Could it be that Emma has some sort of antivirus serum in her body?

Seeing Alex suddenly appear, a flash of shock passed through Emma's eyes.

Then, she didn't move randomly, nor did she pay attention to the rope tied around her, calmly saying, "10086, it's useless for you to capture me."

"Although the blueprints are on me, if you kill me, you can open my backpack. But let me tell you, I have a backup of the video with my dad. If I die, he will definitely release the video."

"It's best for you to let me go now. Let's sit down and talk things out amicably."

Upon hearing this, Alex laughed, revealing his white, neat teeth.

He lifted Emma's chin with his hand, indifferently saying, "What if I don't want to let you go?"

"I don't believe you have any bargaining chips to negotiate with me."

"If you think my identity being exposed would greatly affect me, then let me tell you, you're wrong."

"The residential area where I live, many people know what I look like. This video is of little consequence to me."