TV Items V2 PT4



My comm blared to life in my ear.

"Sir, you told me to keep you up to date with the Fallen female's condition…I Am happy to report that she is ready to be discharged from the bacta tank and has made a full physiological recovery." Spoke the clinical voice of my medical droid.

"Alright I'll be right there, wait for me to arrive before you pull her out of the chamber in case she's hostile. Or you could just sedate her I guess…" I told the droid what to do through the comms as I telekinetically equipped my regular clone-mando armor.

"Affirmative sir, the female has been sedated." I will restrain her to a medical cot." Replied the medical droid in his mechanical clinical voice.

'Wow, it seems like my magic and bacta work wonders together. It's been what a day or a few? That's pretty frickin good for fatal injuries.' I thought to myself as I approached the medbay radioing my bridge guard and patrol droid to meet me at the medbay.

I was quickly met by both droids who fell in a step or two behind me on either side. As I stepped through the door of the medbay getting nods from the two droids standing guard at the entrance.

"Wake her up…doctor." I commanded the droids as I rubbed my forehead having a bad feeling I'd be developing a headache sometime in the imminent future.

"Yes sir." Replied the medical droid as he placed a syringe against her neck that looked similar to a can with a wind up toy crank on it.

The muscular green skinned woman that reminded me of She-Hulk and the martian manhunter all at once if it wasn't for the strange wolf tail ponytail thing at the center of her head while having the rest of her head shaved clean.

Her eyes snapped open, her body tensing against the medical restraints that were made of pure blue energy similar to the energy restraints Dooku had Obi-Wan tied up in during the attack of the clones movie.

"RRRRR LET ME GO OR ELSE MY SISTER WILL KILL YOU IF SHE FINDS OUT ABOUT THIS ! ! !." The green skinned Fallen woman growled and yelled in a fake rage but I could see fear in her eyes as her eyes darted around the room nervously.

Pulling up a holographic image of the Fallen pirate captain.

"This your sister?" I asked in a calm tone as I continued to observe her. A look of recognition passed over her face and she nodded her earlier facade of anger fading before she nodded and her face turned into a feral snarl.

"If you don't let me go now you'll regret it." The Fallen woman started to gain some confidence while she put her nose up in the air snobbishly.

"You can drop the act you know…I don't plan on hurting you if I was going to do anything I would have let you die instead of wasting my precious and limited bacta stock on you…

After I shot you when you tried to rob and potentially kill me…sorry to have to tell you like this but the chances of your sister trying to come rescue you are very low." I told the woman in a calm voice even as I saw her start to panic.

"N-no it can't be…sister." Whispered the Fallen woman in disbelief as her body started to tremble while I nodded to the medical droid to release her restraints.

"Look I'm not sure if she's dead or not but…chances are she's dead…she overloaded the hyperdrive and punched a hole through hyperspace. Honestly I didn't expect her to have such an extreme reaction to me offering to make her the most infamous pirate captain if she came to work for me." I said with no small amount of exasperation in my voice.

"Like seriously who fucking kills themselves just to avoid working for a man with a small force of droids? Like fuck seriously." I voiced my exasperation aloud and was shocked when suddenly I was being tackled to the ground. The Fallen woman's eyes bloodshot in tears as her skin darkened into a red color.

A red flashing light started going off on my hud it read.

[High potency of Fallen pheromones detected purging oxygen to protect from effects.]

Grabbing my blaster off of my hip, setting it to stun, shooting her in the stomach, it took four shots to knock her unconscious.

Looking upwards I saw my commando droids with their blaster rifles pointed at the Fallen woman.

"You guys are a lot of help. Why couldn't you just stun her?" I asked my two commando droids sarcastically.

"Non-lethal measures permissions not granted lethal measures unauthorized by Commander towards this female." Replied the commando droid on the right that carried a vibro blade sword on its back.

"Fuck." I grunted as I pushed the heavily muscled green skinned woman off of my chest. Before standing up picking her up off the floor and threw her on the advanced medical cot.

"Sir…might I suggest keeping the female sedated and secured." The medical droids spoke sounding as if he thought he was funny as he put more emphasis on the word secured.

If looks could kill and he could see the look I was giving him through the helmet of my visor there'd be one dead medical droid resting in my medbay.

"Take her to the Carbonite freezer and lock her inside." I told my two commando droids.

"Roger Roger." The commando droids replied before pressing a button on the cot and moving towards the cargo bay and the Carbonite freezer like the one Mando had on the Razor Crest.

Following behind the droids as they pressed a couple of buttons making the cot stand upright while the restraints held her in place as the two droids pushed her into the Carbonite freezing chamber.

Using telekinesis lifting up and bringing over a small crate to sit on until my hostile guest woke up. Hearing her let out a groan, putting away my phablet, cutting short my cartoon watching.

She started to try and work her way out of the restraints while keeping her eyes closed.

"Look, this can go a couple of ways…First and the one I'm most likely to go with though is I press this button freezing you in Carbonite the collecting the bounty on you for being alive…

Two, you calm down and explain your situation to me since I'm honestly interested in what a royal is doing running around the outer rim playing pirate.

Three, you take the offer I made to your sister before she decided to kill herself and her crew come work for me and I'll make you a powerful and infamous force in the Galaxy." I told the green skinned woman as I removed my helmet pulling out a can of coke from my magic popping open the tab taking a long sip.

"Ahhh, good stuff right there, BUrrp." I expressed as I pretty much shot gunned the entire can.

"Why should I believe you?" She questioned her voice sounding hollow and lost all at once.

"You shouldn't not really…but what do you have to lose?" I told her honestly before questioning her with an honest smile on my face.

A very profound look made its way onto the woman's face as she opened and closed her mouth multiple times, unable to repay.

"Nothing, not really, it's better than being handed over to those savages." She muttered in reply while staring down at the floor intently like it held all the mysteries of the universe.

"I'll join you if you will help me destroy the Mávros Ĺlios." The green skinned woman spat out the last words in Greek.

"They'll be nothing but a footnote in history once we have our power base established." I replied to her with an easy smile as I waved my hand telekinetically releasing her from the restraints of the medical cot and catching her in the air gently lowering her to the ground.

"Jedi?" Questioned the green skinned woman whose question sounded like it was filled with contempt, curiosity and many more emotions but a major one was fear.

"Nope…just special." I replied with a cocky smile.

