street pizzad husband.

What was the floor Siri said Laurel's room was on again I asked myself as my finger hovered over the floor buttons of the elevator.

"Floor seven room 713." Said Siri amused.

"Right, I knew that I shot back reflexively." While being embarrassed that I forgot something so simple as the floor and room number.

After a few minutes of riding the elevator upwards and about ten minutes trying to find the right room with Siri constantly giggling in my head at my avoiding asking her for directions I found the correct room.

I could hear the soft sobs of someone crying. The lights in the room were off knocking lightly on the door and entering before I got a reply.

Laying on the bed head in her hands was Laurel the noises coming from her were mournful and filled with sorrow and pain.

"Laurel." I called out tentatively as my footsteps unconsciously became cautious.

Laurel lifted her head upwards and in my direction in a shaky mechanical motion her eyes were bloodshot and glassy large dark circles had formed around her eyes.

Tear marks stained her face, her nose was scratched raw probably from tissues she used to wipe her nose.

My earlier feelings washed over me anew. I had the urge to turn around and run and forget I was ever here.

Swallowing the lump in my throat walking the rest of the way to Laurel's bed, the pain in her eyes burning a hole in my heart and soul.

"You." The words sounded hollow vocally but rang with so many complicated emotions I couldn't begin to decipher them.

"Hey." I was unsure how to start a conversation with her or what to really say.

"Get out." Responded Laurel I could see a cold steel look filling her eyes.

"Sorry, no can do." I shot back not really understanding why I said those words.

"Get out get out get out get out get out get out get out get out get out get out." Laurel repeatedly said her anger leaking into her voice, a light even if dark and malevolent returning to her eyes as I was a step away from her bed.

"Can't do that." I replied softly.

Grabbing her hand while sitting in the chair that was pulled close to her bed only for her to react violently if tiredly trying to pull her hand away.

"I'm sorry Laurel this is all my fault, I didn't know people would be coming after me so soon or that they'd willingly expose themselves as they did.

I'm sorry you got hurt. I'm sorry Felica got hurt. I wish I could go back in time to make it so that it never happened but I can't.

What I can do is offer you my support and care and try to restore your ability to walk. I have a solution to your problem but I can't give it to you here." I said winging it on the fly.

"A solution to my problems." Laurel replied venomously.

"You are my problem, you come into my life fuck me like a whore on a plane and then follow me home like a lost puppy." Laurel seethed.

"You offered yourself to me and I seem to recall you begging for more." I replied back.

That was the wrong thing to say as a glass vase that was resting on the eating table that had some flowers in it was smashed into my chest by Laurel using her free hand.

I sighed as it did nothing to me but I heard a pained whimper leave laurels throat as blood dripped from her hand.

Grabbing her other hand with a tentacle made of nanites wrapping it around her wrist and pulling it near I removed the broken pieces of glass embedded in her skin.

"I wanted to wait and do this at your apartment but I fear you might accidentally cause yourself more harm trying to hurt me." I said as I grabbed the injection device that was to deliver the serum into Laurels blood stream.

Stabbing it into her neck it started working in seconds the cuts on Laurel's hand healed vividly right before our eyes.

Laurel was dazed by what she'd just seen. First an appendage appeared out of nowhere; now her hand was healing cuts in seconds that should need stitches and weeks to heal properly.


Laurel was beyond shocked not even realizing her other hand was released while using it to rub the new smooth flesh of her hand.

Her mouth hanging open in awe, her anger and pain pushed off to the side for now.

A smooth, gentle, strongly accented voice she knew well spoke softly.

"Sorry it took so long. I was working on a way to fix your injuries so that you wouldn't have to suffer too long. But I should have come sooner so you could work out some of those feelings." Ivan said, embarrassed and lost.

"I'm pregnant." The words just slipped out before I could help it.

"Huh?" He asked me, it was somehow cute.

"I'm pregnant with your baby, but the doctors recommend terminating the pregnancy because of my injuries." I said feeling my anger starting to rise again.

"You don't have to worry about that now the serum I gave you will give you healing/regeneration abilities. I'm not sure how long it'll take for you to regain the use of your legs but it shouldn't be too long." He replied his excitement leaking out into his voice and expression describing his miracle creation.

"And me being pregnant?." I asked, feeling slightly amused for some reason.

"We'll figure that out together later. I mean if you're okay with that, that is." He replied, his face pale and nervous.

