Ghost Rider in TVD


"Ugh, I knew I shouldn't have let Adam talk me into going to that party last night."

"You were meant to go to that party last night young soul and end up here."-R.O.B.

"So I'm dead aren't I?. I should have known better than to drink and drive. I hope no one else paid for my actions."

"No, no one else was harmed due to your actions. In fact not even the vehicle was harmed, you merely fell asleep behind the wheel while being parked and died in your sleep. Now on to important matters, time for the wheel of reincarnation."-R.O.B.

The omnipotent being waved his knurled hand and two wheels appeared. Pulling the lever on the side of the wheel which made it start to spin many names appeared on the wheel. Star wars, the vampire diaries, Harry Potter and so many more but it stopped on The Vampire Diaries.

The second wheel that read powers and abilities stopped on Ghost Rider. A third wheel started spinning and stopped on soul bound equipment. It stopped on a block that had a list of equipment on it motorcycle, a Winchester 1887 lever action Shotgun, Johnny Blazes leather jacket, Note 20, and a prepaid card with 1 million dollars on it.

"Hmm good draw most of the time people end up with nothing. Or horrible useless crap."-R.O.B.

'This seems kind of rigged.'

The R.O.B snapped his fingers and a portal opened below my feet and I started falling. During my fall my skin felt like it was melting off of my body as my insides burned. My hand's were skeletal and covered in blue flames as I crashed into the ground with a deafening boom as a cloud of earth mushroomed up into the sky.

As I stood up the fire started disappearing and the skeletal hands became covered in flesh and blood. Looking around I found myself in an evergreen forest. There was a Yamaha Vmax that looked like it was pulled out of the movie. Except it had a Shotgun holster mounted on the front fork opposite of the accelerator. The leather jacket Johnny wore in the first movie was folded up neatly with a smartphone way to advanced for the time. Along with a gold card and a lever action Shotgun with a couple boxes of 10 gauge slugs next to it.


The only problem I could spot besides the dying embers of the blue flame was the fact I was completely naked and only had a leather jacket. Looking into the chrome finish on the bike's headlamp I was shocked by who I looked like. My face looked like a young Zac Efron except I still had my amber dominant hazel eyes and black with copper toned hair that was dominantly black.

'Damn I look sexy as fuck. And shit man my dick grew a few inches in length and an increase in girth. Now what am I going to do about clothes?.'

As I was trying to decide what to do I heard some laughter and sounds of footsteps approaching.

"Aww come on Vick tell me what's going on with you and that cute puppy eyed boy."-female cannon fodder.

"Jeremy, Is great he's sweet and loving but he has this way of making me hate myself and want to change and be better. But I know that isn't in the cards for me so I'm trying to make him give up on me. By flaunting that I'm with Tyler but then Jeremy gives me those adorable sad puppy dog eyes and I get pulled back in."-Vicky Donavon.

"Hahaha the free drugs Jeremy gives you probably help."-Fodder.

"Shut up Heather. But yeah they do help."-Vicky.

"Hi there."- I said as I covered my modesty with my leather jacket.

'Wow, who's the hottie and why is he naked in the woods?. Mmm look at those abs.'-thought Heather.

'Mmm, I don't know whether to lick him or drop my panties and bend over for him.'-thought Vicky.

"Are you alright.?"-Vicky.

"Yeah, besides the fact that my clothes seemed to have vanished I'm good. You gorgeous ladies wouldn't be able to find me some clothes or shoes to wear would you."

"Why would we want to handsome. I mean of course we can right Vick."-said Heather the first part dreamily put the second part she shook herself out of it when Vicky elbowed her.

"Of course we can you and my brother Matt look like you're about the same size so his clothes should do."-Vicky.

"Thank you both."

"Ohh no problem whatsoever, Vick go ahead and use my truck I'll stay here and keep.-Heather.


"Zac company."-Heather.

"Ohh, no you don't, besides I can't drive yet or else I'll have to go to jail for 90 days."-Vicky.

"Oops, forgot about that sorry Zac we will be back in a bit with some clothes for you."-Heather.

"No problem, I'll just stay here and wait for you guys. Thanks again for your help."


I watched as Vicky and her friend Heather walked away swinging their hips periodically looking over their shoulders then sharing compaitreative whispers and giggles. While I admired the delicious view of their backside covertly until they were too far away to see.

'Damn I can honestly understand why Jeremy had such a hard-on for Vicky but I still don't condone his choosing her or ghost Anna over Bonnie. What to do until they get back?. That's if they actually come back with clothes for me to wear.'

Checking my pockets I found a Photo I.D./License along with a birth certificate and social security number. My name is now Zachariah Blaze. I'm 17 and I'm 6'-0" tall according to the information on my license. My address is from someplace in New York. Checking the other pockets of my jacket I didn't find anything else so I checked the rear saddle bag that was just above the rear tire.

Where I found a small toolkit with a few new spark plugs and a manila envelope with my high-school transcripts contained inside. it seems I'm a senior and if the date on my phone is correct I arrived in town a week before school starts.

'High-school again as if going through all of that wasn't bad enough the first time around.'

Sitting down on the seat of the bike the leather felt good against my bare skin. I grabbed the phone and unlocked it.

'God am I glad I don't have to downgrade to a pre android 9 phone. That would have been hell.'

I lost track of time checking Craigslist for random stuff like apartments for rent or rooms for rent along with guns and bows. Looking at some cars too because I'd need something to drive when it was raining badly out. I started to feel hungry and hoped Vicky and her friend would be back with some clothes soon or else I'd try my luck with not getting arrested for indecent exposure.

Putting the Shotgun in its holster that blended in so well with the bike you wouldn't notice it unless you were looking for it while stashing the boxes of slugs in the rear saddle bag. And making sure my card was safely secured in my inside zippered chest pocket that was reinforced with leather.

As I was listening to some FFDP songs I heard a vehicle approaching. Talking to myself aloud.

"Well I hope that's them or else this is going to be pretty awkward."

A blue Ford Bronco two pulled up in front of me luckily it was Heather and Vicky and not other people.

"Hey we're back sorry it took so long my brother Matty was home and he took forever to pick out some things he wouldn't mind not getting back. Plus Heather had to distract him by both flirting with him and gabbing about the Hottie we found in the woods naked."-Vicky.


"What you know it's true."-Vicky,

"Yeah but now he'll think I'm a gossiper."-Heather.

"Well you are one he'd find out eventually."-Vicky.

"Here these are for you."-Vicky.

"Thank you."

"You can call me Vick or Vicky. Either one is fine with me."-Vicky.

"Thank you Vicky, I really appreciate this. I'll try to return the favor in the future and also tell Matt thank you for me. And thank you as well Heathe."

Taking the bundle of clothes that Vicky handed me. There was a pair of tan timberlands, worn-out blue jeans that still had some miles left in them and a red flannel shirt, a pair of socks and a pair of boxer shorts that still had a tag on them.

It only took me a few minutes to get dressed while Vicky and Heather had their eyes glued to me while I did so.

"Hey you beautiful ladies wouldn't know a good place a guy could get something to eat and a place to stay would you?."

