Got more than what he came for

"So, Armor, what about the 2nd Suffering, what is it like?

"The 2nd…" The Armor swayed. "You are an impatient one. No matter what you are trying in life, if you try to take it all at once, you will fail. 

"If you have to climb nine mountains, climb the first one first before worrying about the second one. If you know about all of them all at once, it is just useless pressure without much benefit."

"Well, that's fine. Tell me regardless, I might not be able to ask you again."

"The information about the Six Sufferings is general knowledge from Tier 4 onwards. In fact, just find some influential businessmen in the Demon World and pay them for it—they'd give it to you more in detail than myself."

Mark was surprised. So it was common knowledge? 

"Well then, I don't have more questions." 

He stood up, ready to leave this cave. He no longer wanted to leave the Savage World immediately. He wanted to heal first before entering any other World.