Infiltrating Enemy Lines

[Chat Channel]

ID 365352: "I declare, from now on, I am a loyal fan of 10086! I alone am an army, so domineering!"

ID 923433: "Can't these brain-dead fans go away? Their taste is too strong."

ID 365352: "I refuse to! If you don't agree, take on 10086 alone!"

"If you're stronger than 10086, we'll directly call you the boss and idolize you! If not, can't believe it, still have the nerve to come out and embarrass yourself?"

ID 834534: "Give me a break!"

ID 563786: "Are you guys sick? Being annoying on the chat channel all day, this is a public channel!"

ID 257455: "You must be a hater, deliberately blackening 10086 here!"

ID 934523: "Damn it, can't stand it anymore! I really can't stand you brain-dead people! Acting like the little wastes from the old world, smelling worse than rotten fish!"

Olivia looked at the chat records on the chat channel, lost in thought.