Both girls giggled while curling their hair with their fingers.


"Well if you're looking for good and cheap food and drinks then the Grill is your best option. As for a place to stay Matt and I have a spare room you could stay in until you get on your feet. Or there's the Salvatore boarding house but I don't think they've actually put anybody up in years."-Vicky.

"Thank you Vicky I'd appreciate that if it's alright with your brother I'd happily stay with you guys and I'll help out around the house and I can contribute a bit to the financial situation. I luckily kept my card in my saddle bag so I'm not completely without a way to provide for myself."

"Actually Matty was the one that brought it up to Vicky in the first place. Matt is a big softie with a big heart."-Heather.

"It's no problem at all Matt and I could use the company and you don't have to worry about chipping in financially until you get a job and have a steady income. Use what money you have to buy some clothes and stuff."-Vicky.

"Thank you Vicky, would it be too forward if I were to give you a hug."

"Hehehehe, no not at all feel free to hug me whenever you want to."-Vicky.

"Hahaha, careful what you wish I might just take you up on that offer."

I picked up Vicky in a bear hug.

"Hey no fair I want a hug too."-Heather.

"Mmm I could get used to this."-Vicky.

Setting down Vicky I repeated the process with a pouting Heather. My stomach decided to let its hunger be known to all of us.

"Come on, we better show you the way to the Grill and get you something to eat. Plus my shift starts soon."-Vicky.


Following behind Heather's Bronco enjoying the natural beauty of Mystic Falls and the wind flowing through my hair. I was enjoying my ride when I smelled something that made my body heat up a soft whisper in my ear 'sinners'.

'Ohh no I'm not going to be a backseat driver for a spirit of Vengeance. Listen here buddy my actions are my own I won't be a slave merge with me completely or get lost.'

'Accepted I will cease to exist and you shall be a new form of Rider but I implore you to continue my duty that God gave me.'-spirit of vengeance.

'I will punish those I deem unredeemable and kill those who I choose to.'

'Acceptable ride on brother.'-Spirit of vengeance.

If before there was a wall between me and the power of the rider it was now gone the power was me and I was the spirit and the rider all at once. Instinctively I knew how to control all of my abilities as the rider and knew on a level that my physiology had permanently changed but looking at my reflection I didn't notice any outward changes which was a plus.


The Grill had a nice look to the outside that made it feel classically modern or maybe rustically modern. I don't really know the difference between the two but the place gave me good vibes. Walking inside it really felt like I'd been transported into the tv show.

There at a high table in the corner next to the pool table sat Elena, Bonnie, Caroline as Matt and Tyler with a few randoms played pool. Spotting an Atm in an alcove behind the pool table I walked over while Vicky was grabbing her work stuff Heather had left after dropping Vicky off.

Matt seemed to notice me and recognize me almost immediately. Well probably his clothes and not me as a person.

"Wow man Heather did an amazing job describing you."-Matt.

"Nice to meet you Matt, Thank you for the clothes man."

"No problem, we've all had those days where we wake up naked in the woods."-Matt.

"Haha, really I thought I was the only one. All I remember is pulling off the road on a dirt road to catch some sleep next thing I knew I woke up naked. My bike was still there along with my jacket and my cell and card were still in my saddle bag."

"Huh, you'd think they'd take the bike instead of stripping you naked."-Matt.

"I know right, the bike is worth almost 20K. The only thing I can think of is they didn't know how to drive one. And thought all my stuff would be in my jeans."

"You know you should probably go make a statement at the station. Care's mom is the Sheriff."-Matt.

"Nah they didn't take anything worth bothering the police over. I'd rather not waste their time on something dumb like this that'll probably turn out to have been a prank by a couple of high middle schoolers thinking their funny."

"Haha, yeah either way it's up to you. And Vicky texted me to give me a heads up that you took us up on offer for a place to stay. If you want you and I can go over to the house now or later. Or if you want you can wait till Vicky's shift is over and she can show you to the house tonight."-Matt.

"First things first I gotta pull out some cash and get something to eat then we'll go from there if that's cool with you man."

"Right, You're probably hungry, well I'll probably be over here playing pool with Ty. You could join us if you like."-Matt.

"Thanks man but I think I'll eat alone and make friends on another day."

Finally getting passed Matt I get to the ATM that once I put the card in it says please set pin. Setting the pin I had to pull the card back out and reinsert it entering the new pin. I checked the balance and had to confirm a $1.50 charge just to see how much money I had available so my balance went from 1milion to $999,998.50.

'Money grubbing cocksuckers charging me just to check my balance.'

Pulling out 900 dollars in cash I went to turn around and was jumped by a bubbly blonde.

"Hi I'm Caroline Forbes, your future wife."-Caroline.

"Haha, you're cute Caroline but I'm not ready to start dating yet I just got here. Maybe some time in the future though if you'll excuse me I'd like to order something to eat."

'Shot down again I bet he'd say yes to Elena if she was the one asking.'-thought Caroline.

Caroline quickly grabbed my arm and pulled me over to the table where Bonnie and Elena were hanging out.

"You can join me and my friends, come on."-Caroline.

I could hear Matt and Tyler laugh while Tyler made a snide remark about Caroline sinking her claws into fresh meat.

"Hi"-both Bonnie and Elena said at the same time looking at me with understanding and pitying eyes.

"So this is Bonnie Bennett, our local psychic. And this is Elena Gilbert. We've been best friends since we were kids."-said Caroline as she pointed out each of her friends.

Both Bonnie and Elena stuck out their Elena's first since she was the closest and then Bonnie's. When I shook Bonnie's hand her eyes became a bit glossy. But she quickly returned to normal.

"It's nice meeting you ms.Bennett ms.Gilbert and last but not least ms.Forbes. My name is Zachariah Blaze but I'd prefer it if you each just referred to me as Zac. My name is a bit too biblical for my tastes."

"Nice to meet you Zac, why don't you tell us a bit about yourself and also please just call me Elena. I feel old being called ms.Gilbert."-Elena.

"Same please call me Bonnie or Bon."-Bonnie.

"Definitely I'm not my mom so call me Care or Caroline."-Caroline.

"No problem, Bon, Care and Elena. Where to start I'm from New York my parents died last fall I got myself emancipated. With some of the money my parents left me I bought a motorcycle and left NY behind in search of a place to call home. My Zodiac sign is Cancer. I'm 17 and I need to finish my senior year of high-school. That's about all there is to tell."

"I'm sorry about your parents. I lost mine at the start of summer break."-Elena.

"You have my condolences Elena. I know it's not easy to get past that."

"Okay enough of this depressing stuff."-Caroline.

"Care's right so you have a motorcycle, any chance you'd be willing to give us a ride?."-Bonnie.

"I don't have a helmet right now but when I get one for you to wear I'd be more than happy to take you for a ride Bonnie."

"Hey, I want to go for a ride too."-Caroline.

"Sure but not until I get a helmet for y'all to wear."

"Don't you have a helmet?."-Elena.

"Nah I figure if I wreck and bash my head on the ground if I'm meant to die I'm meant to die. Though I do need to get a new pair of Oakley riding glasses though."