I felt like making him squirm a little longer. How can I really be mad at him when he worked so hard to make something like this for me, someone who really shouldn't mean anything to him other than some great sex they had.

"We need to get you discharged and home before the serum starts to heal your spinal injuries or else it'd cause too many questions and people might try turning you into a lab rat." He said and my heart palpitated at that.


"Ma'am I highly advise you not to discharge yourself at this time without consulting your physician first." Spoke the concerned nurse that kept shooting me dangerous contempt filled glares at me as if I was forcing Laurel to do this.

Technically I am though for her own safety and that of our child.

'Child a real baby holly fuck I'm not ready for that look at what happened with Siri and she's made out of code.'

After various rigorous protests from the nurse and a small mound of paperwork I wheeled Laurel out of the hospital in a wheelchair that cost me two grand.

Arriving at my GT-R I gently and cautiously lifted Laurel out of the wheelchair and placed her inside the passenger seat of the car.

Folding up the wheelchair, stashing it in the trunk before getting in and driving back to Laurel's apartment building.

Once there I pulled the wheelchair out of the trunk and with just as much care as I used getting her into the car I used taking her out of it gently setting her down into the wheelchair.

Wheeling her inside the building using the elevator to take her to her apartment dealing with the hate filled glare of the old doorman and a.few of Laurel's neighbors.

We were at the door to Laurel's apartment when I noticed she was visibly trembling her hands rubbing her biceps as if trying to comfort herself.

Placing my hand on her shoulder she jump startled without actually jumping. Our eyes met and I could tell she was afraid to enter her own home.

"It's alright Laurel I promise nothing bad will happen to you again here, but if you want we can go somewheres else." I said comfortingly.

"Pl-please c-can we go somewheres else? I'm not ready to be here yet." Asked Laurel timidly.

"Of course, How does a suite at the Hiltons sound?" I reassured gently.

"Perfect." Replied Laurel.



Lydia entered her hospital room she shared with her stepdaughter only to find her gone and her bed stripped.

A ghostly image of Wilson Fisk standing above her wearing a condescending smirk drove her to her knees.

"Mom mom mom, are you alright?." Felicia asked, starting to panic.

"It's him it's him it's him he did it again he made another of my daughters disappear." Lydia Hardy muttered, trembling.

Felicia held her mother from behind, biting back her own tears. Blaming herself for her mother's condition there was a time she'd hated her but now there was love, regret and pity in her heart towards her mother.

"Ohh, dear I'm sorry I'll come back later." Said the nurse that had been taking care of Lydia and Laurel often.

"Wait, do you know where my older sister Laurel went?." Asked Felicia.

"Yes, she left against my advisement with a ruffian looking Russian man covered in tattoos with longish black and white hair." Replied the nurse sniffing distastefully.

Felicia blinked looking at the woman, a pit of anger forming in her stomach forming at her contempt towards her Ivan.

Felicia felt her face grow warm at the thought of my Ivan.

'Where did that come from.' She thought softly.

'Why did Ivan have Laurel leave the hospital, why didn't he wait to see me? (Grrrrr)' growled Felicia like a territorial kitten.


[At the Hilton with Laurel, Presidential suite, can you grab clothes and whatever else you think she needs. Sorry for not waiting for you but circumstances required us to leave immediately. From Ivan]

[Be there soon can I bring my mom with me. I don't want to leave her alone and she's worried about Laurel too.]



"This Ivan is the man responsible for what happened to Wilson Fisk and his lieutenants?." Asked Lydia as they were riding in the limo towards Laurel's apartment.

"Yes." Replied Felicia dreamily.

Lydia inspected her daughter with a calculative gaze, her stomach warping at the thought of her daughter being in love with someone so much older than her and a murderer to boot.

But she also understood that whether or not she approved of her daughter would follow her heart.

Just like she did with Walter so many years ago her heart fluttered as she remembered the man she fell in love with right after graduating from Harvard.

"So tell me about this Ivan." Replied Lydia comspearitualy…


Laurel looked up at me blushing as she fidgeted with her hands while sitting in the wheelchair.

"Laurel what's wrong?" I asked worriedly.

"I-I have to pee." Replied Laurel barely louder than a whisper.

"Okay." I replied gently.

Hunching over the wheelchair plucking Laurel out of the wheelchair making her squeal in surprise.

"EEEEEEE, DON'T DO THAT YOU ALMOST MADE ME PEE MYSELF." Laurel yelled while slapping my back.

