Guests that take your breath away

The office she had been given was not arranged properly at the moment as things were still being shuffled around. She couldn't sit three guests in there at the moment in it's current shape so, she took the chairman to the old principal's office. He had left everything behind, books, computer, files, the small television on the office wall. Absolutely nothing was touched.

This was a relief because there were enough chairs in there to sit everyone including the two elders that had finally caught up to them. Madam Qian and madam Zhou were also going nowhere, not until they got what they had come for. 

The vice principal was so excited to see such great guests at the school that he decided to make himself Alix's assistant. He went off to prepare tea and some snacks for the visitors.

Her lack of a personal assistant was noticed by grandpa Tai immediately and he did not hesitate to comment, as always. 

"Xi Xi dear, you need a good personal assistant."