"That's kind of morbid and specific but okay."-Caroline.

"So what's this I heard you woke up in the woods naked?."-Caroline.

"Well it's just how you heard it. I woke up naked as the day I was born. Good thing they left my jacket, my phone, my bike and my cards or else I'd really be screwed. Also Vicky, Matt and Heather all really helped me out beside the clothes Matt and Vicky offered to let me stay with them for a bit."

"Hey do you know what you want to order?."-Vicky.

"Hey Vick uhh yeah a large order of chicken tenders, sweet potato fries if you have them and blue cheese on the side also the blue and black jack Daniel's burger and a picture of cola."

"Sure thing, it'll be around 20 minutes."-Vicky.

"So did you play any sports I noticed your pretty muscular?."-Caroline.

"Well if you're thinking soccer, football and whatever no but I did MMA through my previous high-school."

"What's MMA?."-asked Bonnie.

"Well MMA is pretty much boxing but with other styles of fighting mixed in."

"Were you good at it?."-Elena asked.

"I was decent in total. I had 37 wins and 13 losses in actual competitions."

"Wow, that's amazing."-Bonnie.

"Thanks Bonnie."

We spent around 20 minutes talking about nonsensical stuff until Vicky brought out my food. I moved over to another table so I wouldn't be eating in front of them. I always thought it was rude to eat in front of people. But Matt sat down with me followed by Tyler.

"It looks like you ended up making friends anyway hauh man?."-Matt.

"Yeah it's hard to say no to a beautiful blonde as bubbly and nice as Caroline. Plus Bonnie and Elena combined with Caroline are a Triple threat combo."

"Hahaha"-both Matt and Tyler laughed at that.

"So Matt what's up between you and Elena, a recent break up or something?."

"Ha, Elena broke up with Matt just before her parents died."-Tyler.

"Come on man."-Matt.

"I figured he was making those lost puppy dog eyes at Elena the whole time I was talking to her. Look Matt I'm not trying to be a dick but you hovering around her is just going to drive a wider wedge between you too. You gotta get out there and start dating again. It'll drive Elena nuts and make her jealous plus I doubt she'll stay single once school starts and you won't be the one she's dating man."

"Thank you, I've been trying to tell Matt the same thing for the past four months."-Tyler.

"Shut up guys I just want to be there for her. I feel responsible for her parents dying."-Matt.

"Matt, you really want to be there for her. Show her that you're moving on with your life so that she realizes she should."

"I'll give it a shot, thanks man. You're better at this than Tyler."-Matt.


"No problem man."

Matt and Tyler sat with me talking about track and football stuff I tuned out. While Vicky brought me a rum and coke by accident, I didn't say anything about it. Or maybe it wasn't by accident she could have seen me suffering from sports talk from the two jocks and brought me something to numb my pain. For all the food that I ordered and the drink refills it was only 25 bucks which was amazing since there were 10 large chicken tenders, a huge basket of fries and the burger itself had to ¾ of a pound of beef.

"Hey Matt before I forget again here's money for the clothes and boots."

"You don't have to worry about it man. They were stuff I bought last week to get ready for school."-Matt.

"Nah man I have to pay you back especially with how you and Vicky are offering me a place to stay."

Matt reluctantly took the two hundred dollars. After playing a few rounds of pool with Matt and Tyler we decided it was time to head out. The Donovan's residence was a quaint three bedroom one and a half bath with a carport attached above the porch. Matt gave me his mom's room to crash in. It was right next to Vicky's and he was right across from the bathroom then there was the living room, kitchen/dining area and that was it beside the ugly wallpaper I couldn't find anything wrong with the place.

Telling Matt goodnight I layed down to get some sleep since I felt mentally drained. I woke up to Vicky shaking my shoulder while wearing a belly shirt and a pair of black panties holding a lit blunt to her lips.

"Want a hit Zac?."-Vicky.


Taking a long hit. I started coughing like a bitch on exhale. But I did feel that usual lightheaded feeling as I used to infect. I didn't feel anything from it.

"Hahaha, First time?."-Vicky.

"Ha, yeah never really was interested in smoking I was more a whiskey drinker."

"Well we have some of that here let's party together YEAHHH ! ! !."

"Vick knock it off."-Matt.

"Aww come on Matty. Zacy doesn't mind it, he even took a hit."-Vicky.

Vicky took off angrily stomping to her room slamming the door. Before marching outside off the house and slamming that door shut.

"Sorry about her, she gets like this sometimes our mom is the same."-Matt.

"It's not a problem man, it didn't bother me at all. Hey if you don't have anything going on would you mind taking me to places to shop for some stuff? My bike isn't really good for shopping."

"Yeah man no problem. We'll head out in a few."-Matt.


Getting into Matt's two tones square body Chevy listening to some country music on the radio looking out the window looking when Matt pointed places out to me that I'd need to know.

"So you really think I should start dating someone else to she Elena I've moved on from her?."-Matt.

"Definitely man. You see Elena is looking for Tall, dark, mysterious, edgy, danger guy while you're Mr. Safe, not edgy, dark or mysterious guy. You're her childhood sweetheart and safety net, the guy she knows that even if Mr.danger guy knocks her up and leaves her alone you'll be her knight in shining armor."

"You're not pulling any punches man."-Matt.

"I'm not going to man. I'll be straight with I don't like girls like Elena because they all are like this they get too wrapped up in those stupid edgy vampire romance novels. And end up wanting to be with a guy who wants to rip their throat out and consume them entirely while normal guys like us aren't passionate enough for girls like her."

"You sound like you've had some personal experience with this sorta thing."-Matt.

"A lot of us have an Elena in our lives Matt. Honestly if I were you I'd go for Caroline it's obvious she's been holding a torch for you for years now and is pretty salty that you and everyone else always seem to pick Elena over her."

"How'd you pick up on all that in one night?."-Matt.

"Observation and personal experience."

"Who was your Elena?."-Matt.

"Kaiyle, like you and Elena we were childhood friends. Our Mom's were best friends to the point I called her mom aunt. Things were great between or else I always thought they were but Ha if I didn't find out differently a week or two after my parents died. Anyway can we talk about this another time?."

"Sure, so Care huh I've never thought of her like that."-Matt.

"Well you should probably wait until a month or two into the school year though and have a few hook ups in between with other chicks."

"I'm not that kinda guy."-Matt.

"Yeah I figured you should also ask your sister for advice on the dating scene she'd probably have a good feel on who to go for."

"Yeah that does sound like a good idea even if it is embarrassing."-Matt.

"So what's the 411 on Bonnie?."

"Bonnie well let's see she's never actually dated anyone between her Ugh episodes her Grams, father and abandonment issues from her mom she pretty scares away guys that are into her. She's always been there as Care's and Elena's best friend but always seems to get left out or forgotten but is always there when people need her. That's pretty much all I can tell you."-Matt.


"It's complicated and I'm not the best person to explain it. Bonnie is great if you like her, I'd say go for it."-Matt.


[With Bonnie]

I can't get the feelings that I got from him last night when our hands touched he was so warm. Like I was standing in front of a raging bonfire. I thought I'd burn alive. But then there was also this cold feeling I've always associated with death that calmed the raging inferno.