"HAHAHAHAHA, Sorry Sorry." I laughed while apologizing.

Cradling Laurel in one arm like she was a newborn babe while my other removed the sweatpants and panties I'd helped her into earlier.

Carrying her to one of the six bathrooms inside the house sized suite

Lifting up the toilet lid setting her down on the seat turning my back giving her a bit of privacy.

"I-I'm done I-van." Spoke Laurel.

I turned around seeing her with her head down and her ears red, making the urge to cuddle and tease her to see her acting so shyly cute.

Holding her so she could wash her hands took a bit of finangiling but we managed to get things done together.

"Nghhh, I-mmm-va-nghh it's starting to hurt down ahhhh there." Moaned and groaned Laurel in pain.


"Everything is fine Pumpkin. I've been monitoring the repairs to Laurel's spine since the injection through the nanites inside the serum. Currently the severely damaged and separated nerves are being repaired, replaced and reconnected Laurel should regain all feeling from mid back down within thirty minutes." Replied Siri.

"Expected full recovery time?." I asked.

"Approximately three to seven days." Replied Siri.

(Sobbing noises)

"Thank you thank you thank you." Cried Laurel through the tears as she plastered my neck and side of my face with kisses.

I couldn't really think of a response that I could say out loud other than while it was my fault I had to do something to make it right.

So I just held the emotional woman tightly so she couldn't slip out of my grasp.

"Laurel, there's something I should tell you." I said softly once she'd finished crying and I laid her down on a king sized bed in a second master bedroom.

"Whatever it is, it doesn't matter just stay with me with us." Said Laurel as she grabbed my hand and placed it on her stomach.

"It does, I had sex with the woman that paralyzed you after almost dying to save her life." I told her honestly, I felt the grip she had on my hand tighten and then relax.

"It's not okay but I forgive you, just stay with us. I can't do this without you, I need you in my life. E-even if there are others that you're with just be there like this for me and our child." Laurel was practically begging me.

I leaned forward planting a kiss on her forehead.

"I won't abandon you Laurel. I can't guarantee what will happen in the future or anything like that but I won't leave you or the little one growing inside you alone without a father or a partner in parenthood or more." I reassured firmly.


Laying down on the bed next to Laurel after she looked at me with those pleading eyes that I couldn't resist giving into.

She moved her upper body resting her cheek on my left pectoral before releasing a contentment filled sigh.

My left arm instinctively went to her waist but before I could pull her closer I stopped myself slowly rubbing her lower back instead.

"Thank you, Ivan." Whispered Laurel softly as she kissed where my heart should be before nuzzling her cheek into my chest releasing a yawn.

"You're welcome Laurel." I replied to the already sleeping beauty as I leaned down kissing the top of her head.

Using a nano-tentacle to open the beside stands to the drawer, retrieving the menu inside looked more like a small phone book than an actual menu.

Using the order pad on the nightstand that looks similar to a signing machine for when you swipe a credit card.

Choosing a few food options and outside shopping services I asked for someone to go find me the latest greatest laptop at any price while also including a thousand dollar tip that they could keep for themselves.

Half an hour later I pushed the button on the ordering panel that also unlocked the door to the suite, letting in the kitchen staff member his trolley that also had my new laptop on it.

The middle aged woman wheeled the cart into the bedroom looking between the wheelchair and Laurel, her eyes filling with a bit of sadness towards the younger woman.

"Would you like me to open this and bring it to you sir." Asked the woman.

"Yes please if it's not too much trouble I'd rather not wake my girlfriend up." I replied back, speaking softly.

I saw a flash of jealousy in the woman's eyes before she plastered on a fake smile and brought me the laptop.

"If that would be all sir?." Asked the woman.

"Yes, have a nice day miss." I replied completely ignoring her after I received the new Stark-top computer reading the list of its capabilities. It has an 8 core 16 thread apu, 64gb ram, 2tb ssd and a gpu that seems to be on the same level as a 2080 ti max-q.

"Damn this is only 2008 but this world is at my old world's 2016 level." I expressed, out loud.

"mmm…wo wove…weepy wime." Moaned Laurel in her sleep.

It took all my effort not to giggle at the gorgeous woman's cuteness while she was sleeping on my chest, a small puddle of drool started seeping through the threads of my shirt.

"Dear?." Asked Siri mentally her voice having a few twinges of jealousy mixed in.

