National ears.

Caishen and Alix sat down and she set the food out for him and soda which she was well aware he wouldn't touch. He wasn't a soda drinker, not even a sip could make it past his lips. 

As she expected, he went to the small fridge in his office and returned with a bottle of water. 

"Thank you for the food." he said. 

She nodded and split the chopsticks than handed them to him. As she did, she frowned because something crossed her mind. 

"Do you also think i overreacted when i beat up that man?" 

Caishen was chewing and he maintained perfect etiquette by not talking with a mouth full of food. Rather than respond verbally, he shook his head, telling her that he didn't think so. 

As soon as he swallowed, he responded.

"Why? You were simply defending us because he threatened to make us pay for not surrendering to his threats. In my pinion, that is self defense."