Making it both comfortable and off putting to be in his presence at the same time. I should talk to Grams about what I felt. Nah it'd probably nothing and I don't want to get her going again with all of her craziness.

He is so Hot though like damn it was like he just walked out of the TV screen and into Mystic Falls.


Shopping for clothes sucks ass. So I decided to go with tried and true black T-shirts short sleeve and long seven of each. Black jeans 3 pairs blue jeans 4 pairs a few button up shirts in grey, dark blue and black. A couple packs of boxer briefs and black socks. A pair of black combat boots. And some sports wear I.E grey sweatpants and hooded sweatshirts some running shoes and that was about I for clothes.

While walking around the store that seemed to be a mix of department store, military surplus, outdoors, camping and hunting store. I found a 50L with 3 MOLLE bags in stealth black. It was waterproof and big enough to carry a lot shit in so I added that to the cart along with a shaver, soaps, deodorant and a few other odds and ends.

I was all set to check when I remembered I needed a set of riding glasses and a helmet. So I went to the powersports section and found a dope as fuck futuristic looking helmet, riding jacket, riding gloves and backpack set I added that to the cart too. Matt gave me an odd look.

"Two backpacks?."-Matt.

"Yeah this one is set up so it has a steel mounting plate that you can attach to your bike if you need to plus it's a set and to buy a helmet with a Bluetooth and radio setup would cost the same amount as the set."

"Why the helmet anyways?."-Matt.

"Bonnie asked for a ride."

"Haha, somebody's got it bad for Bonnie."-Matt.

"Maybe I do, maybe I don't."

"Are you all set here?."-Matt.

"Yeah I think so."

$600 dollars later I was the owner of a whole new wardrobe. We were getting back into Matt's truck and on our way back to the house after spending a half-hour in a check out line.

"So, do you have any plans for today?."-Matt.

"Yeah a shower hahaha, then I plan on going to the garages and dealerships and see if they need any help. In their shops or garages. Hey Matt, here's what I got left from the money I pulled out yesterday for rent, food bills or whatever."

"This is $300 dollars."-Matt.

"Is it not enough?."

"No, it's more than enough for the month, thanks man."-Matt.

"No problem, thank you for helping me out and opening your home to me."

The rest of the way back we sat in companionable silence. Carrying my stuff inside and putting it in my room before getting in the shower. I stayed inside until the water ran lukewarm. Drying off and getting dressed, checking myself out in the mirror.

'Damn I look good.'

When I left my room I noticed Matt's truck was gone. shrugging my shoulders I put on my jacket while pairing my phone to the helmet. Listening to some Skillet and Nickelback as I drove around. Instead of going to find a job I drove to Gissepi Salvatore's grave. I willed my Hellfire to form a ball just above my hand and it worked. A ball of blue flame hovered over my palm.

At my mental command the flame grew to the size of a basketball before I commanded it to consume the dirt, the coffin and Gissepi Salvatore's remains while leaving the Bennett Grimoire unharmed. It was amazing watching the heavenly hellfire do as I willed it to. And once the remains, coffin and dirt were gone I willed the flames to lift the grimoire up into my hands.

After completing the exercise of controlling my fire I felt tired and hungry. So I sat down with my back against a tree and waited for the fatigue to leave me. Opening the Grimoire I saw it was written in older English or proper English depending on where you're from. I remembered reading somewheres that ghost riders could use magic besides just their Hellfire abilities and demonic form.

Reading through a couple of pages skipping over the rules of nature and balance part because that shit is biased. I decided to use incendia while picturing a flame in the former resting place of Gissepi Salvatore. Yellow orange flames licked at the edges of the grave and I could easily feel it was normal fire well not normal perse more like magical normal fire.

'So Riders can use magic that's good to know.'

I felt I had control over the flame, but not as fine and powerful of control as with my Hellfire. But the control was enough to extinguish or increase the volume of the flames but I couldn't control what it did or didn't burn. Nor could I shape it like Hellfire.

Using my phone I took pictures of every page and made sure they weren't corrupted or fading away or anything. There was a lot of useful information on rituals, spells, runes, sealing and talismans creation and uses. Along with a Bennet witches natural abilities like their disposition towards visions, pyrokinesis and telekinesis.

Once I was done taking pictures of all the useful information I drew shut the leather drawstrings on the leather tome shut, sealing it shut. Before rolling it up so it would fit inside my saddle bag. Going off of memory I decided to try and find Sheila Bennett's house better known as Grams.

I finally found the maroon house belonging to the former witch and Occult professor at Whitmore College. I saw a green hatchback parked in the driveway hoping that meant she was home. I parked on the side of the street and put my helmet on the handle bars. Grabbing the Bennett Grimoire I walked up her small porch and was about to knock when she opened the door.

"I haven't had any handsome young men come knocking on my door in ages. I'm not buying anything handsome so get lost."-Shelia.

"Haha, I'm actually here to return something that belongs to your family and to speak with you about important matters."

"What are you trying to bring here?."-Shelia.

"Emily Bennett's Grimoire. And a warning for both you and your granddaughter Bonnie."

"You try and threaten my granbaby and I'll see you suffer."-Shelia.

"Far from it in fact, may I come in? I'd like to show you something."

"Get in here, then but don't be trying nothing or else you'll regret it."-Shelia.

"First take this, it belongs with Bennetts. Second, you might want to sit down."

"Don'tchu be worrying about me I might be old but I'm not weak."-Shelia.

"Okay have it your way."

'Let's Ride.'

In less than a second the young handsome man went from looking like a supermodel to a flaming skeleton and his leather jacket grew metal spikes.


Shelia's eyes rolled back in her head and she started to fall backwards. I moved forward on instinct and caught her.

'Guess my joke was in bad taste.'

Turning back to normal I checked her pulse and she was okay. so carrying her to the couch laying her down gently onto the couch. Then going and filling up a glass full of water for her. Carrying a chair over from the table I sat down in front of the couch.

"It wasn't a dream was it?."-Shelia.

"Fraid not beautiful, here I got you this while you were out of it."-Shelia.

"Hahaahaaha, beautiful I haven't had a young handsome man call me that I longer than I care to remember. What are you if you don't mind me asking?. I can feel that you're natural and that you exist both apart and separate from nature at the same time."-Shelia.

"Hmm, where to start, so you know that mother nature and god were or maybe still are powerful entities that came together in union and created the world together correct?."

"That's what some books say, what does it have to do with you?."-Shelia.

"Hold on, I'm getting there. You see, the world the two created only gave life to large powerful but highly simplistic creatures. God grew bored of this so without talking to his once a time partner mother nature he threw flaming rocks down upon the earth. Killing most of the simple creatures that mother nature was so fond of with only a few species surviving."

"This led mother nature to come knocking infuriated with her former or current lover. They fought, they argued and they made up, creating heaven and hell places where all the souls of the creatures God killed would go and eventually reincarnate. Well after their union they stayed together for a time creating Angles together with their children they resided in heaven until at one point one of their sons laid with the soul of one of those ancient creatures in heaven. Thus creating Lilith the mother of monsters and the first human-like creature that did not need to be shaped by mother nature and god."