"What is it babe?." I asked back mentally.

"Can we cuddle like that sometime soon too?." Asked Siri shyly, her earlier jealousy vanishing from her voice.

"Of course we can." I replied like that was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Th-thank you Daddy." Siri said excitedly I could picture her jumping up and down squealing like a little girl that got the pony she asked for for her birthday.

Booting up the computer connecting to the hotel's wifi doing a bunch of updates before I could finally use it.

I started searching for properties in upstate New York since there was no way I was raising a kid in new york city.

Looking at rural properties my heart stopped when I found my family's dairy farm from my past life.

I had mixed emotions about the place and my father. From then it was the place where my uncle abused me when I was a kid.

But it was also a place I felt the freest except for my grandparents home on the lake three towns away with my mom's apartment smack dab in the middle of the two.

It was all there, all the barns and the farmhouses, the general store that was a part of my mom's side of the family.

Everything but the store that belonged to our cousins was up for sale. I didn't hesitate to buy it at 1.5 million dollars for 500 acres of field, pasture and wooded areas with three houses and three barns on the property. It came with everything from cattle herd to equipment.

"Did you just buy a farm? Wait, are you crying, are you okay Ivan?." Asked Felicia who I never even noticed entered the suite.

I looked up and over to where I heard her voice coming from. I had to blink rapidly to clear my eyes. She was standing beside me looking down at me with concern.

"Da, is fine, dust in eyes is all." I replied keeping a straight face as the memories of my enraged father left a hate filled voice-mail on my grandparents answering machine that was directed at me. After his brother was arrested and charged for assaulting me.

Mmmhmm she hummed while her body language said she didn't believe me for a second. I felt like that little boy whose mother had noticed him walking oddly and cradling himself as she pulled back the shower curtain and saw my body covered in purplish black bruises.

Making me turn away from her as my throat clenched and my heart started pounding against my rib cage my body became soaked in cold sweat as my vision started to fill with static. (Like an old tube TV on an input setting.)


Felicia read the signs she didn't know why but she knew Ivan knew her pain knew her weakness in that moment their eyes met.

She grabbed his head and pressed it against her abdomen. His hair was already matted from cold sweat. His body was trembling slightly.

His place in her life had been cemented at this moment. There was no way she was ever letting Ivan go; she didn't care if he was dating her sister or those sexy ass redheads he was her's from this moment on.

Their broken pieces fit together perfectly; he could be her rock when she needed it and she would be his.


I felt embarrassed after pulling away from Felicia's lower abdomen.

'Damn when did I turn into such an emotional pussy?.' I asked myself.

The light scent of vanilla and lilac perfume Felicia's wearing still lingering in my nose.

I felt that Laurel had wrapped her arms around my own abdomen and snaked one under my back and pulled herself tighter against me.

"So what's there to eat in this place?" Asked Felicia, not bringing up what happened before making me breathe a sigh of relief.

"The cart there has finger foods in keep warm containers." I replied, my voice cracking slightly.

"Sweet I'm so done with hospital food while we eat you can explain to me and mom why you pulled sis out of the hospital and brought her here. I'll skip over why Laurel's half naked for now." Felicia replied giddily before her voice got a little flinty at the last bit of her sentence.

"Da." I replied.

"What would you like to eat? There's." Felicia started to ask.

"Chicken tenders, fries and the blue cheese please." I replied cutting Felicia off before she could finish asking.

'Aww man that's what I wanted.' Complained Felicia in her mind.

'At least we like the same things hehehe-kukukuku.' Laughed Felicia while her hair covered her eyes and a malicious red glow seemed to radiate from where her eyes were.

'Ohh SHHH-HIIIIIIIIII-TTTTTTTT, Felicia looks like a Yandere that just discovered that she has something in common with her obsession. It's kinda hot with her silvery hair and that malevolent red glow that was shining through those long silvery locks. It's like She's an anime heroine. ' I thought to myself.

A chill ran down my spine though as I felt a new gaze on me, a predatory one. acting naturally I turned in that direction to see an older more voluptuous version of Felicia with a pixie cut hairstyle wearing a pantsuit.

'Wow, she's gorgeous. Wait a minute ,wasn't she the one tied to the bed in Fisk tower?." I asked Siri.

"Yes dear, her name is Lydia Hardy, one of the highest rated defense attorneys in New York and the USA." Replied Siri.

