Babarian mode.

"Vampire!!" Alix exclaimed.

She had watched enough vampire movies to know one when she saw it. Of all the creatures or prisoners she expected to see behind the impenetrable walls of this prison, a vampire was not one.

They were not real for heaven sake!!! However, this game simulated real worlds, real creatures, so they were real...or were they? Alix was momentarily shot with a bullet of confusion.

Before she could respond with a determined no. Dark Death put her hand on the lock.

As the door to the containment cell opened, Alix switched to barbarian mode immediately and her size increased significantly. If Caishen could see her, he would finally see the real sister hulk in action.

It was not the most attractive look but she figured this was a strength vs strength battle.

In the movies, vampires had superhuman strength, speed and....what else? Their eyes...they could charm with their eyes.