"Mother Nature and God couldn't bear to see the poor girl suffer in loneliness so they sent her to chase away the darkness that had been growing on earth. From her cousins the leviathans that were basically consuming the world in Lilith's power she created a new dimension and sealed away her cousins and killed off the other remaining monstrous species. Before following her grandmother's example and creating life many mythological creatures were born that day from her flesh and blood."

"As Lilith became the mother of monsters god and mother nature created the first man Adam. When Lilith returned to Heaven tired and feeling even more lonely than before. Her grandmother and grandfather presented Adam to her and so they were married but all was not well. You see Adam as the first man and was responsible for allowing the first sinners to be created in his and Lilith's first and only children. Which in turn led to all the sins mankind now faces in this world. In this world his and Lilith's first son's that would be Cain and Abel by the way they were the first souls to kill out of hatred."

"Lost in heartache at both of her son's dying Lilith was seduced away by her father and thus Demons were born. And Hell gained it's tortures at the discovery of Lilith's adultery she was thrown from heaven never allowed to return. God taking pity on Adam created Eve his second wife created just for him from his rib bone. God ordered his children to bow to the two humans and they did so but it bred resentment in more than a few of his firstborn children. Especially the son that created Lilith and then seduced her away from Adam."

"Feeling the urge to corrupt another beauty of heaven this son tried seducing Eve but failed at every turn. So he tried a new approach: he created lust which led to Eve and Adam desecrating gods' gardens and creating more humans but these humans were even more flawed than Cain and Abel. They sinned rampantly causing god's mischievous son to rebel against his father for not taking action to prevent such things. His son went to his daughter and lover and amassed an army of demons from hell and led an assault on heaven."

"The son lost the battle and the war and was cast into Hell since he wanted to rule so badly he could rule hell. And so the son did so but mother nature approached her husband upset at how mankind was treating their creation so together they created a police force if you will of spirits. These spirits were called spirits of vengeance; they would inhabit souls of men giving them powers to punish and help expunge the more heinous sins and sinners not only from the earth but heaven and hell as well."

"The new system worked for a time but of course the son didn't like that one bit and started to trick the spirits of vengeance into becoming perversions of what they were meant to be. The system eventually fell apart with the ever growing population of humans at this point both mother nature and god became fed up with everything and gave a righteous man a vision of the apocalypse that would befall the world. And then flooded it, killing 99.999% of life on the planet. Some spirits of vengeance still followed their original paths and for a time the world was a better place."

"But as the phrase says if there is a will there's a way or life always finds a way. The world slowly descended into chaos once more. There was this Jesus dude and a sacrifice and stuff and all of mankind's sins were forgiven again. But alas with the passing of time the spirits of vengeance became even more obsolete and became forgotten. One such spirit and spirit's partner referred to as a rider created a separate hell dimension and brought over or tainted other riders and spirits to his cause to not be forgotten nor waste away to nothing with the advancement of time and mankind."

"Lilith did not like this so when she eventually retaliated. She was sealed in the same dimension as her ancient kin and the original hell was sealed off. So no new souls could enter this led to an imbalance in nature which led to new pantheons of gods and goddesses, magic and man made monsters at a time when the riders were needed the most they were no longer there. And so God cursed the one that betrayed their purpose to remain in their new hell dimension for eternity. The few that were still loyal to their original purpose still did as they were meant to but it was too little and ineffective with their numbers reduced do much so much darkness and suffering and this time God wouldn't interfere."

"But mother nature did so by creating your kind of witches, Shelia. Together the witches and the few remaining riders established a sort of stability or balance but of course witches' love for their lovers and children threw that tenuous balance away creating immortals. You know what, let's just stop this here for today. Basically I wanted to tell you your granddaughter has a massive role to fill in the restoration of balance and she needs you to teach her of her heritage."

(Knock knock knock)

"Grams it's me Bonnie I forgot my key."-Bonnie.

"Hold on baby I'm coming we've got a guest."-Sheila.


"Ohh hi Zac, why are you here?."-Bonnie.

"He's here bringing something back that once belonged to our family."-Grams.

"What really, what is it Grams?."-Bonnie.

"It's a spell book or grimoire from our ancestor Emily Bennett."-Sheila.

"Really, cool I bet your students will like to see that. How did you end up with it Zac?."-Bonnie.

"I actually bought it at an estate sale I went to in Boston Massachusetts before coming here. It was something that I kept in my saddle bag. I didn't mention it to you because it didn't click until I woke up this morning and I remembered you said you're Ancestor's fled here from Salem. So when I looked up Bennett's in Mystic Falls I saw Sheila here was an occult professor and figured who better to return it to."

'It's a bit of bothe creepy and sweet.'-thought Bonnie.

"Anyways I better get going. It was nice meeting you Sheila and if I happen across anymore or your family's mementos. In my travels I'll try to return them to their proper home. It was nice seeing you again Bonnie."

"I'd like that, by the way Zac if you like you can visit and we can continue our discussion anytime."-Sheila.

"I'd like that, thanks Sheila."




"Baby why don't you go after him before he leaves so you can ask him to stay for dinner."-Sheila.


"What baby it'd take someone with half my brains and a quarter of my experience not to see the eyes you were making looking at him."-Sheila.

"But he'll think I'm a freak just like all the other guy's."-Bonnie.

"I doubt that baby, especially since he was making the same eyes at you that you were making at him."-Sheila.

"Ga-Grams, you really think so?."-Bonnie.

"I just know, so go baby, don't miss out on an opportunity or else you'll regret it."-Grams.

'Damn he's about to leave. I'll have to give that girl a hand so she doesn't end up old and alone like me.'-Sheila.


'Hehe, you better not blow this chance baby. I want to see you happy and in love.'-Sheila.


I was just about to drive away when I felt magic directed towards me while more specifically my bike. It wasn't a spell cast with harmful intentions. I could sense that much. With the way that it only caused the engine to I figured it was accidental magic from Bonnie or Sheila Bennett was sending me a warning of sorts.

But Bonnie came jogging out of the house looking around and spotting me. It took my breath away seeing the radiant smile that lit up her features. Making my heart thump faster in my chest.

'Damn what's wrong with me?. I'm totally fan boying over the Kat Graham look alike.'

"Hey good he's still here, So Gram's wanted me to invite you to dinner."-Bonnie.

"Thank you but I wouldn't want to impose."

"No really it's more than okay really so please stay for dinner."-Bonnie.

'Ohh my god I sound so desperate. I am but still I don't want him to know that.'-thought Bonnie.

"Well then I'd love to join you. I mean I'd love to join both of you for dinner."


Taking off my helmet helmet and putting down the kickstand enjoying the fact Bonnie couldn't take her eyes off of me. Bonnie and I walked back into the house together. She was rambling on about things I didn't understand mostly because I was too busy admiring her beauty.

'Ahh I'm totally embarrassing myself, Care and Elena by telling him this embarrassing story. Care and Elena make talking to boys look so much easier.'-thought Bonnie.

"Bonnie, are you alright you're looking a bit flushed."

