Can he tame a demon?

"Damn demon, don't distract me now of all times," she muttered and rubbed her temples. Shaking her head once more, she didn't mind him anymore and left to stare at the Minotaur curiously instead.

Her lab robes had a clear splotch near the crotch.

"You have a lot of resolve to hold yourself back, Yuri, I'll give you that," Mark said, smiling. He put his hand into Dona's pants instead with a smile. 

"So, Yuri, when do you think my Puppet will become a Hunter?"

"In a day at most." Yuri's black eyes were full of guarantee, and Mark couldn't help but feel relieved. She had guaranteed, so she was confident. 

"You don't want a better lab to do it? This seems to lack even the stuff your previous lab had."

"Nah, this lab is enough." Yuri adjusted her uncomfortably wet panties and said, "I just have to pour some demon blood into your Puppet's blood circulation and successfully make the blood merge with his genetics.