Sudden Retreat

Alex ran up to the second floor of the villa.

Mia and Olivia had just watched him make a perilous leap from the helicopter and fall directly into the yard, their hearts almost jumping out of their chests.

For the moment, they couldn't care less about firing at the members of the Police Station on the ground. They hurried to Alex's side to check on his condition.

Mia even directly activated her "Healing" skill and used it on Alex, who was panting heavily after taking off his battle suit.

"Are you trying to get yourself killed? Jumping from such a height, do you really think you're a superhero?" Mia scolded.

Olivia joined in, berating him, "Alex, you idiot! Do you have any idea how close we were to tears just now?"

Gradually, color returned to Alex's pale face as he chuckled, "You've already cried, haven't you..."

Olivia burst into tears at his remark and slapped him on the shoulder.

"And you're still being cheeky!"