The Police Station has many talents

The shelter's AI assistant issued a reminder.

Previously, the Police Station members bombarded relentlessly for so long, only consuming about ten percent of the energy.

Unexpectedly, the bomb in Thomas's hand instantly depleted over twenty percent of the energy!

Alex sucked in a cold breath.

If Thomas had more of these bombs, it would be troublesome...

He couldn't let him continue.

On the helicopter.

Although Thomas didn't know that the explosive bomb could deplete so much energy, he could guess from the intense fluctuation of the energy shield at that moment that this attack had caused significant consumption.

This explosive bomb was given to him by the sheriff before they set off, a total of two.

It was effective!

As long as they pierced the defense shield, they couldn't stop the Police Station!

That's what Thomas thought.

Alex loaded the ammunition and once again aimed with the AK47.