Chapter – 9.1: Daphne Greengrass & The Brawl

Chapter - 9.1

When Alex woke up the next day, he felt something on his chest. When he opened his eyes, his pet kneazle was coiled up and sleeping soundly on him.


'How did he get out of the cage?' Alex thought. Alex did not remember letting him out of the cage last night, 'Or maybe I was too tired to remember.' It wasn't like him to forget things, but it was not such a big thing that he acted all Sherlock, trying to get to the bottom of the matter.


"Wake up, Erebus. Let's go for a walk," Alex gently put his hand over his head and rubbed Erebus's forehead.


But instead of waking up, the little thing scratched his eyebrows and snuggled more into Alex's palms.


"Aren't you a lazy one?" Alex smiled and gently placed Erebus on the bed. He then left to freshen up. And by the time he was done, Erebus was still sleeping soundly.


"Oh, boy. I have got some competition now," Alex commented. But even though he wanted to sound humorous, his straight face made it look awkward.


Alex picked the small Kneazle by his neck and put him on his shoulder. The black fur ball was only so big that Alex could easily pick him up with one hand.


"You sleep, you fall. Then don't blame me," And with that, Alex walked out of his room and the Slytherin common room and headed straight for the Great Hall.


Even though it was only about nine, the Great Hall was only scarcely filled. Even after waking up this early, Alex was among the last few to come for breakfast.


Without wasting any time, Alex went straight to the Slytherin table and sat far away from the few students who were eating their breakfast there.


'Che... Now we have to wait on him,' Alex suddenly heard someone say. It was a whisper, but Alex could clearly hear that.


"Huh..." The sudden voice took Alex by surprise. He looked here and there to see who said that but found no one around him.


'Shhssh... This is what we do, what we are supposed to do. Complaining always making no sense,' Alex heard the whisper again, and this time it looked like a female voice, rebuking the guy.


'What is going on?' Alex could not make head and tail of what was going on. He grabbed Erebus and held him in his both hands.


"It's not you, are you?" Alex suspiciously looked at Erebus.


But all Erebus did in response was lick his feet and mind his business, ignoring Alex.


"Surely it can't be you," Alex shook his head, "That would be silly." So he picked up a slice of dried meat and brought it close to Erebus's mouth.


'But who was it then?' Alex thought. Suddenly he was not hearing anything anymore.


While Alex was lost in thoughts, he felt someone's hand on his shoulder. When Alex turned to look back, he found Nicole standing behind him along with Hermione.


"What are you doing here?" Nicole asked, surprised, but anyone could tell she was deliberately messing with Alex.


"And where else should I be?" Alex raised his eyebrows. He didn't even ask her to sit.


"Where else? Lying half-dead in your room, alone, not talking to anyone." Nicole shrugged and sat beside Alex.


"Huh? Why?" Hermione looked interested. She was in the same room as Nicole. So, last night she pestered Nicole into telling her everything about Alex. His likes, dislikes, personality and everything. But even though Nicole liked Hermione, she won't sell out her brother very first day.


"You see, this brother of mine is good at almost everything, everything," Nicole said, putting in the weight behind everything, "But he does have one flaw, can you guess?" Nicole played whose that pokemon with Hermione.


"Waking up early in the morning?" Hermione said, picking up from the siblings' conversation.


"Well, you are half right," Nicole gave Hermione a slight nod, "You see, he acts all prim and proper around everyone. Around everyone else, he is full of attitude, not putting anyone in his eyes. But in reality, when he is all alone or with me, he is the laziest person on this earth, minding his own business..." Nicole explained, but she suddenly remembered something, "By the way, brother, you came to our table last night and said something to Hermione. It was all too sudden that she told me that she could not understand a thing. Do you mind..." Nicole said, suggesting. It was more of Nicole annoying her brother than Hermione getting an apology.


"I think because I give in to even the silliest of your whims, you think I am a pushover, right?" Alex looked up at Nicole and said. He was blatantly suggesting that Nicole was trying to take it too far.


"You don't need to," Hermione came into Nicole's defence. Even though it would be nice to have him talk to her, even if it was a forced apology. He has not even looked at her for more than a couple of seconds since Nicole and she arrived. But Hermione had a vague idea about his personality from what little Nicole told her last night. And Hermione rather not push him, "She was only joking." Hermione said.


"Yeah, brother. No need to fuse your circuit," Nicole tried to ease the tension. It was not one of the days when he was willing to go through with Nicole. Or maybe it was because Hermione was there. Whatever the reason may be, she better stop.


"... So, who is your roommate?" Nicole asked, changing the subject.


"No one. Slytherins don't share a room with anyone," Alex shook his head.


"Are you f... kidding me?" It was like a bomb on Nicole, and she was about to use the f-word, but with Alex in front, she held herself back. But it didn't change the intensity in her voice.


Hearing Nicole, Alex glared at her but did not say anything since she held herself back, "Most of the Slytherins are pureblood nobles. They have a certain standard to hold on to." Alex explained, munching on his food.


"God! I would have chosen Slytherin if I knew it," Nicole said. She was envious. In fact, everyone other than Slytherin would have felt the same way if they were to hear Alex. Who wouldn't want some privacy for themselves?


As the three of them were having their breakfast, Professor McGonagall walked towards them with a man dressed in black robes in contrast to the emerald green ones Professor McGonagall was wearing. The man had this mean look on his face, and he stared at Nicole and Hermione, ready to eat them alive.


"Professor McGonagall," Nicole greeted the Professor and turned her gaze towards the man, "Umm..." She tried to guess who the tall, pale man in front of them was.


"He is Professor Snape, head of the House of Slytherin," Professor McGonagall introduced the man.


"What are a bunch of Gryffindors doing on the Slytherin table?" Professor Snape asked and, raising her eyebrows, looked at Professor McGonagall.


"She is Alex's..." Professor McGonagall began to explain, but Professor Snape brushed her off.


"I don't really care," Professor Snape said, "Ashbridge, follow me," and saying so, Professor Snape flicked his robe and, without paying attention to anyone else, walked out of the Great hall.


On hearing Professor Snape, Alex dusted his hands and grabbed Erebus, who was busy licking the dried beef Alex gave him and put him over his shoulder. He then, giving a slight nod towards Professor McGonagall, left the Great Hall.



Alex was soon in Professor Snape's office, and as soon as Professor Snape sat on his chair, Alex was on his knees.




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