"I don't have any clothes for you to change into and the ones you came in are kind of well you know." I replied with a chuckle while awkwardly scratching just above my temple.

"It is fine…thank you…my name is Mylla." The green skinned woman told me her name.

"Hmm…Mylla the pirate queen of the galaxy. I like the sound of that." I replied to her with a smile in my voice and an evil smirk on my face.

One to which she tried to return but faltered.

"Take her to a guest quarters. One of you stays there in case she needs anything, the other returns to your assigned duty." I commanded my two commando droids I'd assigned to guard duty of the ship.

"Roger Roger." The droids replied in confirmation of their new orders and Mylla followed the two out of the cargo bay.

"For whatever it's worth to you I'm sorry about your sister and we'll I'm not sorry about almost killing you…you did attack me while I was just mindin my own business flying through space…but I am glad you pulled through." I gave my sincere condolences to Mylla about her sister while not really apologizing for almost killing her but trying to smooth things over.

"Thank you…for what it's worth too we weren't going to kill you we were just going to steal your ship while throwing you into the escape pod with some rations…we avoid killing whenever possible." Mylla said as she continued to follow the droids to the guest area.

'Wish I could believe her. But I can't especially not when she made me lower my guard with an emotional display earlier and tried strangling me to death.' I thought to myself as.

"Alright I want the twelve of you patrolling the ship at all times if the Fallen female Mylla shows suspicious activity, uses stun settings and takes her down.

You six I want two of you posted outside my quarters door at all times while you four guard the inside of it.

"Roger Roger." The droids replied while nodding and moving to carrying out their new assignments.

Reaching into the magic bag pulling out to rock monsters throwing them to the floor watching enraptured as they burst into pink smoke which went away as quickly as it came leaving behind two humanoid rock monsters that stood at about seven and a half feet tall.

'Huh, I thought she only had the bat ones and the dog-like ones in the og series. Either way this is a win for me.' I thought to myself as I inspected the brute or tank like rock monsters before ordering them to follow behind me.

"You two guard this terminal, the only one allowed to use it is me." I ordered the rock monsters and felt through my magic they understood what I wanted them to do.

"Well that should take care of everything." I sighed out loud as I returned to my quarters to take a sonic shower.

Pulling off my neck guard necklace, putting it inside my armory inside my quarter's instead of the one near the bridge. "Thanks for saving my life." I said to the necklace as I ran my thumb over the center fang.

Hanging my bag up on the hook near the refresher door entering the sonic scrubber to get clean.

"Not nearly as good as a real shower…though probably a lot cleaner." I thought to myself outloud as I pulled my three modified nanotech reactors out of my bag along with a pair of Friday control glasses.

Putting on the anklets and then the chest reactor tapping on the center reactor which made a thin layer of nanites spread across my body forming a new boot suit with advanced technology that put my previous body glove to shame.

Though the nanites quickly formed into the Tom Ford 3 piece suit Tony wore in Civil War walking in front of the full body mirror to check myself out.

"Damn I look good." I voiced out loud as I put on the Ray-Ban like Friday control glasses.

"You look quite handsome Mr." A cool and calm feminine voice started to say before I smoothly cut her off.

"Just fine Friday…it's a pleasure to meet you." I quickly told the A.I. while giving some meaningless platitudes.

"Yes sir. Would you like me to customize your appearance to something you would find more fitting that what the previous user wore?" Questioned the smooth female voiced A.I..

"No…not right now anyways…I kinda like wearing a suit." I replied feeling good about the way I looked at the moment while a HUD display popped up through the glasses lenses.



Mentally commanding my nanites to make an armor as close to that of my Clone-Mando armor in appearance without losing any functionality of the ironman armor.

Returning to the mirror I saw myself looking a mix of the Mark 2 armor but with a clone commando stylized helmet and a jetpack with a missile attached to it.

My thigh holsters formed as well grabbing my Westar-35 blasters slotting them into my holsters before grabbing my other Vambrace and putting on which the nanites absorbed into them and added all of the technology and capabilities to the armor.

[Adapting to new nanite technology. Adaptation complete.] The Omnitrix's voice sounded in my head becoming less mechanical and more like my own voice as my armor color changed to a green black and white color configuration matching that of the Omnitrix's color scheme while the Omnitrix moved right back down to it's rightful place on my wrist.

"Beep boop whoop." Beesix said into my comms telling me Zendaya was sending me a message and rerouted it from the holo-terminal in the lounge to the holo-screen in my quarters.

Sitting down on the couch pressing play through the keyboard projected through the hud on my glasses.

"Hey it's me again…I…I know we both agreed we'd enjoy whatever time we had with each other and that would be the end of things between us…" Zendaya spoke in uncertainty as I could see her wringing her hands as her eyes became wet.

"But…I'm not okay with that and I know you're not either. We could both lie to ourselves and move on with our lives…we could deny that we love each other…and find new people to love…but that's not what I want, I want you…

I want the guy that doesn't treat me like I'm some freak or a curiosity because I like to get dirty with grease while working on ships and speeders.

I want the guy that showed me how magical life can really be that recaptured and brought back an innocent joy and wonder I haven't felt in years.

I want the guy that made my first time special…passionate and filled with pleasure when it was supposed to be awkward and awful.

I want the guy that even though I was all smelly and dirty pulled me into his arms and pulled me down with him into the couch even though he doesn't need sleep.

And let me fall asleep with my head on his chest or in his lap as he ran his fingers through this wild curly mess of hair that I have." Zendaya started saying all of these things that happened between us during our time together choking on a laugh and a sob about how I combed her hair with my finger making her fall asleep in my lap.

"I want you…Jacob…I know that's not the name you see yourself as but it's the only one you ever gave me. to me that name is you.

You're Jacob, the guy who'd make sure I ate and slept when normally I'd get so caught up in my work I'd forget to eat or fall asleep exhausted in awkward places to wake up with aches and pains and you did all of that for me even as though you'd go back to work and continue where I left off working.

The guy who secretly loves to cuddle but pretends it's all for me as you'd rest your head on my lower stomach and purr like Zomcat as I run my fingers through your hair and would fall asleep within a minute or two of me doing so.

I don't care what your other name is. I don't care how many other names you have. You used the excuse you were leaving to protect me from danger.

And maybe a part of you believes that maybe on some level it's true but I know it's more than that you're afraid that you'll lose me.

I know it sounds dumb and makes me sound self important saying that but I know it's how you feel because I feel it too.

