Total Annihilation


After all, such a large amount of supplies was not a small number.

And these teams, in order to conserve resources, typically had fixed daily allocations, being very restrained.

They wouldn't indulge in eating to their heart's content like he did.

So, these supplies that Alex didn't consider to be few would definitely be astronomical figures in their team.

To be willing to bring them out in exchange for medical assistance seemed unrealistic.

It seemed that these guys were up to no good!

Alex sneered inwardly.

It's just as well to take advantage of this opportunity to wipe them out and save the trouble of worrying about them.

Alex slowly opened the barrier walls and let a few people in.

Silver Fox was the first to step in and looked up at the automatic defense system in the yard.

It was nothing but some outdated crossbows and firearms, simply decorations.