'Well that fits with the lore that I know at least since everything else has been all over the place so far like Felicia's assault happening in high school instead of college. And for the most of it being mcu.' I thought to myself, keeping my thoughts to myself.


"Hello Mr.Vanko, I'm Lydia Hardy Felicia's mother and Laurel's stepmother. Now can you explain to me why you had my daughter remove herself from the care of medical professionals to come here?." Asked the woman in a cold, all business no nonsense voice with a look in her eyes that said if she didn't like my answer there'd be hell to pay.

"Pleasure to meet you Mrs.Hardy, as for why I removed Laurel here from the hospital is because I used a treatment on her that I created myself to not only heal her recent injuries but to also give her a healing factor.

That not only makes her impervious to all known diseases but will also allow her to regenerate a lost limb within days.

The regeneration could have been faster but I had to tone it down to a more moderate level so there wouldn't be any less desirable side effects." I replied, speaking clinically.

"And I'm just supposed to believe you actually created something like this over the course of a week?." Questioned Lydia, her arms now crossed underneath her sizable bosoms making the at least Triple D sized breasts even more prominent.

"Da, believe or not I don't give a Der'mo." I replied, my voice gaining a bit of steel as I stared down the woman's cold gaze with an equally cold gaze of my own.

I quickly noticed a crack in her strong facade though a slight trembling of her knees and I could hear her erratic heart beat from my enhanced senses.

'Noo don't look at her softly with compassion and care she started it I'm just dishing back what she served first. Do Not do it… and I'm doing it fuck me and my soft heart.'

The woman flinched slightly at my sudden change of emotional expression while her neck and ears gained a slightly pink hue.

I had to struggle to hold in a smirk at the surprisingly cute look the woman gained.

'Maybe I should go for broke and hook up with Felicia's mom… no bad bad horny bonk bonk bonk. Damn what the fuck is up with me.' I thought as I peeled my eyes off of the silver haired milf with some difficulty.


'Ohh God I'm getting so wet and horny being under his steely gaze my knees feel like they're going to give out.' Thought Lydia to herself.

'Ohh no don't look at me like that haa haa haa. No, I can't believe this. Why am I so horny lately?.' Whined Lydia inside her mind.


In Wakanda

Palace throne room

"Ororo summoner of Storm's princess of the now lost Kenyan tribe, not only have you failed your mission but you have lost Wakanda considerable assets. These crimes carry a death sentence even with your status." Spoke a male priest as Storm kneeled before the king of Wakanda.

"My king, we await your decree on punishment." Spoke the ass kissing priest that was more than happy to cover up the murder of a member of the royal family.

But when Ororo felt that all hope was lost she watched as her aunt burst into the throne room with all the grace and primal fury a mother lioness protecting her young against predators could muster.

"Not only as the Queen of Wakanda but also as the Head Sorceress and Priestess of the temple of Bast I hereby pardon my niece Ororo Munroe of any crime that this court feels they have the right to levy against her. With goddess Bast as the witness of my authority over any and all shamans and Sorceresses of Wakanda as is my right." At her words two Vibranium panthers suddenly rose from their bases letting out glass shattering roars as they nuzzled their heads against the glowing woman's arms.

"But on that note Ororo Munroe rise and face me. For your failure in capturing and bringing your target to Wakanda to stand trial, I deem you no longer fit to be a queen's candidate; the marriage arrangement between my son and your cousin T'challa prince of Wakanda has been forever nullified.

As punishment for the loss of country men and weapons I hereby banish you from Wakanda until I deem it undone, begone from my sight girl you disappoint me any the memory of your late parents." Spoke Ramonda her regality and power suffocating all in the room but her niece.

"Y-hic-es m-my queen." Spoke Ororo through painful body wracking sobs as she bolted from the throne room.

"M-mother, what of Nakia? she is still missing." Whined T'challa like a spoiled child.

"Silence, T'challa you have plenty of girls in your Dora Milaje that are adequate enough for your needs. I will hear nothing of this girl Nakia again." Replied Ramonda as she turned on her heel and exited the throne room hoping she was pleasing her new master and love of her life by helping undermine her husband's authority and destabilize the government of Wakanda.


Laurel woke up while we were in the middle of eating as Felicia was gushing over something while she was looking at her phone.

While Lydia kept taking glances at me her eyes roving over my body undressing me with her eyes.

I felt a slight tug on my shirt while Laurel had a light dusting of pink as she opened her mouth and went Ahhh.