"Eep hahaha, yeah I'm fine, totally fine, nothings wrong with me at all."-Bonnie.

"Except I'm making myself look like a total dork… Ohh my God I said that out loud."-Bonnie.

"Hahahah, You're far from a dork Bonnie but even if you were you'd be an amazing and gorgeous dork."

'Hehehehe.'-thought Bonnie.

"Good Bonnie managed to catch you before you got too far. Go and set the table Baby."-Sheila.

"Yes, Gram's."-Bonnie.

"Don't worry I'll undo the spell on your motorcycle after dinner."-Sheila.

'God for a 53 year old woman Sheila is Hella attractive. Especially with that mischievous smile and those warm youthful eyes and her body stacks nicely even against a woman in her mid thirties.'

'I still got it mmm yeah, keep looking at me like that stud and I might just have to test you out before my baby gets you. Ahh if only I was twenty years younger. I might actually give it a go. I'll just have to live vicariously through my baby.'-thought Sheila.

Bonnie set the table but it was cute watching her mess up the silverware order and putting the cups in the wrong spots. It easily showed how often Bonnie and her Grams sat down to have a meal like this at the table.

"Baby did you forget how to set the table? I know we usually eat in the living room. But this is important. Someday you might have to do this for your husband and your own family."-Sheila teased her granddaughter.

"Ga-Grams what are you saying besides it's set perfectly fine. Wait, that's not how I set them. Ohh no I'm doing it again."-Bonnie.

Seeing Bonnie starting to have a full blown panic attack I shot a look at Sheila. That said this is why you should have been training her. The poor girl seemed completely traumatized because of her gifts. Reading the way the silverware fell Sheila's widened I grabbed Bonnie's hands and tried calming her down but it didn't work so I pulled her into a hug.

Bonnie almost instantly mellowed out with her head resting against my muscular chest taking in deep breaths and letting out breaths that almost sounded like purrs. Shaking her shoulders gently.

"Bonnie are you alright now?."

"mmmhmm."-expressed Bonnie while she nuzzled her cheek against my chest.

Out of the corner of my eye I noticed Sheila trying not to laugh at the adorable reactions of her granddaughter.

"We should probably sit down to eat Bonnie."


Bonnie slowly cracked open an eye and looked upwards. When she saw that I was actually holding her she released a cute sound.


She disengaged for the hug quickly while her skin became darker because of her blushing. She started to stutter out an apology that I quickly moved to shoot down.

"S-sorry I'm such a freak."-Bonnie.

"You're not a freak Bonnie you're just gifted though that gift can seem like a curse now someday you'll come to love and appreciate it so much you won't know what to do with yourself once it's gone. Besides, you don't have to apologize. Having a beautiful girl clinging to me so tightly while nuzzling her head into making purring sounds is quite enjoyable. Feel free to do so again, I don't mind."

Bonnie's skin flushed an even darker shade of brown. In fact I was a little worried that if I embarrassed her any further she'd blow a gasket. Bonnie embarrassedly put her head down and dragged Sheila into the kitchen. I could hear Bonnie's heated voice and Sheila's calm and amused teasing voice tones but I couldn't quite make out what they were saying over a crackling sound almost like how wood crackles and pops when it's being burned.

'Burning Sage maybe?. Wait a better question is how the fuck can I hear it burning in the first place.'

Sheila walked into the dining room from the kitchen carrying a crock pot that had a delicious and slightly spicy smell wafting off of it. While Bonnie carried in a tray of cornbread her flush had faded to normal levels until she made accidental eye contact with me and started to blush again.

"Help yourself Zachariah, there's plenty of Jambalaya so don't be worried about manners or holding back."-Sheila.

"Thank you Sheila."

The food was a perfect mix of spicy and sweet. It had shrimp, chicken, jalapeño peppers, rice, mushrooms, red and green peppers. It was so good I had two dishes worth of it.

"Good you like it. I'll be sure to teach Bonnie how to make it for you."-Sheila.

"Grams, forgive her Grams is growing senile in her advanced age."-Bonnie.

"Mmmhmm. Maybe in my senility I might just let it slip about the stuffed animal you still sleep with ms.Bun-buns."-Sheila.


"Don't laugh, it's not funny."-Bonnie.

I felt a few pinches at my waist that only made me laugh harder at her reactions.

"So Bun-Buns is Bonnie's nickname?."

"Mmmhmm my baby here used to take off her diapers and run around screaming at the top of her lungs yelling Bun-bun's while holding her stuffed rabbit the whole time."-Sheila.

"GRAMS STOP IT ! ! !."-Bonnie.

Both Sheila and I shared a laugh but Bonnie didn't like it very much and ran upstairs to her room.

"I think we might have pushed her a little too much. I should get going. It's getting late. But before I go would it be alright if I went upstairs and apologized? I only laughed because it was a cute and funny story."

"Of course you can. Her room is the first on the left at the top of the stairs."-Sheila.

Walking up the stairs looking at Bonnie's childhood photos it painted an almost unhappy picture of her being alone at family functions. Few friends, a neglectful father that put work first after his wife ran off a grandmother that did more than she had to but not nearly enough for a young developing child.

'Damn seeing it in the shows is one thing but here there's a story plain to see. The similarities between my past life and Bonnie's are quite similar: a father obsessed with work, a grandparent trying to fill the paternal void. The only major difference is my mother didn't totally run off, she just pushed me off on other people.'

(Knock knock knock)

A muffled reply came from the room.

"Go away Grams."-Bonnie.

"It's Zac Bonnie. Can I come in?."


Bonnie was sitting up on her bed clutching a pillow to her chest her eyes were a bit red indicating she had been crying. The pillow had a long ear sticking out from the top that looked like it was from a stuffed bunny. Closing the bedroom door I sat down on the floor and leaned my back against the closed door.

"I'm sorry if you thought I was laughing at you, I guess I was partly but really I was laughing because of your relationship with your Grams. The way you guys went back and forth reminded me of the relationship I had with my grandfather before he passed away. If our positions were reversed and he was still alive he probably would have told you some embarrassing things about me."

"I'm sorry about your grandfather, it sounds like you were pretty close. I overreacted when I saw you laughing at me. I felt like I was back in middle school when the boy I had a crush on heard something about me and turned me into the school's laughing stock."-Bonnie.

"Guys are assholes Bonnie, that's all I can say. Now tell me is Bun-buns the name of that stuffed Bunny there that you're trying to hide with the pillow?. Or was it because someone said that you were showing your bunns?."

"Jerk, Her name is Bunny bun-bun. It was the last thing my mom gave me before she disappeared. And Grams had taken her away for some reason and then she gave her back and I don't know why but while you heard what I did."-Bonnie.

"I did, it sounded incredibly fun. I wish I was around back then so I could have seen it myself with my own eyes so I could pick on you. Bun-buns."

(Whoosh; the sound of a pillow being thrown and dodged.)

Bonnie chucked the pillow she had been clutching to her chest to hide the stuffed bunny from my sight but failed miserably at both. Smiling at her I picked up the pillow and stood up to give it back to her. Once it left my hands she swung it at me pouting cutely when I sidestepped away from the hit.

