Hopeless! Hopeless!

Hunger. Thirst.

Ryan licked his parched lips and looked up at the night sky; at the giants ambling around him. They were like that. Silent, moody, and relentless. They didn't complain or look around and just kept walking with the castle on their backs. 

The castle itself loomed above like a distant mirage.

Ryan sighed. 

Two days had passed and in those indecisive hours, his body had grown terribly weak. Thirst was the biggest issue while hunger was becoming a bigger issue after every breath. If it went like this, it wouldn't be too long before he was a corpse.

If he died, so would his main body.

What should he do?

After a lot of thought, he had come up with exactly 3 ideas to get out of this situation. One more crazier than the other. 

Swaying in the air and spreading his small wings widely, he thought of the ideas.