Even now I'm terrified about losing you forever. I can handle a little bit of time apart so you can figure things out for yourself…but if you take too long I'm going to track you down and give you hell for taking so long to admit that you love me to yourself." Zendaya continued her rant slash confession getting pretty close to some things I'd realized I'd been denying to myself within a week away from her when my bed started to feel a bit too big and the blanket just didn't keep me warm enough as I watch Zendaya unconsciously rub her stomach as a bright glittering smile lit up her face as her eyes glittered with tears both shed and unshed.

Before it dimmed when the sound of the office door chimed.

"Sorry gotta go, there's a customer here…just please come back to me Jacob…I love you and you love me and in a galaxy like ours love is hard to find and even harder to hold onto. So again please come back to me. I can wait a little while until you're ready…I love you." Zendaya said as she started to cry again before killing the transmission.

"Zen…you..sweet-stupid girl." I muttered as I whipped away some not tears that had started to leak from my eyes due to dust getting in them on a ship that's dust free.

'I definitely don't deserve your love Zendaya…all I've done is lie to you… used manipulation to make you fall for me and get in your pants.

You deserve so much better than me you deserve someone who can really be themselves around you and not live a lie the entire time.

That's no way to live, it's no way to treat someone you love plus I can't just ignore those dreams especially not in a universe like this…unless my own actions lead to them becoming a self fulfilling prophecy like Anakin's own force visions with Padmé.

This is just way too much. I'm not emotionally equipped enough to handle this…it's easy to kill people but this…this is just too complicated…plus this is a cartoon love can't be real not really because this whole universe isn't real it's just fantasy.' I told myself as I tried to deny the feelings that had been bubbling up from inside since I first left Corellia.

'Fantasy…where you feel pain, where you bleed…fantasy stops being fantasy when exactly?' Asked a small voice in the back of my mind, one I proceeded to ignore.

'Would it really be so bad to give in to your feelings for someone again…not everyone is like her…Zendaya's not.' The little voice in the back of my head that I was doing my damnedest to ignore.

Standing up from the couch dropping to the floor doing push-ups trying to clear my mind of thoughts of Zendaya.

"Damn…I just did a hundred pushups like they were nothing. Shit man I hardly even worked up a sweat." I said out loud to myself in shock as I switched over to do sit ups.

"Hahahaha…This is fuckin amazing…though I shouldn't be so surprised I was able to have sex with Zen…damnit now I'm thinking about her again." I groaned as I punched the floor denting it and then watching in fascination as the dents disappeared from the floor.

"Magic is so fucking awesome." I expressed out loud and felt my mana pulse and flare happily in sync with the gentle blue light radiating from the runic formation.

'My droids must think I'm insane or something.' I thought to myself as I stood up from the floor.

'I definitely like this look man. Even though I'm more partial towards warmachine armor than such a standard looking ironman armor though I guess it's not really standard with a clone commando and Mandalorian inspired helmet and stylizing.

and then there is this coloring, it is pretty dope though I'm more or a red over green kinda guy.' I thought to myself continuing to admire myself in the reflection of the armory cabinet.

Shaking off my moment of vanity, reentering the main part of my quarter's opening my closet, finding some flight suits in my size that Zendaya had insisted on putting in there for multiple purposes, pulling out a few of them in preparation of taking them to Mylla.

Folding the clothes over my arm I moved to take the clothes to Mylla. Two droids greeted me at the door, opening the door for me revealing a very naked sexy muscular green skinned woman lounging on her bed.

"Brought, some of my clothes for you to try on and use until we reach Tatooine." I said in a calm, even tone of voice as I continued into the room.

"Thank you." Mylla replied with a seductive lilt in her voice as she spread her legs revealing her glistening folds as she emphasized her breasts by cupping them. As my Huh flashed letting me know there was a large amount of pheromones in the air as Friday's voice told me the same telling me if I was exposed to them there was a ninety-nine percent chance that I'd give in to my base desires and rut her.

"Maybe we should have some fun together and I can thank you thoroughly for sparing my life." Mylla said, her voice dripping with sexual need and tension.

'I'd be lying if I said I wasn't interested. But this seems like it's a bad idea and it has absolutely nothing to do with Zen's message from a little while ago…nope nothin at all…god damn just stop lying to yourself and go to her.' I thought to myself as I walked closer to her running my hand up her leg in a feather-light touch making her moan as my fingers gently grazed over her folds making her arch her back in need.

As I continued up my way her body squeezing her medium sized breasts before sliding further up tracing my fingers along her collarbone before I moved my hand like lightning wrapping it around her throat choking her.

Feeling some sort of sick fascination as I watched her face go from pleasured to fearful as she started to spasm and fight against my grip, her arms flailing useless against my armor.

"Not interested." I lied as I released my grip on her throat leaving her to gasp and cough as she struggled to breathe as I dropped the clothes to the floor before turning around to head for the door.

Pausing in the doorway without looking over my shoulder.

"Try to roofie me with your pheromones again and it'll be the last thing you do." I said coldly as I continued on my way out of the door. Once I was a few steps away from the door I collapsed back against the wall of the ship gasping for breath as I fought against the feeling of bile rising up my throat.

'The fuck, was that? And why in the fuck did I enjoy that?' I mentally questioned myself as I pulled my shit together.

'I was able to kill multiple people without feeling anything but here I am falling apart over choking a slutty date rapist chick. The fuck is wrong with me?' I mentally questioned myself, my thoughts going off in various directions as I returned to my quarters to watch some TV.

'And that girl loves me and thinks she knows who I'am but how can she when I don't even know myself, When I can't even seem capable of loving myself?' I mentally thought to myself as I entered my quarter's and rewatched her message again.




Having the nanites turn into a body glove as I wanted to get more comfortable on the couch as I set my Westar-35 blasters on the end table next to the arm of the couch.

While I grabbed my Phablet out of my bag, scrolling through some of my video files, I found ones of the death star one and two.

Along with the star forge.

"Hahahaha…The Star Forge, how could I forget about that?" I asked the mostly empty room.

'Or the World Devastators that Palps 2.0 uses in the comics I think I saw a fan made video of them somewheres…I think I even downloaded it and they'd be a safer route than the Star Forge since they don't rely on the dark force and aren't in possession of their own sentience.

I should also pull Proxy out of a clip from Force unleashed so the quirky droid can train me in lightsaber combat. I think he can also do hand to hand training as well.

