On the subject of children

"Alix why didn't you think of me first if you had a composition to sell? Am I scary?"

In an hours time, all negotiations had been successfully carried out and a contract was signed. The moment director Ban and the lawyers left, Yura, her mother-in-law turned to her and asked. 

Caught unawares, Alix stared back blankly at Yura. 

"That's not the case madam Yura." Jin Kang rushed in to answer for her friend. "Director Ban just happened upon us when Alix was recording in the studio." 

Yura nodded and looked at Alix again. You explain, her eyes conveyed. 

"Ermm, mother-in-law, it's just as Jin Jin has explained, I only recently started composing again. To be honest, I couldn't bring myself to do it for the longest time after my fingers broke."

"Oh, is that the case? Does this mean your family has two composers? Why haven't I heard about this before?"