Ho Sun and Alix's sibling rituals.

They were setting down extra plates and food for dinner when those who went to visit the chicken and canaries returned. 

Tai Ho Sun was cradling his hand and Alix detected a faint smell of blood. 

"What happened in there?"

"He tried to pet the chicken." Yuewei answered loudly. "It was not happy about it."

"I warned him." Nanny Wang too added her voice. 

She had followed the guests specifically to keep them away from the demon chicken. The only person it didn't attempt to attack at home was Alix. Other than her, nobody could touch it. Apart from that, it was a rather peaceful bird that preferred to be left alone.

Alix hissed. She looked at her elder brother with guilty eyes. "Sorry, i should have warned you not to touch it. Come, i will help you put on some medicine and bandage the wound."