45. Why is it so hard?

Beth sat staring at her phone and the name of the contact number displayed on the screen, Nyx. She was more than worried, but she didn't dare to go to her home to check on her.

Beth wanted to apologize, but she was also terrified of going there. She didn't even know why, but the fear was real.

She rumpled her hair in frustration as she stood up and walked to the window, looking into the distance. "What happened to you, Nyx?" She asked. She had called her countless times, but her phone was unreachable. It was as if she had been put on the blacklist but she knew Nyx wouldn't do that. Well, she believed she was, but then, she decided she was wrong.

Darling the phone number once again, she waited only to receive the same annoying message telling her that it was unreachable and felt like squishing the phone but if she did that, she would have to get a new one and that was too tiring.