"Well I'm going to head out thank you for inviting me to dinner Bonnie. Maybe some time you and I can go out, just you and I for dinner. I mean, if you want to, that is?."

"I'd love to, I mean yeah I'd like that. By the way, when are you going to give me that ride you promised?."-Bonnie.

"Well if you're up for it we could go for a quick trip around the block to see if you like it or not."

"Yeah let's go."-Bonnie.

Bonnie had her arms wrapped around my right arm as she dragged me out of her room down the stairs and out the front door in less than five seconds.


After putting the helmet on Bonnie and securing the straps properly I took off my jacket and put it on her so she wouldn't get cold in the chilly night time air.

"Be sure to hold on tight and lean with me when I lean."

"Okay I'll try my best."-replied Bonnie with a muffled voice because of the helmet.

(Vroom vroom bbbrrraaatttttt RRRREEEERRRRRTTTTT)

Burning so rubber as a dropped the clutch. The only reason we didn't pop a wheelie and ride it out was because both mine and Bonnie's weight was leaning forward onto the bike.

"WEEEEE."-shouted Bonnie enthusiastically.

'Bon-bon has a wild side, good to know.'

Our ride that was supposed to just be around the block lasted for close to an hour. I pulled up into Sheila's driveway, shutting off my bike and putting down the stand. While Bonnie was holding on to me tightly shaking a little but not from fear or cold but from the adrenaline drop.

Getting off the bike together I had to help hold her up because her legs were a bit shaky.

"That was so much fun. Can we go again please please please?."-pleaded Bonnie like an exuberant child that had just discovered their favorite ride at an amusement park.

"Sure we can Bonnie I'll even teach you to ride on your own if you want to learn?."

"Yes please."-replied Bonnie excitedly.

Her giddiness was infectious, making me smile involuntarily.

"Of course Bun-bun."-I teased her gently as I untied the securing straps of the helmet. Helping her take it off so she didn't pull her hair while removing it. Then helping her out of my jacket.

"Aww I don't get to keep the jacket."-asked Bonnie with a bit of sadness in her voice.

"No not this one it has some sentimental value to me plus it's way too big on you. How about this if you're free tomorrow we can go and get you your own riding gear. So you can be safe while teaching you how to ride on your own."

"Okay tomorrow's good I was supposed to hang with Care and Elena but they'll understand."-replied Bonnie happily.

We walked up the porch together and stopped at the door. Bonnie quickly jumped forward and kissed my lips quickly before vanishing into the house and slamming the door shut. I couldn't help but touch my lips from the tingling sensation that was starting to fade away.

'Ohh my god what did I do?. Will he think I'm a slut kissing him on the first date AHHHHHHH.'-Bonnie's thoughts raged.

"Baby if you're wondering what he's thinking, he's still standing on the porch with a silly smile on his face touching his lips."-said Sheila in amusement.

"Gr-Grams you you watched?."-asked Bonnie nervously.

"Of course I did, I'm old, not dead. I was hoping you'd make your move on him and sneak him to your room but I'll settle for you guys taking it slow for now. I'd like to see my great granbabies before I turn sixty though so get to it baby."-said Sheila seriously.

"Grams I'm not having babies."-yelled Bonnie exasperatedly.

Sheila raised an eyebrow while looking at her granddaughter.

"I and your mother said the same thing and within a few years I gave birth to her and she gave birth to you baby. Nature always finds a way, baby."-replied Sheila with a touch of morose in her voice as she took a walk down memory lane.

"Night Grams."-said Bonnie giving her grandmother a hug before running upstairs hearing Zac's motorcycle start and drive away.


I snapped myself out of my own stupor realizing I was acting like a love struck fool. After putting on my jacket and syncing my phone to the helmet I took off listening to some Nirvana and Bush along with Eminem and Ice Cube.

Driving to the Grill to get more to eat because I'm still hungry for some reason. Entering the frill I saw Matt and Heather making out in a corner booth while trying to act inconspicuous. Looking at the bar I notice someone that I knew from the show but hadn't met yet Jenna Sommers. She was knocking back shots and drinking martinis like water.

Sitting down at a booth I ordered a chicken salad with blue cheese dressing and a rum and coke to which the high-school age waitress didn't question. While enjoying my meal I started looking up mobile homes on my smartphone since to me it seemed to be the best way to live for a ghost rider and for me I've never really like staying in one place for a long time in fact I'm usually appalled by it or have been since turning 16 and getting a license. The only thing that ever held me back from living on the road was family.

I was stuck deciding between a winnebago 24J Mercedes Sprinter or a Mercedes Atlas to be my home on wheels. The price difference wasn't much when looking at them but I was leaning more towards the 4x4 wheel drive with off-road equipment of the Atlas. At the sacrifice of some space compared to the 24J. But the 24J has the slide out and a garage storage that could fit my bike inside so it was a toss up between the two.


As I was finishing up my salad a drunk Jenna tripped and somehow managed to fall on top of me sideways. I could smell the booze on her breath. It was amazing she was still mobile as it was.

"Ohh sorry, hey you're cute wanna come home with me?."-asked a drunk Jenna.

"How about I drive you home and you get some rest?, beautiful."

"Hic-ups, hehehe, mmmhmmm you can ride me home anytime you want, handsome."-drunkenly flirts Jenna.

"Yeah let's get you home beautiful."

"Hehehe"-giggled Jenna.

I had to hold Jenna up by her waist. She struggled to walk and dig her keys out of her purse.

"Here you go, my cars the red one."-Jenna said excitedly.

Helping her into the passenger side and buckling her seat belt for her. She pulled me into her breasts. As I was doing so, pulling myself away from her pillow embrace, I got behind the wheel of her Mini Cooper as she gave me directions while gripping my arm and kissing my neck drunkenly while also rubbing her hands against my hard abs.

"Mmm so many mushles."-moaned Jenna dreamily.

From time to time she could call out the turns to get to her, while her dead sister's house that she was sure to mention more than once and start crying before distracting herself with something else. We arrived at the Gilbert house which is only a few blocks away from Matt's house.

"Can you get inside aright on your own?." I asked a bit worried for her.

"No no, I need your help wit it."-replied Jenna.

'Some of this feels like an act.'

Getting out of the Mini I helped Jenna out and she kept starting to fall over so I carried her in a princess carry.

"Weeee, fwaster my pwrince."-cheered Jenna.

I couldn't help but laugh at the 25 year old woman taking such childish joy in something like me carrying her. Unlocking the door I was going to set her down on the couch and leave.

"No, not the couch in my bed. Upwairs."-Jenna said a bit upset.

Carrying her up the stairs I was able to tell which room was hers since it was the only one with the door still open. Setting her down on the end of the bed I took her heels off for her and was about to leave when she grabbed my arm.

"Don't leave please. I'm so lonely just stay with me tonight please."-pleaded Jenna in a moment of sobriety.

"Sure I'll keep you company beautiful."

"YEAHHH, oopsie Hehehehe."-said Jenna.

"Help me get out of my dress pwease."-asked Jenna seductively.