So many things to nab so little time to do so.' I continued thinking as I let out a chuckle.

'How would I even go about pulling a planetoid sized battle station through a hologram other than maybe creating a moon sized ring of holo-projectors.' I thought to myself as an idea popped into my head to make drones similar to the ones Peter Parker had access to after Tony's death but Star Warsified.

Heading into the lounge that was now equal in size to the cargo bay synching my Phablet's screen with the holo-terminal stealing a bunch of the drone satellites from No Way Home.

"Friday, take control of them." I commanded Friday as all ten of the satellites opened up to deploy droids.

"Control of the Edith programs are now under your control sir and you have been made the only authorized user." Friday replied in a cool calm voice.

"Thanks Fri you're the best." I replied honestly with a smile on my face.

"Thank you Sir." Friday replied her voice still sounded mostly the same but I could sense a very small amount of pleasure in her voice at being complimented though it could have just been my imagination.

"Be ready Friday I'm about to pull some of the modified Edith drones through the portal. I need you to override them and slave them to my control system." I told Friday calmly as I moved throughout the entire movie plucking every drone I could multiple times modified by Beck and his crew or not ending up with a lot of loose drones.

"Sir, your abilities are quite extraordinary even compared to the other Avengers. To be able to reach into media and remove anything you want with the only current known limit to said ability being the size of your viewing portal." Friday commented her voice managing to sound amazed yet calm all at once.

"Yeah it is pretty amazing." I muttered in response to her praising my abilities.

"But this is also amazing." I said with a smirk on my face as I transformed into Upgrade liquefying and fusing with the drones and the satellites turning the satellites from just that into starfighters and troop carriers without even needing any additional resources.

While also modifying each drone to have there own holoprojector and improving every bit of technology inside them to Galvanic standards while also improving the weaponry of the drones to handle even the hardiest species and ships commonly found in the Galaxy.


Having the nanites turn into a body glove as I wanted to get more comfortable on the couch as I set my Westar-35 blasters on the end table next to the arm of the couch.

While I grabbed my Phablet out of my bag, scrolling through some of my video files, I found ones of the death star one and two.

Along with the star forge.

"Hahahaha…The Star Forge, how could I forget about that?" I asked the mostly empty room.

'Or the World Devastators that Palps 2.0 uses in the comics I think I saw a fan made video of them somewheres…I think…I even downloaded it and they'd be a safer route than the Star Forge since they don't rely on the dark force and aren't in possession of their own sentience.

I should also pull Proxy out of a clip from Force unleashed so the quirky droid can train me in lightsaber combat. I think he can also do hand to hand training as well.

So many things to nab so little time to do so.' I continued thinking as I let out a chuckle.

'How would I even go about pulling a planetoid sized battle station through a hologram other than maybe creating a moon sized ring of holo-projectors.' I thought to myself as an idea popped into my head to make drones similar to the ones Peter Parker had access to after Tony's death but Star Warsified.

Heading into the lounge that was now equal in size to the cargo bay synching my Phablet's screen with the holo-terminal stealing a bunch of the drone satellites from No Way Home.

"Friday, take control of them." I commanded Friday as all ten of the satellites opened up to deploy droids.

"Control of the Edith programs are now under your control sir and you have been made the only authorized user." Friday replied in a cool calm voice.

"Thanks Fri you're the best." I replied honestly with a smile on my face.

"Thank you Sir." Friday replied her voice still sounded mostly the same but I could sense a very small amount of pleasure in her voice at being complimented though it could have just been my imagination.

"Be ready Friday I'm about to pull some of the modified Edith drones through the portal. I need you to override them and slave them to my control system." I told Friday calmly as I moved throughout the entire movie plucking every drone I could multiple times modified by Beck and his crew or not ending up with a lot of loose drones.

"Sir, your abilities are quite extraordinary even compared to the other Avengers. To be able to reach into media and remove anything you want with the only current known limit to said ability being the size of your viewing portal." Friday commented her voice managing to sound amazed yet calm all at once.

"Yeah it is pretty amazing." I muttered in response to her praising my abilities.

"But this is also amazing." I said with a smirk on my face as I transformed into Upgrade liquefying and fusing with the drones and the satellites turning the satellites from just that into starfighters and troop carriers without even needing any additional resources.

While also modifying each drone to have their own holoprojector, improving every bit of technology inside them to Galvanic standards while also improving the weaponry of the drones to handle even the hardiest species and ships commonly found in the Galaxy.

Finishing up my modifications turning back into myself before shrinking down nine out of the ten newly repurposed satellites into Battlellites putting the nine in my bag while leaving the last one in the lounge in the company of my two hulking Rock monsters.

"Hahahahaha…I'm going to make Palpatine shit himself in fear with ten death stars, ten World Devastators and an almost inexhaustible army of battle droids. HAHAHAHA." I started to laugh while imagining Palpatine shitting himself in fear when I popped up and blew up a planet or sent World Devastators to coruscant to turn that eye sore of a planet into an unfeeling uncaring unrelenting army and at that thought it hit me.

'Those dreams were possible futures where I carried out these plans then that means…I did all of those horrible things making zombies…turning Zendaya into that… god I'm a horrible fucking person if that's who or what I become.' I thought to myself as I quickly shook those thoughts away.

'Nah…I'm probably just reading too much into nightmares brought about by my own insecurities and shortcomings as a person…pfft what kinda loser thinks this way? This loses that's right uh uh.' I thought to myself while a version of me pointed his thumbs at himself doing this guy right here gesture as he swayed his body to a beat only he could hear.

'Got ninety-nine problems but a bitch ain't one it's all of umm.' I sang in my head.

'Too bad I don't have the Reyquels downloaded. If I did, I'd steal the wayfinder and use it to go to the unknown regions and use the World Devastators to turn uninhabited worlds into droids and ships.

Wait…why not find a large asteroid belt and debris fields to create my armies and fleets…or garbage planets…hehehehe.' I continued to think up plans in my mind as I scrolled through my videos and found videos with World Devastators featured in them.

"Beesix alter course for Lotho Minor please." I asked Beesix through the comms.

"Werp." Beesix replied sarcastically, why don't you just do it yourself? Before I felt the ship's course alter it's new course set for Lotho Minor which was closer to our current location than Tatooine.

'Will be there in a few hours at this rate.' I thought to myself as I decided to watch some Danny Phantom for a bit feeling like there was something very important in the show that I was forgetting about.

