One Hundred Four


I sit next to Papà and start to pray for Dante. I am so scared, I don't know what else to do other than hold papa's hands and pray. I remember the many attempts that have been made on Dante's life from the day I met him. ai am sure there are other incidents that he never told me about. He survived all of them by God's grace but I don't know about this time.

Why would he go to face Federico just like that? What if something bad happens to him? I don't even want to think about it.

Be be alright.

My heart feels so wounded like it has been stabbed. I nearly lost my father an hour ago. I have only met him for only one day. I can't lose him already. If I had not stood my ground back then, she could have killed him.

I stare at the readings on the life support machines. He is still alive. He is going to live. But what about Dante?