The unexpected death.

In the middle of the night, the captain was awoken by a ringing of his phone, the emergency line to be specific. It was not just his phone but the watch on his arm too sent out an alert.

An alert on the watch was never a good thing especially lately because it meant there was an ongoing attack somewhere.

As he jumped out of bed, he noticed that the alert was not reporting an attack so his heart relaxed.

He tapped his ear and activated all of his communication devices.

"What is the emergency? Is Tai Alix okay?"

On the other end of the call was Abby Chung who was standing inside Wukong's bedroom. Abby's eyebrows drew closer together, surprised that Alix's well being was the first thing to come into the captains mind at the sight of an emergency text.

Was it because of the world bureau presidency affairs? Or was it related to the six families?

"It's not her, Wukong is dead." he answered, straightforward.