Equipment Upgrade for All Personnel

After a day's journey, Alex returned home.

Mia and Olivia heard the sound of keys turning and came out to greet him.

"Hey, waiting at the door?" Alex joked as he took off his shoes and put on slippers, seeing the two women standing there.

Seeing Alex return unharmed, Mia and Olivia finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Alex insisted on not letting them accompany him to the old city, deeming it too dangerous and worrying about their safety at home.

Mia complained, "We were so worried about you!"

Olivia carefully examined Alex from head to toe.

"It seems like you're not hurt anywhere... Oh well, we were just being paranoid and worried for nothing."

Alex chuckled and walked into the living room with the two of them.

"Don't say that. This time it was really dangerous. I almost lost my life. Fortunately, I didn't take you with me, or I would definitely regret it."

Indeed, the old city was extremely dangerous.