Why do you hold a grudge like that!

Oliver naturally remembered that incident.

However, he was a bit nervous and forgot for a moment.

Although he was the leader of a big team, heroes were made by the times.

Facing someone like Alex who could kill without blinking an eye, someone who killed a group with a single move, Oliver was terrified!

Oliver uncomfortably rubbed his bald head and chuckled, "Ah, there might be something like that! Big boss has a great memory, I admire that!"

Alex glanced at him with a smile that didn't reach his eyes. "Aren't you curious why I came here?"

Oliver grinned, "I know, I suppose the big boss wants to come to my place for a visit..."

Patrick stood by at this time.

Hearing Oliver's foolish remarks, he couldn't help but close his eyes.

Oh my boss, how did you lose your wits at such a critical moment!

After hearing Oliver's words, Alex pursed his lips.