War Slayer and Mark

A Demon Emperor's clone was in the Savage World, and the Armor hadn't been headed towards Mark when it flew close so fast. And surprisingly, both the War Slayer Armor and the Demon Emperor had a history with each other.

It didn't take long for those two to begin fighting, and both Mark and Reol'ran were stunned stiff as they watch3r. The skill by which the people before them fought was just incomprehensibly profound.

A Demon Emperor alone was a Tier 5 existence and the Armor didn't seem one bit inferior, in fact, it was superior in its performance. Both of these outstanding creatures were just Tier 2 Pinnacle in the Tiers of Evolution at the moment but they both fought with intensity beyond that of any Tier 2 Mark had ever seen.

In fact, both of them seemed to have a way of fighting beyond their Tier—the Armor had its helmet, the Mask of the Savage, that made it have Tier 3 Low level battle power and the Demon Emperor also seemed to have something similar.