'I wonder if I entered the portal when Danny turns it on if I could become a halfa and gain ghostly powers like him?. Be worth a shot to try, wouldn't it not like I can really die between the resurrection stone and the fountain of youth water.' I thought to myself as I sat back and enjoyed the show.


Mylla PoV

I'm so horny fuck I hate bacta it always does this to me and ohh tuw way he played with me it was so devine I had such a powerful orgasm from him choking me like that.

"Haa haa ha haa…I need more…of his touch…mmm" moaned Mylla as a wet schlicking sound echoed off the wall of her room as she moaned hotly while fingering her green drooling cunt.


Zendaya PoV

"Beetwoo, are you sure he received my transmission and not someone else?" Zendaya asked the pink astromech, who bobbed back and forth in confirmation before replying that Beesix accepted the transmission and gave it to her human.

"He-he's n-not my human…" Zendaya stuttered slightly while blushing knowing that the implications of Beetwoo's reply could be greatly misconstrued by the customer who just sat down in the chair in front of her.

"Hello Miss.Wayland…we have a mutual acquaintance in Zero The Hutt. He asked me to come see if you and your grandfather, the retired Admiral, have decided to accept our business proposal yet?" Asked the shave looking Falleen male who was using his natural talent to control his own skin pigments to appear more human while releasing a small amount of pheromones to make the late teens human female more susceptible to him.

"Hostile intentions detected… restraining perpetrator now." Spoke one of the commando droids that Zendaya asked to be her bodyguards once she found out she had them since she's carrying very very precious cargo.

"What did he do, captain?" Zendaya asked the commando droid, stunned by the four commando droids pushing the man to the floor with another pointing a blaster at his head.

"Sensors indicated this is a Falleen male and he is releasing a high amount of pheromones that both we and the commander detected and authorized us to use force to restrain him…please be advised it is recommended you leave the room until the pheromone effects wear off." The droid spoke in a subservient tone.

"Thank you, Beetwoo…captain C-O for your quick measures to protect me." Zendaya thanked the droids as her skin crawled knowing exactly the kind of reputation the Falleen species had.

"Captain, I want you to send a message to Zero since losing a couple of IG series droids and one of his top bounty hunters didn't make it clear to the fat slug that we will never make deals with him or any other Hutt using this Bantha fodder here." Zendaya snarled as she protectively covered her belly with both of her arms.

'See Jacob, it's even more dangerous for me to be here without you than with you. At least you left me behind a small force of battle droids to protect me.' Zendaya thought to herself as she developed a far away look in her eyes and an odd smile on her lips.

"Yes ma'am, I'll deploy a unit to handle the matter immediately." The commando droid captain replied with a nod as he or it suddenly stood ramrod straight as he internally communicated with another commando droid captain.

"Please I beg you, spare me…please… I'm sorry I'll never bother you again." The Falleen male begged as he was dragged away by the second group of Commando droids.

"There will be no mercy for you scum. You tried seducing the general's wife." The new commando droid captain replied before shooting the Falleen male with a stun ray.

It was a good thing neither the "general" nor the wife" were within earshot of the droid while he made his comment for very different reasons.


Beesix was doing his job piloting the ship this time instead of his complicated organic doing so when Beetwoo sent him another transmission informing him there has been another attempt on the female organic that has relationships with his organic.

The little astromech wasn't sure if he should inform his organic or not and the fact that he was worried that they'd return to Corellia.

And he'd be subjected to more of Beetwoo's incessant chattering had nothing to do with his difficulty in making that decision.

But still the little droid decided to do his job anyway even if it meant having to meet Beetwoo again.


"THEY DID WHATTT ! ! ! I'LL KILL THEM I'LL KILL THEM ALL! ! !." I yelled as my magic raged and lightning crackled off of my body and a warmachine Mandalorian styled Ironman armor formed around me as the furniture in my living room was shredded.

'I might have just overreacted…guess I can't keep lying to myself about my feelings for Zen…the thought of someone else seeing her naked kissing her body sliding in and out of her…' I thought to myself as I started seeing red.

'I'll have to take care of Ziro soon and then the other Hutts there's no way they'll just tolerate an unknown force wiping out one of their own without retaliation and Zendaya will be the primary suspect and receiver of Hutt justice.' I thought to myself as I picked up my Phablet from the floor looking no worse for wear than a few scuff marks here and there on it.

"Gotta love Galvin ingenuity." I joked to myself as I watched everything I broke start to repair itself as the runes glue a little brighter and pulsates a little faster than the soft steady fading from before.

'I can't do anything about what's already happened but I need to find a way to vent this anger that doesn't include potentially destroying my ship.' I thought to myself as the image of a very attractive muscular green skinned woman with nice medium sized tits and a dripping cunt flashed through my mind long green legs spreading open invitingly.

"I shouldn't…" I said out loud to myself as I reflexively gulped at her a repeat of her wanton moan from when my armored covered fingers ran over her cunt. As I found myself turning towards the door my feet carrying me where the rest of my body and libido wanted me to go.

Stopping at the door both of my commando droids posted at the door looking towards me in a subtle manner before nodding my finger stopping just as it was about to press the button.

'Am I really going to do this? I mean sure it's not like it's cheating and I had other female friends during a time where I slept with a few of them but…

this feels like cheating like I'm betraying her somehow…fuck it I have the power to hop worlds to limit myself to one woman no matter how…

beautiful…sweet…funny…loving…fun…caring…stop it you're being a simp just cause you love her doesn't mean you can't love other women or have side bitches or hookups….

it's a big galaxy and she's young she might just find someone new to fall in love with soon enough and I'll be nothing but last month's flavor of the month.' I thought to myself, trying to excuse the actions I was about to take as I opened my mouth to give my droids an order.

"No matter what you hear from the second I enter this room until I say otherwise no droid is allowed to enter these quarters." I commanded my Commando droids in a stern tone of voice.

"Roger Roger." Both replied while nodding their heads rapidly.


"Alright babe as much as I hate to say this but you have to get that fighter back home, and I need to get some stuff done like move on the Hutt's before they can assemble their armies and move on me." I told Zendaya as I reluctantly sat up from her lap.

"Yeaaah…I know but I don't wanna go home yet I want more cuddle time." She replied poutingly.

"I guess I could have one of my droids fly it back to Corellia for you and you can stay here with me." I replied, sounding like it was a halfhearted reply but I meant it.