I quickly leaned in and assaulted her tongue with my own wet sloppy kissing sounds filled the room.

"Mmmph haa mmmph HA Haa Haa, I wanted you to feed me dick head." Pouted Laurel cutely as she panted her chin and lips wet with our shared saliva.

"Da, I know but couldn't resist." I replied, smiling at her not a care in the world about the cold horny look from the milf or the jealous need filled stare of the silver haired kitten.

Breaking up a chicken tender into bite sized pieces I slowly brought my fingers that were pinching a piece of the deliciously crunch and fatty deep fried goodness.

Laurel lewdly liker my finger before taking them and the piece of chicken into her mouth while letting out a moan of appreciation.

My cock and the denim jeans I was wearing were entangled in a raging war for dominance at the erotic actions of Laurel while both mother and daughter sitting at the two person table beside the window place next to the bed blushed while looking completely mystified by Laurel's rampant sexualy charged behavior.

"Mmmmmm, it tastes show gwood haaahhhnnnn, more pwease." Pleaded Laurel desperately.

"Ex-excuse me for a moment." Spoke Lydia as she nearly bolted into the bathroom. I could hear her turning on the faucet to the sink and the shower but they couldn't hide the moans of the mature beauty.

"Food." Cried out Laurel like a child as she pouted angrily but I only found it cute.

Before I even realized it I had fed my entire platter to Laurel who looked up from my chest expectantly I in turn looked at Felicia who if this was an anime would have dark lines on her face and dark rolling storm clouds above her head.

I felt some vibrations on my chest and side when I looked down I noticed Laurel was giving it her all not to laugh as she looked at her little sister's crestfallen look.

'What a little brat.' I thought to myself.

I gently removed Laurel's hold on me while moving pillows to support her my eyes meeting her only revealing mischievous intent as she looked at me.

"Felicia are you alright?." I asked softly while I rested my hand on her shoulder.

There was a moment of shyness before she instantly cheered up before looking embarrassed.

I stole an onion ring from her plate.

"BWAHAHAHA." I laughed at Felicia's betrayed expression before swiping another one only for Felicia to pounce on my arm taking the medium sized onion ring and my fingers that it was held between into her mouth.

"Wow sis didn't know you were into that kinda thing." Teased Laurel as she twirled her hair between her fingers smirking like she'd accomplished exactly what she wanted to happen.

I could see Liam Neeson puffing on a cigar saying "I love it when a plan comes together."

Felicia snapped back and sat in her chair munching on the onion ring while sneaking glances at me trying to see if I was bothered by her reaction at all.

"Would you like me to feed you too Felicia?." I asked teasingly.

"N-no that would be weird." Replied Felicia while looking away from me and glaring at her older sister.

"Kotenok." I said as I petted Felicia's head the young woman leaned into my touch and her chest vibrated almost like she was purring like a cat.

'I wonder if Felicia has the X-gene and if it's in the process of activating. Siri please perform an analysis of Felicia's D.N.A and look for that gene sequence that shows an active X-gene and also changes the name of the X-gene to Meta-gene. I'm not referring to this cute Kotenok as a mutant.' I thought to myself while asking Siri to do some D.N.A analysis.

"I have detected a weak Meta-gene Dar-ling that compares to samples that Shield has of Domino and Feral feline mutants.

Currently I hypothesize Felicia has an intuitive ability to balance the scales of luck in her favor. As well as feline-like grace and balance?." Replied Siri mentally.

'So she does have an active X-gene in this universe, sweet.' I thought to myself.

'Thank you Siri, good job babe.' I replied to her.

'You're welcome Dar-ling.' Replied Siri in a sing-song voice.

Imagining Felicia with a pair of cute white cat ears and a long white tail with retractable claws made my cock battle my jeans again.

'Nya honey, I love your tasty cream.' Said the picture of the cat-girl Felicia as she looked up at me with those loving emerald green eyes. As her pink tongue licked my cock clean and then nuzzled it against her face.


Lydia exited the bathroom slightly disheveled but still well put together while I was rubbing her daughter's head like she was a kitten.

I noticed Laurel looking at us strangely while also showing a bit of Jealousy before smiling sweetly towards Felicia's and I's interaction.

'They look so good together.' Thought Lydia watching entranced by the moment between her daughter and the olderman.

