After a period of calm in the realm of Ethereal Kai and his friends detected an unrest in the atmosphere that seemed to be approaching and could potentially upset the delicate balance of the area.
The wind was shifting slightly as they traveled through the realm and they could see the dark clouds building up in the distance. The once-clear skies turned ominous and dark looming over the land and causing anxiety in the hearts of those who lived there. But Kai and the others stayed alert in spite of the uncertainty.
They were aware that the storm that was approaching was not your typical tempest rather it was a sign of something much darker a malicious force that intended to cause havoc and division wherever it went. The storm became more powerful every day its black talons extending toward Ethereals center.
In order to keep the realm from being destroyed by the impending storm Kai and his friends realized they had to move quickly. They then mobilized their supporters readied themselves for combat and braced themselves for the challenges that were to come. They went out to face the approaching storm and bring peace back to the realm with courage in their hearts and the light of hope guiding them.
Because in the realm of Ethereal where the forces of darkness threatened to consume the land Kai and his friends were like lights in the darkness prepared to meet any challenges head-on and triumph over the approaching darkness.