"Mmmhmm." Zendaya nodded with a hum as if she already planned on having that happen.

"Or Grandpa said I could keep it and that I have to come back and visit once and awhile." Zendaya continued in a humming tone of voice.

"Sounds good to me there's enough room in the palace hangers or inside the cargo bay of this Ole girl…but I gotta get some stuff done…start my lightsaber training and terraform the planet, take over the criminal underworld….so see you later babe." I told Zendaya as I reluctantly stood from my resting spot.

"Hehem, you're forgetting something." Zendaya said in mock annoyment as she puckered her lips.

"No, not that I can think of." I replied as I turned around pretending to take a step forward then quickly turning around planting a kiss on her lips making her giggle softly against my lips.

Pulling away from her and this time actually starting to leave, grabbing my magical bag from the floor by the side of the couch pulling out my apple watch.

Putting it on my wrist since Zen was using my Phablet for her cartoon viewing pleasure.

"Love you babe." Zendaya said to me as I reached the door, making me pause.

"Love you too, Zen." I replied as I pushed the button exiting the room.

'Wait, why did I bother with the apple watch isn't all my stuff uploaded to a server that my vambraces are set up too? ahh fuck it plus the nanites pretty much make everything else obsolete.' Shaking off those thoughts I made it so an eight inch Holo-screen was projected clicking the green dot going into the extra menu clicking on record new world.

[Please select starting point.]

Selecting from the second, it showed me approaching Dooku and Qui-Gon's ship till now I chose the first minute since I entered the portal creating my own Star Wars universe.

New video saved to device uploading to server. A notification popped up on the glass screen.

I couldn't help but blink when I read 34 minutes.

'Have I only been here for thirty four minutes in real world time? Th-that's insane…well now that I think about it, it kinda sticks with cartoon time logic.' I thought to myself, as I sat down against the floor and digested it fully.

'So every minute of real world time is one day here so that means one hour of real world time here is sixty days. That means I could live a year in a week's time.' I thought to myself banging the back of my head against the wall of my ship trying to bang that point home.

"If I go home to even test and make sure Zen can come through safely I run the risk of losing precious time here." I spoke out loud.

Before getting up again finding clips of Proxy the droid used to train Starkiller.

Pulling out ten Proxy's quickly transforming into Upgrade reprogramming Proxy to treat me how he did Starkiller.

But to make protecting Zendaya and Shmi and their unborn children his prime directive and top priority while making it impossible for him to talk about future information with anyone but myself.

As soon as I was back to human form they sprang forward attacking me with lightsabers most of them I dodged.

But some landed but thanks to the Beskar particles my nanotech stuff is made out of they were able to block the blows.

I quickly pulled the dark saber and one of Ventress's sabers out of my bag and started defending myself jumping around moving the fight into an open area but I was being easily handled by the ten Proxies all using different Jedi and Sith masters from different eras.

I started mimicking force push, grip and lightning while blocking a slashing with my lightsabers.

"Straighten your shoulders, relax the grip on your lightsaber." Proxies would say constantly critiquing my form, my grips the way I used the force and I absorbed it all like a sponge.

I felt myself gaining not only a better understanding of my magic and what I could do with it but also my body.

Even if the droid was an annoying asshole I was relishing every second of my training under him and the many different masters he appeared as and mimicked.

After however long he stopped attacking and his eyes better known as photoreceptors stopped glowing red and his holo-forms of various sith and Jedi masters dropped revealing the droid underneath them.

"We have completed the appropriate amount of training for today please go about your business, Master" The Proxy's said making me power down my lightsabers only for one to spring forward trying to grab my neck but I caught him mid lunge with Telekinesis stopping him before her could reach me but he then turned on his lightsaber nearly squiring me with the blade but I was able to side step it only getting off with a graze across my abdomen.

"That was a cheap shot Proxy." I said out loud only slightly annoyed since I knew his programming well after all I kept it the same as it was for Starkiller towards me.

"Sorry, master, it's my programming." The droid replied looking all too depressed at vocalizing those words.

"It's alright Proxy after all you'll turn me into a competent Jedi slaying machine in the future." I joked lightly with a hint of seriousness.

To which all of the Proxy droids gave a round of agreement too as I released the one that was pressed against the wall three of them started following me around while the others split up to protect Shmi and Zendaya while the last remaining one was in charge of truly sneak attacking me.

Stepping off the ramp of my ship into the dry oppressive heat of Tatooine the burning sand underneath my feet shifted below them.

'Man…why would anyone want to live on a desert planet? I can understand a dessert planet like in wreck it Ralph but damn…my wild wild west fantasy has been destroyed.' I thought to myself as the whole cowboy and outlaw fantasy I had in my head was crushed completely.

'Omnitrix, select Celestialsapien, program nickname Alien X.' I commanded the Omnitrix mentally since Scrolling through Alien Playlists would have been a nightmare and a half.

[Confirmed selecting Celestialsapien, entering nickname, to quick select Celestialsapien please say select Celestialsapien or select Alien X.]

Pushing the button priming the Omnitrix's core before slowly pushing it down. I was standing in a black void with speckles of color throughout it looking similar to space and two giant floating green heads of energy in front of me.

"Finally we have our third." Serena said happily.

"Whatever." Bellicus replied sounding like a guy that found his wife fucking another dude and could do nothing about it but accept it.

"Uhh, high Serena, Bellicus…I'm s…"I started to greet and say who I was only to get cut off by a disgusted snort my Bellicus and an amused musical giggle from Serena.

"We know who you are Sean, we have been waiting for you since you collected your Omnitrix. Now you can finally help us break our ties on decisions.

Let us begin, Should we stop the big bang from happening? Yes or No?" Serena asked to which Bellicus immediately said yes and she said no.

"No, it should happen." I replied feeling awkward since I could have just potentially whipped out all life in the universe with that decision.

"Yes, that's our first decision passed in Eons." Serena cheered happily, while Bellicus grunted unhappily.

"Serena, Bellicus…I have a proposition for you…" I said in a firm voice that showed whether or not they, accepted could mean bad things for them.

"State your proposition." Bellicus growled out angrily, but Serena nodded enthusiasticly.

"Okay, then for every backlogged decision I help you pass I get to use our power's unrestrainedly and for whatever purpose I see fit." I offered up my bargain feeling it was a good one since they had so many decisions backlogged over eons the number was immeasurable to me.