"Felicia…Felicia, come I think it's time we go home." Spoke Lydia Hardy as she rubbed her thighs together.

"Mmmmm." Moaned back Felicia.

Removing my hand from her head Felicia looked up at me with a dazed expression while her eyes shot to my groin before shooting back up to my hands biting her red kissable lower lip between her pearly white teeth.

"Can…we…stay…here…with…Ivan and Laurel please mom please." Asked Felicia with probably the world's most dangerous weapon, the infamous puppy dog eyes with some tears in them.

"We shouldn't impose any lon..." Lydia replied before I cut her off.

"There's plenty of rooms I mean seriously there's six bedrooms here the size of Laurel's apartment and I've rented it out for the rest of the year.

You're both more than welcome to stay here so you can both be close to Laurel until she decides or if she decides to return to her apartment in Manhattan." I said calmly while giving the mother no real reason to refuse.

"Ger." Lydia completed her sentence looking a little perturbed.

"See mom, Ivan says we can stay plus we can be here for Laurel." Felicia Said happily practically bouncing in her seat.

My mouth salivated at the way her Double D's bounced and giggled from her excitement.

'Bad Baka Hentai.' I jokingly chastised myself.

"Haaaaa, fine but we still have to go back a few bags we'll return sometime either tonight or tomorrow." Tiredly sighed the milf while rubbing her forehead crumbling to her daughter's pleads.

'Why do I suddenly feel like I'm in way too deep?.' I asked myself unable to remove my eyes from Felicia's amazing ass that rivaled Natasha's as she swayed her hips exiting the room following behind her mother.


'God I can't believe I did that. Mmm but just looking at those broad shoulders, wild hair, ripped muscles the tightness of his jeans from that big fat cock it just made me so fucking horny. Ever since Fisk and his men had their way with me, that side of me that I buried when Walter disappeared from our lives.

That cock hungry whore that would happily participate in a gangbang fuck fest just like the one Fisk put me through. I gave into my old self using my daughter as an excuse to finally let go of my loyalty to Walter.

I even enjoyed the sex…the rough treatment…the humiliation…and mmm all that hot steamy cum. But when Fisk looked down at me with that sick condescending smile as he bragged about killing my Walter.

Then he knocked me out and I woke up tied to that little bastards bed it made me sick listening to him brag about drugging my little Fel for months making her fall in love with him putting her through constant highs and lows or arousal until the point she was masturbating in public places for relief.

The little bastard had recorded her entire rape and made me watch it over and over again while my own body betrayed me as the little piece of shit used the same drug on me fucking me while promising soon he'd fuck us both side by side in my drug induced haze I begged for it I begged to be fucked along side my little girl.

I know I should be disgusted with myself that I should be a broken mess after my "assault" but the truth is I went in knowing what would happen to me and now I just want to filled by a big fat cock and get fucked senseless alongside my daughter.' Thought Lydia.


"Soooo…you…and…Fel seem to have a very…unique…hmm…connection, what are your intentions toward my little sister?." Asked Laurel in a drawn out way while looking at me seriously.

"I…ugh…to be honest, I'm not really sure the Kotenok is beautiful and cute. I won't lie, I'm attracted to her physically but there's something more as well." I replied as I moved closer to the bed climbing onto it moving towards Laurel like she was my prey.

"Laurel." I said somewhat self consciously as I sat back on my haunches lifting up her one foot delicately as I started massaging it.

"Mmm…it…sooo…gooood…wait how can I even feel you massaging my foot?. Asked Laurel after releasing some pleasured sighs.

"Your sensory nerves and centers are fully functional again, that is how you can feel this.

Laurel I know we don't know each other very well and we haven't known each other long, but…you are carrying my child.

So I'm going to make a request of you for both your safety and that of our developing child… I bought a farm in upstate about three hours from the Canadian border.

There's a few houses on the property…I'd like for you to move into one…and have it be the place where we raise our child together." I said to her as I gently set one foot back on the bed and grabbed the other.

"Yo…u want to mo-ve in together?." Asked Laurel, her voice turning shy and a little high pitched.

"(Nghh) Not unless you want to, there are three fully liveable houses on the property. Since I'm asking you to uproot your entire life you have first pick of the homes and if we get to a point in our relationship where we both want to live with one another… while we can decide if and when it ever comes to that." I replied back laying her foot back down while starting to massage her legs only to feel a vice like grip on my hair that pulled my forwards as aggressive lips slammed against my own.