Pulling her back to her feet she glued herself to me as I unzipped the back of her dress. While she moved her shoulders and backed up until the back of her knees were an inch from the bed letting her dress drop to the floor exposing her white colored lacy lingerie. That told me she had planned on bringing someone home with her tonight but must have struck out until she accidentally found me.

I stepped back a few steps until I reached the door and shut it before removing my shirt and pants to which Jenna made an appreciative whistle to me doing so. Taking measured steps towards her until I was within arms reach of her, putting my hand on the nice while proportioned hips pulling her tightly against me as I kissed her neck and my hands slipped down to her nice thong clad ass and started fondling her soft marshmallow like ash flesh.

"Ahhhh yes touch me more it's been so long."-moaned Jenna breathlessly.

"Are you sure you want this, Beautiful?."

"Ahh yes more than anything."-replied Jenna seriously.

"Good" I said as I picked her up by her ass and layed down on her bed with her underneath with her legs wrapped around my waist. One hand left her ass and slid up to unhook her bra as her hands explored my back eagerly. Planting Kisses along the sides of her neck making her moan softly in conjunction with her slowly rubbing her wetting thong clad mound against my boxer clad hardness.

"More pwease."-begged Jenna in neediness.

Removing the hand that had been shaping her supple ass flesh I used it to help remove her bra. Kissing her lips probingly. To which Jenna opened her mouth as I ran my tongue along her lips. Our tongues mingled and fought back and forth while exploring each other's mouths. We didn't pull apart until we needed to breathe once our lips separated. I kissed her chin and down her neck sucking and biting gently along her collar bone.

While my hands started to shape and massage her B-cup approaching C-cup sized breasts with her cute hard nipples. Kissing and licking her nipples breast and underside of her breasts before taking her nipples into my mouth and sucking on them.

"Ahhh yeash suck them suck them so good nghhh I'm going to cum from having my nipples sucked."-moaned Jenna loudly.

I left her nice breasts pulling her legs off of me that were locked around my hips. Kissing my way down her perfectly toned tummy. Sliding her thong down her thighs and enjoying how she lifts her cute little ass up off the bed to help me take them off Kissing in between her thighs as I made my way to her glistening lips.

Giving her pussy lips a few tentative licks before diving in and feasting on her folds and drinking her delicious nectar. As she started cumming spraying my face and upper chest in her juices.

"Ahhh I'm cumming from havwin my pwussy licked haaahnnn."-screamed out Jenna in ecstasy.

Planting Kisses along her body I made my way up to her mouth so I could let her taste herself. Getting rid of my boxers I rubbed the head of my hard shaft against her wet sensitive lips as I pushed my tongue into her mouth and initiated a searing kiss as I pushed myself inside her tight inside. Making her moan heavily that turned into a silent scream as I bottomed out inside of her breaking into a barrier that sucked hard on the tip of my cock as her walls massaged and spasmed around my hard shaft.

Holding her by her hips I started thrusting in and out of her tight heavenly pussy at an unforgiving pace making her eyes roll back up into her head as her tongue stuck out while she experienced a powerful orgasm.

"Nnnggghhhaaaaahhhgnnnn Haaahnnn"-moaned Jenna.

Her orgasm pushed me over the edge, making me thrust in as hard and deep as I could, shooting my thick cream right into her baby maker. Even though I had just cum I was still hard as a rock and ready for more Jenna had just started to come back down from her sex high as I gripped both of her breasts firmly in each hand as I thrust in and put of her at a moderate pace.

"Ahhhhh ma-ma-ma-more."-begged Jenna.

We fucked all throughout the night until a point where the hot sex turned into love making with lots of eye contact and holding with soft kisses and on final cream pie before we both drifted off to sleep. I woke up to Jenna getting out of the bed and sliding my soft cock out of her reshaped to be my perfect fit of a pussy.

"Ahh I feel so full and sore nghhh but that was the best sex of my life. It's too bad I have to kick him out before Jeremy and Elena wake up."-said Jenna quietly as she made herself presentable in the bathroom leaving a trail of seed leading to the bathroom.

I was still pretending to be asleep when I felt Jenna's soft firm grip on my soft cock. As she slowly started stroking me to hardness. As her lips wrapped around my cock.

"Mmm baby mooorrreee."-mc sleepily.

'Aww so cute it makes me want to keep him here all day and tease him.'

She started bobbing her head up and down, making me groan in pleasure.

"Come on cutie come for me, paint my face in that thick, hot, yummy, creamy cream of yours."-whispered Jenna succulently.

Making me cum hard as she squeezed my balls softly. She gulped down the first few shots before pulling her mouth off of it and kept beating me off taking a few loads to her face and chest.

I couldn't help but want to jump her and fuck her silly right there and then even with how erratic she looked showing me the cum she held in her open mouth combined with the loads coating her face, neck and chest. Watching her gulp it down and start using her fingers to collect it and lick it off her fingers.

"You look gorgeous like that, I mean not that you don't when you're not covered and filled with my cum."

I made a fool of myself trying to compliment her. But it made her giggle that turned into full blown laughter.

"Hehehehe-Ha-ha-hahhahaa. Thank you for taking care of me last night and for caring about what I wanted. Also thanks you for the best sex I've ever had and the compliments."-said Jenna feeling self-assured in herself and femininity again.

Turning my head to the side as I blushed a bit.

"Thanks, that was kinda my first time with someone."

"What no way you were so good, there's no way that was your first time."-said Jenna in disbelief.

"Really cross my heart and hope to never die. I had a few girlfriends but it never went past oral mostly because I moved around a lot growing up. It just never felt right going so far with someone I had feelings for just to abandon them in a week or so. When it was time to move again now that I'm on my own I kinda live nomadically and haven't spent much time in any one place. Hell, you're the second longest conversation I've had with anyone in this town. So yeah I hope this doesn't make it weird for you. Last night was amazing and I wish I hadn't waited so long but I'm also glad I did. Well I better get going I wouldn't want you to get in trouble for sneaking me in late at night with your niece and nephew."

'Ohh my god I'm a cherry popper, is my one night stand going to turn into a puppy.'

"Yea-yeah, hey ugh leave me your number so we can do this again I mean that is if you want to that is."-said Jenna a little self-consciously.

I grabbed the notepad and pen that were conveniently sitting on her nightstand and wrote my nickname and phone number down. I saw Jenna was slightly zoned out so I took the opportunity to kiss her lips quickly after putting on my boxers, pants and boots. Grabbing my shirt and jacket I opened Jenna's bedroom window that had the porch roof attached to it and climbed out the window and jumped off the roof and went into a landing roll.

While walking away toward the direction of the Mystic Grill I put on my shirt and jacket. After a half an hour walk I finally reached my bike and the Grill.

Driving to Matt's house I was met with the sight of a half naked Vicky and Heather cooking breakfast.

"Woof where have you been all night young man you've had me worried sick about you."-joked Vicky but I could see in her eyes she had genuinely been worried.

"Ohh come on Vick you and I could smell it when he was a block away our little man was out getting laid last night. (Sigh) They grow up so fast. First you find them chilling naked in the woods, the next they're doing the walk of shame in the morning."-Heather teased.