"Let's put it to a vote all in favor say aye all against say nay." I said quickly so they couldn't discuss it amongst each other.

"Aye." I was surprised when it was Bellicus who agreed readily. It seemed he liked solving cases while Serena had a pensive look on her astral face.

"N-nay, it's too much power for one to wield alone. We should make decisions together." Serena replied and I could agree with her decision but I still voted Aye in favor of myself and felt a little bad at the way her face fell.

"Two against one, we won, you lost Serena." Bellicus rubbed it in like a dick head.

"Bellicus, don't be a dickhead to her she did have a fair point and if I wasn't in need of the power of a Celestialsapien to achieve some of my goals I would have voted on her side." I replied, making Serena vibrate in happiness compared to her earlier look and made Bellicus look at me with hatred but I simply shrugged it off.

"Now let's get some more decisions out of the way." I said as we started burning through backlogged decision when it came to saving the dinosaur's I put through another option to make a new planet and relocate two mating pairs of every species too let nature decide if they were meant to survive or not to which surprisingly both agreed quickly with since they were big on natural order and nature something I tucked away for future use.

"Okay, Serena, Bellicus it's time to fulfill some of my goals…" to which they both nodded Bellicus reluctantly while Serena did excitedly.

My first thing to do was make Tatooine have multiple biomes like and Ark Survival Evolved. My second was to convert it into a soul world strengthening my soul and giving me an inner dimension.

'Damn two uses of God like power down the drain a few thousand to go.c I thought to myself as I tapped the faceplate of the Omnitrix returning to human.

"Didn't I just ruin the original storyline completely by talking away Tatooine and making it a soul world to increase my soul strength, give me an internal storage and safe haven…SHIT FUCK FUCKITY FUCK FUCK! ! !" I yelled as I slapped my forehead repeatedly over my stupidity as a giant snake similar to a cobra rose out of the hot sand a few feet in front of me.

Hissing just as it was about to attack.

"Not today Boi." I said as I mimicked a forced lightsaber throw with Telekinesis chopping off it's head.

'Maybe making this place like Ark was a mistake.' I thought to myself as I shuddered looking at the venom dripping fang that was about the size of my body from my head to my feet as the lightsaber returned to my hand and I powdered it down.

'Ehh it'll be fine plus being able to unleash an army of velociraptors on someone sounds pretty frickin cool.' I thought to myself as I mobilized a legion to create a farm and training facility for all the Dinosaur's.

"Ha ha ha ha MUHAHAHAHA." I made a fake evil laugh. As I started deploying additional legions of ten thousand troops too, Hutt controlled systems and planets by opening a portal up in front of the awaiting troops who in turn went through and turned into their own delivery system that looked reminiscent of the Battlellites.

Turning back into Alien X exiting my inner world recreating a false Tatooine for later purposes like banging the young queen of Naboo and her body double handmaidens.

While also helping Bellicus and Serena get a few more cases done before turning back into a human again.

'So what do I do now?' I asked myself, looking around at the empty expanse of desert with only Jabba's recreated palace anywhere in sight.

"Alright babe as much as I hate to say this but you have to get that fighter back home, and I need to get some stuff done like move on the Hutt's before they can assemble their armies and move on me." I told Zendaya as I reluctantly sat up from her lap.

"Yeaaah…I know but I don't wanna go home yet I want more cuddle time." She replied poutingly.

"I guess I could have one of my droids fly it back to Corellia for you and you can stay here with me." I replied, sounding like it was a halfhearted reply but I meant it.

"Mmmhmm." Zendaya nodded with a hum as if she already planned on having that happen.

"Or Grandpa said I could keep it and that I have to come back and visit once and awhile." Zendaya continued in a humming tone of voice.

"Sounds good to me there's enough room in the palace hangers or inside the cargo bay of this Ole girl…but I gotta get some stuff done…start my lightsaber training and terraform the planet, take over the criminal underworld….so see you later babe." I told Zendaya as I reluctantly stood from my resting spot.

"Hehem, you're forgetting something." Zendaya said in mock annoyment as she puckered her lips.

"No, not that I can think of." I replied as I turned around pretending to take a step forward then quickly turning around planting a kiss on her lips making her giggle softly against my lips.

Pulling away from her and this time actually starting to leave, grabbing my magical bag from the floor by the side of the couch pulling out my apple watch.

Putting it on my wrist since Zen was using my Phablet for her cartoon viewing pleasure.

"Love you babe." Zendaya said to me as I reached the door, making me pause.

"Love you too, Zen." I replied as I pushed the button exiting the room.

'Wait, why did I bother with the apple watch isn't all my stuff uploaded to a server that my vambraces are set up too? ahh fuck it plus the nanites pretty much make everything else obsolete.' Shaking off those thoughts I made it so an eight inch Holo-screen was projected clicking the green dot going into the extra menu clicking on record new world.

[Please select starting point.]

Selecting from the second, it showed me approaching Dooku and Qui-Gon's ship till now I chose the first minute since I entered the portal creating my own Star Wars universe.

New video saved to device uploading to server. A notification popped up on the glass screen.

I couldn't help but blink when I read 34 minutes.

'Have I only been here for thirty four minutes in real world time? Th-that's insane…well now that I think about it, it kinda sticks with cartoon time logic.' I thought to myself, as I sat down against the floor and digested it fully.

'So every minute of real world time is one day here so that means one hour of real world time here is sixty days. That means I could live a year in a week's time.' I thought to myself banging the back of my head against the wall of my ship trying to bang that point home.

"If I go home to even test and make sure Zen can come through safely I run the risk of losing precious time here." I spoke out loud.

Before getting up again finding clips of Proxy the droid used to train Starkiller.

Pulling out ten Proxy's quickly transforming into Upgrade reprogramming Proxy to treat me how he did Starkiller.

But to make protecting Zendaya and Shmi and their unborn children his prime directive and top priority while making it impossible for him to talk about future information with anyone but myself.

As soon as I was back to human form they sprang forward attacking me with lightsabers most of them I dodged.

But some landed but thanks to the Beskar particles my nanotech stuff is made out of they were able to block the blows.

I quickly pulled the dark saber and one of Ventress's sabers out of my bag and started defending myself jumping around moving the fight into an open area but I was being easily handled by the ten Proxies all using different Jedi and Sith masters from different eras.

I started mimicking force push, grip and lightning while blocking a slashing with my lightsabers.

