Chapter – 11.2: The Silent tiff and Malfoy’s head on the chopping board (Part-II)

Chapter - 11.2

"Oh, Potter... The champion of justice is finally making his appearance," Malfoy smiled nastily, "But I think I will hold on to it. Finders, keepers, aren't they? Or even better, I will leave it somewhere for Longbottom to find. How about..." Malfoy put his finger on his chin and acted as if thinking.

"Up that tree?" Malfoy asked, pointing at a tree, "Or maybe that tower..."

"Give it here!" Harry yelled and made a dash toward Malfoy, but the latter quickly leapt on his broomstick and flew away. And he wasn't lying. Malfoy could really fly well.

Hovering around the topmost branch of an oak tree, Malfoy called out to Potter, challenging him, "Come and get it, Potter!"

And Potter was not one to walk away from a challenge. He quickly grabbed his broom, ready to launch.

"No, don't!" But Hermione was quick to grab Potter, "Madam Hooch warned us not to move... You'll get us all in trouble." Hermione made Potter remember Madam Hooch.

And this really got Potter into thinking. But before he could make a rational choice, Malfoy poked him again.

"The great Harry Potter is actually afraid of a challenge. Didn't know you were a sissy, Potter," Malfoy said, smirking.

And that was it. Potter pushed Hermione away, making her fall to the ground. But without sparing her a second glance, Potter flew straight at Malfoy angrily.

"Idiots," Alex whispered.

"Hmmm..." Daphne was surprised to hear Alex comment on someone, but she couldn't agree more with him, "How can they just ignore Madam Hooch's warning?"

"I am leaving," Alex turned his gaze away from Potter and Malfoy, playing tag and looked at Hermione. Nicole had already helped her stand up, and she did not look hurt, so there was no need for him to waste time here, "I don't think there will be a class today," Alex said and turned around to leave.

"You don't want to watch them?" Daphne asked, pointing towards Harry and Malfoy.

"What good will come from it?" Alex shrugged and continued to leave.

"True," Daphne nodded and followed behind Alex.

"Where are you both going?" Alex and Daphne had hardly walked a few steps when Hermione called out from behind and came running towards them.

"To the dormitory," Daphne was the one to answer.

"What about the class?" Ignoring Daphne, Hermione asked Alex.

"With all the mess Madam Hooch will have to take care of when she comes back, we don't think there will be anything noteworthy today," Daphne again pitched in, not letting Hermione hold a conversation with Alex.

"Will you stop butting in?" Annoyed, Hermione asked Daphne.

"Humph... Why should I listen to a Gryffindor?" Daphne shrugged and looked at Alex, "These guys aren't just at our level, right?"

"My sister is in Gryffindor," Alex reminded Daphne.

"And you are not talking to her," Daphne replied right away, and Alex was clean bowled. Seeing the innocent act Daphne was trying to pull off, Alex knew where she was heading with the conversation. But she was practically a nobody for him to discuss his family matters with her. So, instead of rebutting her, Alex decided that the right thing to do was leave. But just as he turned around, Alex found Gemma Farley, the Slytherin prefect standing there.

Alex had never had a conversation with her, and the last time she was in any way useful to him was the day he was sorted into Slytherin. After that, there was no opportunity for them to interact. So why was she here? Was she here for him? Or someone else from Slytherin?

"Ashbridge, Professor Snape has called you to his office," When Gemma saw Alex turn to him, she said. Just like Alex, Gemma also knew nothing about him. Unlike the other first-years who would approach her from time to time, this boy never did. And not just her, the boy talked to no one except for Daphne, who could be seen hanging around him. He was like a shadow whose existence was barely noticed.

'So why would Professor Snape need him? Does he have a mysterious background?' This was what Gemma thought when Professor Snape asked her to bring him in.

"Thanks," Alex nodded towards her and left the three girls behind.

Reaching the classroom where Potions classes were held, Alex walked in and, going past the teacher's table, knocked on the door behind it.

"Come in," Alex heard Professor Snape.

"Professor," Alex greeted Professor Snape, "You called for me?"

