A kind brother and a troublesome sister.

In the middle of the night, Alix woke up because something heavy was pressing her down. For a few seconds, she panicked, thinking that she was back to her childhood and she was stuck under the fat housekeeper's bed.

With fear clouding her mind, she turned her head to the right and noticed someone sleeping beside her. Then, she recalled that she had gone to bed with grandma Tai whose legs were thrown over hers. 

Slowly, her fear subsided and the scream which had been formulating in her mouth died.

"I am safe." She said to herself.

Her throat and lips felt unusually dry and she felt hot. She didn't know if it was an effect of the wine or the patch but she was craving something cold. Carefully, she extracted herself from the bed and went downstairs to the kitchen. Her slow dragging feet came to a halt when she noticed that the lights were on and Tai Ho Sun was sitting at a table that was pushed up to the wall.