Grandpa Tai strikes.

The captain glared at the analyst and the young man averted his gaze, filled with fear. An angry captain was not a man anyone wanted to be near. They had seen him in battle and the man could snap anything into two with his iron strength.

"I am wrong, insects are not animals. I am going to push her to the top of the list right now. From now on, whatever requirement he has, Mantis will pop up first. We can write a code and Bangzhu can bring up her name in random sentences. It will keep her on his mind all day without his realization. We can also monitor his movements and have the two run into each other at least three times a day. Small coincidences like these can create fondness and familiarity."

The captain smiled, this was the kind of response and effort he wanted.

Abby tugged the analyst back before he could write any codes.