Professor Snape looked up from the book he was reading and nodded, "Sit down."

"... How are things with Nicole?" When Alex took the seat, Professor Snape asked.

"Still the same," Alex nodded, "I am giving her the cold shoulder. At least until she learns to behave herself."

"And why is that?" Professor Snape asked. Professor Snape never really cared about what happened to anyone else. But with Alex, the Professor was always curious to know more. What is going on in his head? Where is he coming from with this or that? And Alex always had a simple explanation for his actions, yet Professor Snape was always curious.

"What if I am gone someday?" Alex looked straight at Professor Snape and spoke, "Who will care for her? No one will even know if she were to go missing," Alex explained. It was subtle, but Alex indicated that he wanted Professor Snape to take on that role.

"I want her to get rid of the mentality that the world revolves around her and whatever she does, she will be forgiven," Alex told the Professor.

"But aren't you the reason for her being so?" Professor Snape would be a fool to not get the meaning behind Alex's words. Still, he did not show it on his face.

"You can't expect a seven or eight-year-old to make all the right choices," Alex smirked. There was again a hint to the choice he made to sign the contract with Professor Snape, "I did what I felt was right at that time."

"Is that so?" Professor Snape could not help but smile. Alex was in full form today.

"But aren't you being too harsh on her? You may have matured early, but she is still only fourteen. Practically a kid," Professor Snape pried further.

"Let's not go that road," Alex shook his head.

"... The so-called noble wizarding families have a history of marrying off their daughters way before they even turn fourteen. I am sure you can find a few even now."

"But you aren't a noble, are you?" Professor Snape tilted his head and looked meaningfully at Alex.

"Of course, we are not," But Alex showed no change of emotion, "That was to debunk that anyone in the wizarding world would consider Nicole kid."

"The privilege of enjoying your childhood is only for those who have a family or fortune behind them." Alex started to explain.

"But for us orphans who have neither of the two, it's different," Alex continued.

"An orphan born a muggle can change their fate by working harder than anyone else. It might be hard, but it is plausible."

"But for us wizards, it is not so easy. Because there is something that the muggle world has which we don't..." Alex said and paused.

"And what is that?" The pause made Professor Snape even more curious.

"Rule of Law," Alex said as he leaned back on the chair.

"Rule of Law?" Professor Snape smiled, "The Rule of Law indeed..."

"Yes, what if unknowingly we offend some dumb young master of a powerful family? What awaits us is something unimaginable. And Nicole needs to understand that," Alex explained.

"Well, I understand but don't take it too far" Snape was impressed. If there was no misfortune, the boy might be the next bu=ig thing in the wizarding world.

"Yes, Professor," Alex nodded. He very well knew the carrot and stick method.

"The reason I called you here is to give you this," Professor Snape finally got back to the real reason he called Alex. He pulled open the drawer and took out a piece of paper.

"What's this?" Taking the paper from Snape's hand, Alex asked.

"It's a map. It will tell you the location of anyone you want to know. And those within fifty meters of this map will automatically show up," Snape explained.

"You want me to keep track of Harry's whereabouts?" Understanding Snape's intentions, Alex asked.

"Yes," Snape nodded.

"Mast... I mean Professor. You obviously care about Harry, so why... I mean... you know..." Alex didn't understand. From his master's actions, it was clear he cared about Harry, so why would he criticise and humiliate Harry all the time, that too, in front of everyone?

"It's not him that I care about. It is someone else. You don't need to know more," Snape turned to look at the book he was reading and said with a tone of longing.

'Whoever the person is, they must be really close,' Alex knew very well the feeling.

"Yes," since his master might take it the wrong way, Alex didn't even try to pry any further, "How do I use it?" Alex asked, changing the topic.

"You just have to infuse your magic into the map and mark it. It will recognise you as its owner. For anyone else, it will be just a piece of paper," Professor Snape said.

"So..." Alex wanted to ask a few more things.

"Leave now," Professor Snape interrupted Alex and waved his hand, "We will talk about it later. Now the Professor had lost all desire to interact with Alex.

* * * * *