"Straighten your shoulders, relax the grip on your lightsaber." Proxies would say constantly critiquing my form, my grips the way I used the force and I absorbed it all like a sponge.

I felt myself gaining not only a better understanding of my magic and what I could do with it but also my body.

Even if the droid was an annoying asshole I was relishing every second of my training under him and the many different masters he appeared as and mimicked.

After however long he stopped attacking and his eyes better known as photoreceptors stopped glowing red and his holo-forms of various sith and Jedi masters dropped revealing the droid underneath them.

"We have completed the appropriate amount of training for today please go about your business, Master" The Proxy's said making me power down my lightsabers only for one to spring forward trying to grab my neck but I caught him mid lunge with Telekinesis stopping him before her could reach me but he then turned on his lightsaber nearly squiring me with the blade but I was able to side step it only getting off with a graze across my abdomen.

"That was a cheap shot Proxy." I said out loud only slightly annoyed since I knew his programming well after all I kept it the same as it was for Starkiller towards me.

"Sorry, master, it's my programming." The droid replied looking all too depressed at vocalizing those words.

"It's alright Proxy after all you'll turn me into a competent Jedi slaying machine in the future." I joked lightly with a hint of seriousness.

To which all of the Proxy droids gave a round of agreement too as I released the one that was pressed against the wall three of them started following me around while the others split up to protect Shmi and Zendaya while the last remaining one was in charge of truly sneak attacking me.

Stepping off the ramp of my ship into the dry oppressive heat of Tatooine the burning sand underneath my feet shifted below them.

'Man…why would anyone want to live on a desert planet? I can understand a dessert planet like in wreck it Ralph but damn…my wild wild west fantasy has been destroyed.' I thought to myself as the whole cowboy and outlaw fantasy I had in my head was crushed completely.

'Omnitrix, select Celestialsapien, program nickname Alien X.' I commanded the Omnitrix mentally since Scrolling through Alien Playlists would have been a nightmare and a half.

[Confirmed selecting Celestialsapien, entering nickname, to quick select Celestialsapien please say select Celestialsapien or select Alien X.]

Pushing the button priming the Omnitrix's core before slowly pushing it down. I was standing in a black void with speckles of color throughout it looking similar to space and two giant floating green heads of energy in front of me.

"Finally we have our third." Serena said happily.

"Whatever." Bellicus replied sounding like a guy that found his wife fucking another dude and could do nothing about it but accept it.

"Uhh, high Serena, Bellicus…I'm s…"I started to greet and say who I was only to get cut off by a disgusted snort my Bellicus and an amused musical giggle from Serena.

"We know who you are Sean, we have been waiting for you since you collected your Omnitrix. Now you can finally help us break our ties on decisions.

Let us begin, Should we stop the big bang from happening? Yes or No?" Serena asked to which Bellicus immediately said yes and she said no.

"No, it should happen." I replied feeling awkward since I could have just potentially whipped out all life in the universe with that decision.

"Yes, that's our first decision passed in Eons." Serena cheered happily, while Bellicus grunted unhappily.

"Serena, Bellicus…I have a proposition for you…" I said in a firm voice that showed whether or not they, accepted could mean bad things for them.

"State your proposition." Bellicus growled out angrily, but Serena nodded enthusiasticly.

"Okay, then for every backlogged decision I help you pass I get to use our power's unrestrainedly and for whatever purpose I see fit." I offered up my bargain feeling it was a good one since they had so many decisions backlogged over eons the number was immeasurable to me.

"Let's put it to a vote all in favor say aye all against say nay." I said quickly so they couldn't discuss it amongst each other.

"Aye." I was surprised when it was Bellicus who agreed readily. It seemed he liked solving cases while Serena had a pensive look on her astral face.

"N-nay, it's too much power for one to wield alone. We should make decisions together." Serena replied and I could agree with her decision but I still voted Aye in favor of myself and felt a little bad at the way her face fell.

"Two against one, we won, you lost Serena." Bellicus rubbed it in like a dick head.

"Bellicus, don't be a dickhead to her she did have a fair point and if I wasn't in need of the power of a Celestialsapien to achieve some of my goals I would have voted on her side." I replied, making Serena vibrate in happiness compared to her earlier look and made Bellicus look at me with hatred but I simply shrugged it off.

"Now let's get some more decisions out of the way." I said as we started burning through backlogged decision when it came to saving the dinosaur's I put through another option to make a new planet and relocate two mating pairs of every species too let nature decide if they were meant to survive or not to which surprisingly both agreed quickly with since they were big on natural order and nature something I tucked away for future use.

"Okay, Serena, Bellicus it's time to fulfill some of my goals…" to which they both nodded Bellicus reluctantly while Serena did excitedly.

My first thing to do was make Tatooine have multiple biomes like and Ark Survival Evolved. My second was to convert it into a soul world strengthening my soul and giving me an inner dimension.

'Damn two uses of God like power down the drain a few thousand to go.c I thought to myself as I tapped the faceplate of the Omnitrix returning to human.

"Didn't I just ruin the original storyline completely by talking away Tatooine and making it a soul world to increase my soul strength, give me an internal storage and safe haven…SHIT FUCK FUCKITY FUCK FUCK! ! !" I yelled as I slapped my forehead repeatedly over my stupidity as a giant snake similar to a cobra rose out of the hot sand a few feet in front of me.

Hissing just as it was about to attack.

"Not today Boi." I said as I mimicked a forced lightsaber throw with Telekinesis chopping off it's head.

'Maybe making this place like Ark was a mistake.' I thought to myself as I shuddered looking at the venom dripping fang that was about the size of my body from my head to my feet as the lightsaber returned to my hand and I powdered it down.

'Ehh it'll be fine plus being able to unleash an army of velociraptors on someone sounds pretty frickin cool.' I thought to myself as I mobilized a legion to create a farm and training facility for all the Dinosaur's.

"Ha ha ha ha MUHAHAHAHA." I made a fake evil laugh. As I started deploying additional legions of ten thousand troops too, Hutt controlled systems and planets by opening a portal up in front of the awaiting troops who in turn went through and turned into their own delivery system that looked reminiscent of the Battlellites.

Turning back into Alien X exiting my inner world recreating a false Tatooine for later purposes like banging the young queen of Naboo and her body double handmaidens.

While also helping Bellicus and Serena get a few more cases done before turning back into a human again.

'So what do I do now?' I asked myself, looking around at the empty expanse of desert with only Jabba's recreated palace anywhere in sight.