The auditions___1

It was director Ban's assistant knocking at the door and he led her to a mid sized conference room which was to be used for the auditions.

In there, Alix found director Ban and two other people.

"Miss Lin." Director Ban waved her over with a big smile on his face.

Alix walked toward him, and sat in the chair next to his at the edge of a table. In front of that seat was a bottle of water and a small platter of mixed fruits.

That was her assumption because it was closed while the other three at the table had open ones.

"This is the executive producer for the movie Han Zolo and my assistant director Cha Mei-Hui."

Alix greeted the two men and she sat down.

"Have you had lunch yet?" Director Ban asked her.

She shook her head, no, she had not. She had been too busy playing her game to eat something.