I woke up with a start. As usual nightmares. I glanced at my side were both girls were sleeping.

Anna snored softly while Lisa was silent. I laid in bed, listening before sitting up. The light was on. Anna knew better than to turn it off.

I checked the alarm clock, it was 11pm, we'd gone to bed quite early after playing truth or dare for a while. It was fun.

Hanging around girls that weren't mum or Jessie. Not like I hung around them.

I could hear music playing. Where was it coming from? This side of Louisiana was always quiet. Wasn't it strange music was playing at such time?

And then it went up a notch and soon it was so loud that I feared the girls would wake up.

I walked towards my window, it was from the other apartment. I could see people going in and out. A party, really?

Couldn't they turn down the music a little bit?

This wasn't the way I wanted to tag my new neighbor, but whomever it was, was being downright inconsiderate.

I tried ignoring it, but it was just too loud. Anna sighed mumbling something to herself before returning to sleep.

Grabbing my jacket and donning it on top of the tank I wore to bed. I set out, leaving Lisa and Anna in. The boy shorts I wore ended at the middle of my thighs.

I would just tell them to turn down the volume a little bit, it shouldn't be a big deal right?

Walking out of the room, I closed my door quietly and climbed down the creaky stairs. Every little squeak, reminded me of that night.

My heart was pounding faster inside of me as I hurried outside, stepping into the cold chilly night air.

Once outside, I could hear the screams and pounding of the music. Was it a house opening party? At this time? Of course not.

I couldn't climb over the fence so I resorted to turning around and entering through the entrance.

The lights were so bright, I squinted. I made out a few faces I was sure I haven't seen before. And, they looked young. It was a youngster's party, that definitely explains it.

Surprise was an understatement when I recognition stepped in. I saw Aiden and Leo, and a couple of guys from school. Even the girls.

Someone from school was hosting a party, and  he or she was my neighbor? Ha, what a coincidence.

Some guys ogled me and I realised I was still in my sleep clothes, I held the jacket tighter to myself. I should had backed out, but I was curious to know who it was.

Aiden waved before rushing to meet me outside. I could see quite a number of students in there. Good to see someone that doesn't hate me —that's what I thought.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" he asked smiling at me. Well, he always fucking smiled. I shrugged, pulling my jacket tighter over my tank.

"Uh, the music is quite loud so —" I trailed off, my eyes darting around. If Leo was here, it could only mean one thing. Reggie.

"What? You stay around here?" he asked surprised and I nodded.

"Actually, I'm at the next apartment. Uh, Anna and Lisa are having a sleepover, so it wouldn't be exactly nice if they wake because of the music " I said letting out a puff of breath. I was getting nervous.

I was drawing attention to myself again. Who appears in a party in boy shorts and jackets?

And again, that was me.

"Anna? She's at your place?" he asked, I almost rolled my eyes. Of everything I'd said all he got was Anna.

I nodded and he chuckled.

"So you're automatically neighbors with Reggie" he said and i blinked. What?

I chuckled uneasily.

"I think you got that wrong, Uh, Reggie's house is still some blocks away. We're not neighbors" I clarified and he raised a brow funnily.

"No, I meant Reggie just moved in here" he muttered and I froze. What?!!!

I blinked repeatedly a few times momentarily thrown off balance. Reggie was our new neighbor? The fuck!

"You don't mean that" I tried acting normal. But he stared at me suspiciously.

"You sure you okay, Charlie?" he asked and I nodded.

"Yeah, I just— Uh, I gat to go now" I whispered. I needed to leave. I was in his domain now, his territory. I couldn't face him, I couldn't stand him.

"Oh, you can ask Reggie to reduce the volume of the music" he suggested and I shook my head forcing a smile.

"No, I'm good. I'm just.. I'm leaving now, you can tell him for me " I said and turned around hurrying towards the exit.

I was quite lucky I hadn't walked into the house. I would have walked into the lion's den.

Phew. I'm just gonna act like though, he isn't going to leave next to me. The fence is the boundary —yeah, boundary.

I quickened my steps, rushing back into my compound. I heard footsteps behind me and my heart beat faster. No, no, no. Not now.

Before I could get to the door, someone jumped in front of me. I let out a frightened yelp.

Images filtered into my head.

They caught me, dragged me with them.

"Mummy!" I was screaming, but she wouldn't come back. She didn't rescue me. They were hurting me, dragging me deeper into the forest.

"Mummy!" I screamed again.

Whoever it was placed a hand on my shoulder and i was pulled out of my trance. My breaths were coming out in pants and I was on the ground.

I looked up and was surprised to see a figure staring down at me. I couldn't exactly make out the face of whoever it is. The lights from Reggie's apartment only illuminated, half of his body.

I stood up taking a step back, I swallowed nothing. I had the nightmare when I wasn't even sleeping. It was turning into panic attack.

"Who.. Who're you?" I stuttered but the person said nothing. I took another step back, the light streaming from the party shone on me. I could scream and people would come rushing.

Who was it?

In one swift move, I was dragged under the cover of darkness and slammed gently against the wall. I opened my mouth to scream but my mouth was covered.

My eyes were wide and my arms flailed, I could feel the attack brewing. I felt like I was being dragged under water.

Making out the face was becoming an issue, until I recognized the blue orbs staring back at me.

I heaved. Reggie. My body was too tense to react to him like it always does, I was too scared to get a whiff of his scent.

Seeing I was calm, he removed his hand from my mouth and I closed my eyes letting the relief wash over me. I felt weak.

He stepped back putting some space between our bodies. He had questions, I could feel it. But I wasn't giving a answer, he didn't deserve it.

He was bare chested, wearing only pants. What was he doing here, by the way?

We entered into a staring contest, I for sure wasn't going to be the one to say anything. He hurt me.

After standing in silence for the next seconds, I turned around to go inside. What I don't have right now was the strength to face him.

He blocked me, pressing his hard body into mine. A appreciative sigh escaped me.

"Explain" was the one word he said. He was demanding. I snickered at him.

"You don't have the right —anymore" I retorted. I was feeling immensely comfortable with him pressed against me. I was virtually feeling him everywhere.

He smirked. My heart broke, it was exactly the same expression he had after he finished kissing me.

His finger started a trail down my arm leaving goosebumps in its wake.

"What are you scared of, Charl?" he whispered placing his forehead on mine.

I closed my eyes. You. I'm scared of you. Scared of you hurting me —screw that, you already hurt me.

And again, I was melting against his touch. My body had a weakness and that was —him.

I placed my hands on his chest feeling his abs underneath my palm. He was so goddamn hard.

His eyes were searching mine. I mustered all the courage in me and pushed him off me, even though my body mourned his loss.

"Stay away from me" I muttered and with that, I hurried inside slamming the door and bolting it.

I rested behind it. It was very much confirmed now. I love Reggie.