A talk between three men.

The next day early in the morning, they went to Caishen's family home where they would be spending two days. Through the journey, Alix would not stop staring in wonder and admiring the ring on her finger. The silver diamond encrusted ring was just perfect for her. 

Caishen had surprised her by the choice he made because it was a made for two set, his and hers. Watching him slip off that ring which she put on him the day had been cathartic in unexpected ways. 

Now, when her eyes moved from her finger to his, a silly sense of pride washed over her. 

When they arrived at the house and hugs and greetings had been shared, she held her hand up quickly and said , "Mother look," 

Yura and grandma Zhang moved their heads closer to look at the ring on her finger. 

"Caishen bought me a new ring." she said. 

"Oh!" Yura said in a surprised voice. "He did?"